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How we walk throughout the year. January calendar

The last and 12th month of the year is December. This month, first of all, is associated with the New Year. Of course, there are other holidays in the month. Let's get to know them better.

December celebrations

An unofficial holiday in Russia is Informatics Day. The 4th day is considered to be its holiday date. The term “computer science” was first introduced by the German Karl Steinbuch in 1957. Computer science was the technical field that dealt with the authorized processing of information using a computer. In Russia, the date was chosen for a reason. At the end of the 20s, a corresponding member became interested in publications on digital computers. He decided to become an active participant in a scientific seminar that discussed issues of computer automation. Brook's invention was registered in 1948 on December 4.

On December 12, residents of our country celebrate Constitution Day. In 1993, on the same date, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by popular vote in Russia. Over time, several amendments were made to the document. One of them is that the country's president is elected once every six years. In the 1990s, our Constitution experienced at least two political crises. Yet she was able to emerge from it with dignity and honor. Now, December 12 has been considered an official holiday in the country for more than 10 years.

Energy Engineer's Day is celebrated on December 22. It is worth noting that this professional celebration falls on one of the shortest daylight hours of the year. For the first time, Energy Engineers Day was established in 1966 on May 23. All this happened in memory of the day the State Plan for the Electrification of Russia was adopted in 1920. But in 1988, the holiday was moved to the third Sunday in December. And after that, in 2015, it was decided to set the celebration again on December 22. If you know people in this field, then do not forget to congratulate them with warm words from the bottom of your heart.

The whole country celebrates the bright and cheerful New Year holiday on December 31st. In addition, everyone celebrates it on this day. For the first time, the custom of celebrating the New Year appeared in Mesopotamia. Scientists believe that the first new year was celebrated in the third millennium BC. The tradition of celebrating the year is due to the fact that all agricultural work started at the end of March, after the water in the Tigris rose. This event was marked for 12 days with various carnivals, masquerades and processions. Afterwards, Julius Caesar introduces a new calendar. And there, for the first year of the year, it is customary to consider January 1st.


If there is a lot of frost, snow and the ground is frozen, then this indicates a harvest.

If the month is dry, spring and summer will be the same.

If the sun showed up and played on Spiridon, then expect good weather on New Year and Christmas.

If the horse lies down in the harness - to the snow.

If the snow piles up close to the fences in December, there will be no harvest in the summer.

If the weather on Paramon is excellent in the morning, then the whole month will be clear. But if there is a snowstorm, then the weather will remain like this until the feast of St. Nicholas.

If there is a lot of snow on the hills, strawberries will ripen richly in the summer.

In December, as a rule, there are up to 4 thaws.

In December, quiet water in the well means a good winter, noisy water means frost.

Steady snowstorm weather means good swarming of bees.

Winter cannot exist without three winter roads.

The northern December wind leads to huge frosts.

Folk celebrations

On December 1st there is a holiday in honor of the martyrs Plato and Roman. They suffered for their faith in the 4th century. In Rus', these martyrs were considered Winter Indicators. So, based on their day, the ancestors judged what the beginning of winter would be like. If a live mosquito was suddenly found in the house during a holiday, this indicated that a thaw would soon come. Also, the crow that walked along the road spoke of the imminent warmth.

The memory of Saint Procopius the Reader is celebrated on December 5th. In Rus', peasants believed that a strong, good and sleigh road was being established on Procopius. On Prokop, the ancestors placed winter milestones in the snow to mark the path. The road that led to the celebration remained until spring. As a rule, roads were laid throughout the village, and after that they gave the workers a treat and started a worldly celebration. Children loved to gather on the street for the celebration and have noisy celebrations.

Winter Andrew is celebrated on December 13th. On the eve of this holiday, the peasants listened to the water. However, not only in wells, but also in lakes and rivers. We also paid attention to other signs. For example, the ancestors thought that if it snowed on St. Andrew’s Day, it would snow for another 110 days. Healers and healers considered the day of St. Andrew the First-Called their triumph. Girls, as a rule, prayed to the apostle and asked for good suitors. Some even wondered about their betrothed. They tore off a branch of a fruit tree and then placed it in water. If it turned green at Christmas, it meant that the lady would soon get married.

The exception is, perhaps, the city of St. Petersburg, where every summer, at the end of June, a large-scale holiday-festival of school graduates "" is held. Based on the convenience of holding festive events, the date of the holiday is set on the weekend (usually on Saturday) closest to the longest white night.

When will the school reunion evening take place in 2020:

In 2020, the school reunion evening will take place February 1, 2020 .

