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Elf tattoo meaning for women. Ian McKellen, Sean Bean and the rest of the Fellowship of the Ring have matching tattoos

In 2003, the final episode of the epic film was released on world cinema screens. Lord of the Rings. Despite the controversial artistic value of the painting, from the point of view of fans of literary talent John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, this trilogy is one of the largest and most successful film projects in the history of cinema.

For the actors involved, filming this film became a very significant stage in their lives, which the leading actors decided to celebrate as follows. Those who were members fellowship of the ring(those who read the book, or, in extreme cases, watched the film, will understand) got themselves identical tattoos and inscriptions.

These tattoos were the Elvish word, respectively, written in the Elvish language, denoting the number 9 . Yes, Elvish is a completely independent language artificially created by Tolkien, like Esperanto.

Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn). The Elvish tattoo looks very nice among the prisoners’ tattoos that were used to decorate the actor during the filming of the film. Vice for Export, where he portrayed a Russian thief in law.

Sean Astin (Sam) And Billy Boyd (Peregrine Took) got tattoos below their ankles, thereby symbolizing the fact that each day of filming began with gluing hair on their legs. For they played hobits - creatures with hairy legs who walked barefoot.

Elijah Wood (Frodo) I got a tattoo for the first time. In various interviews, the actor repeatedly stated that during the process of applying it it was unbearably painful, but over time Elijah continued his tattoo experiments.

Ian McKellen (Gandalf)– the oldest member, both according to the book and passport fraternities. For him, this tattoo was also the first such experience.

Dominic Morgan (Mary) decided to get a tattoo on his right shoulder, explaining that it was in this hand that he held his weapon - a short sword.

Orlando Bloom (Legolas) explained the choice of tattoo location by the memory of his elven weapon - the bow.

Sean Bean (Boromir) got a tattoo on his right shoulder, since his left one was already occupied by a fan tattoo in honor of an English football club Sheffield United, of which he is a fan.

- the only one fellowship of the ring, who refused to take part in this tattoo venture. However, he found an elegant way out of a slightly cowardly situation - instead Jonah The tattoo was given to his stunt double, with whom he starred in the film.

Peter Jackson (director) I also got myself a tattoo, it was an inscription in Elvish indicating a number 10 .

An elf tattoo is an image of a fairy-tale character, emphasizing the connection with magic, nature, bestowing harmony and order.

Elves are small forest fairy-tale people with pointed ears and transparent wings, who have great magical power. They are able to fulfill a person’s desires, but at the same time make him completely dependent on themselves. Previously, images of magical creatures were found in Scandinavian, German, and English legends. Now images of fairy-tale creatures have spread far beyond Europe.

History of the symbol

Elves are divided into higher dark and light forces. The first are the keepers of underground treasures who live underground. The second ones live in nature, in the sphere of air, and play enchanting music for the person listening to them. Glowing miniature butterfly-like creatures could lure young passersby into their kingdom. But when the young man got bored, he was returned back to the world. And it turned out that many years had passed since his disappearance. Elves are said to be the divine guardians of human destiny. Fairies in particular were associated with goodness, such as Cinderella's fairy godmother, which they rarely exhibited.

Tales about the elves say that they were at the origins of the foundation of the world. And as in all fairy tales, one half of them brought good, and the appearance of the second usually foreshadowed trouble. English folklore does not share them, but consider them mischievous, and sometimes dirty inhabitants of the hills - fairies. And if suddenly a sharp stabbing pain arose, then it was the fairies who threw prickly sharp darts. It was believed that they could take away unbaptized children and provide their own in return. Fairy babies tormented their unfortunate parents with screams, disobedience and whims.

The Celts described beautiful but dangerous creatures that lived on the hills. They grew wonderful plants and strange animals, practiced music and dancing. But as soon as he touched a person, the latter lost his mind. And their poisoned arrows brought instant death. Legends say that even in our time they organize festivities on Halloween, captivating people who have been on a spree.

The meaning of elf tattoos

Many peoples believe to this day in the existence of these spiritual creatures, in the fact that they act as a protective force for humans. A tattoo with these creatures embodies belief in the magic and power of nature, combined with a fairytale addition. The drawing of an elf should help its owner in fulfilling his desire, symbolically meaning harmony and order. Focusing on the spiritual level of behavior of elves, we can say what an elf tattoo means in a person’s life:

  • retribution for once making the wrong life choice;
  • passion for mythological and fairy tale motifs;
  • belief in the miraculous and supernatural;
  • indicates a family connection with nature;
  • show a sophisticated creative personality.

Separately, we can highlight the elf fairy tattoo, which denotes faith in the influence of fate on a person’s life. The drawing symbolically conveys positive energy, mystery, and charm. The image of a fairy has several meanings depending on the color used and the style of application of the wings.

Some believe that fairies on the body indicate a connection with the world of magic, others mean in this symbol eternal youth, freedom, beauty, and still others see a child’s perception of the world, a child living in the depths of the soul of every person. It is also a symbol of youth and youthful innocence. A drawing with a sad fairy preserves the image of a dear person who has passed on to another world. Sometimes used to denote a difficult, difficult period of life.

The image of a dark elf is also popular. A tattoo with a dark elf is completely opposite in essence to a light one, so in some images two such symbols are intertwined as a prototype of yin and yang.

Position, Placement, Color, Tattoo Style

Any part of the body is suitable for placing a tattoo with an elf; the only requirement is that it should not be very small. Since the image has many different constituent elements and small details