The evening of the meeting is also sometimes called the Day of the alumni, since the events begin “before dark”, in the daytime. But get-togethers with former school friends invariably drag on and end in the evening, and sometimes late at night.

What years (graduations) are found in schools in 2020:

According to tradition, graduates gather for the first evening of the reunion in a year after graduation and beyond on anniversaries, multiples of five (every 5 years).

In 2020 it will be:

* 2019 release - 1 year.

* Year of manufacture 2015 - 5 years.

* Year of manufacture 2010 - 10 years.

* Year of manufacture 2005 - 15 years.

* Year of manufacture 2000 - 20 years.

* Year of manufacture 1995 - 25 years.

* Year of manufacture 1990 - 30 years.

* Year of manufacture 1985 - 35 years.

* Year of manufacture 1980 - 40 years.

* Year of manufacture 1975 - 45 years.
* Year of manufacture 1970 - 50 years.

When university graduates gather for reunion evenings:

Unlike former classmates, former classmates hold their meetings in the summer. There is no single date for meetings of university graduates, so each higher education institution chooses it independently.

In 2020, this will be one of the Saturdays from June to September.

How do the meeting evenings work:

On the first Saturday of February (in 2020 - February 1), if you graduated from school last year, or your graduation is anniversary (i.e. a number of years that are a multiple of five have passed since graduation), you should come to your home school in person.

You must first find out the start time of the holiday events. Usually, an announcement with the date and time of the beginning of the ceremonial part is posted on the official website of the educational institution. Information is also disseminated through social networks where former classmates communicate.

The “heroes of the occasion” are gathered in the assembly hall, where a festive event is organized for them. Pupils who have not yet graduated from school perform in front of the audience: they read poems, sing songs, and act out funny skits “a la Yeralash”. The director and teachers give a congratulatory speech. At the end of the official part, former students are asked to get up on stage and say a few words about themselves and their beloved school.

After the ceremonial part is over, the celebration moves to the classrooms, where classmates gather separately along with their former class teachers. It cannot be done without gifts - it is customary to chip in in advance and give the class teacher flowers and a symbolic (and sometimes valuable) gift. It wouldn’t hurt to thank him for his work and years spent on you.

Homecoming evening is a time of memories, so you should definitely take along school photographs or photo albums that will help you remember the best moments from your school life.

There are schools that are tolerant of long gatherings of former students in classrooms with food and alcoholic beverages. However, you should not abuse such kindness, especially since it can be significantly limited in time. It is best to continue the celebration in a cafe or restaurant. The main thing is to take care of booking a hall or table of the required size in advance, since there are no empty seats in such establishments on the date of the meeting evenings.

Nothing pleases a working person more than an official day off. Most of us don't even think about why we take a break on a particular day, just enjoying another opportunity to stay home, meet friends and have a great time.

We invite you to find out:

According to the production calendar compiled by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, in 2018, residents of all regions of the country will have 247 working days and 118 days off, including 8 official holidays:


New Year


Defender of the Fatherland Day

International Women's Day

Spring and Labor Day

Victory Day

Russia Day

National Unity Day

Almost all holidays will allow you to relax outside the city, visit relatives, or even organize a short trip, because along with the weekend we will rest for at least 3 days in a row. The longest will be the 10-day New Year holidays (from 12/30/17 to 01/08/18). 4 days will fall on March 8 and the May holidays.

In order for people to take full advantage of the opportunity to take a break from work, the ministry annually considers postponing holidays that fall on weekends, and this practice will continue in 2018.

When and why do they plan to postpone the weekend in 2018?

  1. An official holiday falls on a non-working day.
  2. There is only one working day between holidays and weekends.

One should not assume that the government decree is aimed solely at meeting the needs for rest, because scientists have calculated and proven that the postponement of holidays (which took place in past seasons and planned in 2018) allows for more efficient use of working time.

Thus, in 2018, for public and private companies whose employees work 5 days a week and rest on Saturday and Sunday, the following transfers of weekends are relevant:

Important! Organizations for which Saturday is a working day cannot rely on this transfer calendar, since for them some holidays fall on a working day and therefore cannot be transferred.

Also, the mentioned rules on postponing official days off will not apply to those who work on a daily basis or on a flexible schedule in 2018.

Short working days in 2018

Traditionally, before official holidays, employers are recommended to shorten the last working day, giving people the opportunity to leave work an hour earlier.

In 2018, these should be the pre-holiday days:

  • February 22;
  • March 7;
  • May 8;
  • June 11;
  • 31th of December.

When postponing pre-holiday days, the working hours remain the same. This means that you will have to work 1 hour less for such a day. But in 2018 there are no such transfers.

It is also important to know that the transfer calendar compiled by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation is advisory in nature. The final decision remains with the management of companies and enterprises, who must approve any change in the work schedule by an appropriate order.

The Russian production calendar will tell you how we work and relax in November 2018, how many weekends and working days there are this month. He will inform you about working hours, state and professional holidays in November.

November 2018
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2

How to relax in November

According to the Russian production calendar, November 2018 falls:

  • 9 official days off and holidays: 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25;
  • 21 working days: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

How to relax on November 4th

In November 2018, Russia has one long weekend - from the 3rd to the 5th (3 days):

  • November 3, Sat. - day off
  • November 4, Sun. - National Unity Day, an official non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
  • November 5, Mon. - postponed holiday from November 4th.

Working time standards

In accordance with the labor calendar of the Russian Federation, November 2018 has 21 working days and 9 weekends and holidays.

Working time standards are:

  • with a 40-hour work week – 168 hours (21 * 8, where 21 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • at 36 hours – 151.2 hours (21 * 7.2);
  • at 24 hours – 100.8 hours (21 * 4.8).

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on postponing holidays in 2018. This was reported on the Russian government website.

“In accordance with the signed decree in 2018, the weekends of January 6 and 7 (Saturday and Sunday), coinciding with non-working holidays, are moved to March 9 and May 2, respectively, and rest days from Saturday April 28, Saturday June 9 and Saturday 29 December - on Monday April 30, Monday June 11 and Monday December 31, respectively,” the message says.

The government noted that in this way there will be a ten-day holiday from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2018, “coinciding with the New Year holidays and Christmas.”

There are also three weekends from February 23 to 25, coinciding with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. There will be more days off for International Women's Day - four days from March 8 to 11. A four-day holiday also falls on May Day - from April 29 to May 2, which coincides “with the Spring and Labor holiday.”

But on Victory Day there will be one day off - May 9. A three-day vacation is planned from June 10 to 12 (coinciding with the celebration of Russia Day). The same three-day period will take place from November 3 to November 5, on National Unity Day.

The resolution on the postponement of days off was prepared by the Russian Ministry of Labor in accordance with Article 112 of the Labor Code “for the purpose of rational use by employees of weekends and non-working holidays.”

Previously, the financial and economic feasibility study for the draft government resolution stated that the transfer of days off will not entail additional costs from the budgets of all levels and employers.

In addition, the proposed transfers of rest days will make it possible to comply with the norm of Article 110 of the Code that there should be at least 42 hours of continuous rest between two working weeks, the ministry noted.

According to State Duma deputy Mikhail Terentyev, the number of days of rest for the country's citizens has a positive effect on labor productivity.

“When a person rests, he restores his strength and emotions, and then works with increased creative energy, bringing benefits,” said the interlocutor of Gazeta.Ru.

However, some deputies believe that Russians still rest too much. In June of this year, deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation introduced a draft law to the State Duma, according to which it was proposed to cut down the New Year holidays and actually cancel the holidays.

The document stated that only December 31 and January 1, as well as Christmas Day - January 7, Defender of the Fatherland Day, which is celebrated on February 23, and International Women's Day or March 8, can be non-working days. Also included in the list of legal holidays are such days as May 1, Victory Day, Russia Day - June 12, and National Unity Day - November 4. According to the authors of the project, the Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia – March 18 – also deserves to be “not working”.

The proposed changes, the deputies explained, “are determined by the practice of labor relations and a number of political events in the history of Russia.”

They explained that if December 31 is a non-working day, then Russians will be able to “calmly prepare for the New Year without spending working time, which is currently the case.”

Last year, the LDPR acted to adjust the holidays. The State Duma rejected the bill recognizing December 31 as an official holiday. Party deputies explained their initiative by the fact that labor efficiency on this day is extremely low, and people think more about preparing for the New Year, but things are still postponed to a later time.

Experts note that increasing working days and shortening weekends and holidays do not particularly affect labor productivity.

“If people sit at work more, this does not mean that they will produce more, because production is limited by effective demand,” noted Oksana Dmitrieva, a member of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, former Minister of Labor and Social Policy.

Dmitrieva believes that it is advisable not to cancel long holidays, but to give employees the right to choose: use five days off after the New Year or at the beginning of May.

The chief economist of the Eurasian Development Bank, Yaroslav Lisovolik, also told Gazeta.Ru that labor productivity is not strongly related to the number of days off. “Labor productivity depends most of all on investments, equipment and technology, and not on how much rest people have,” the expert sums up.

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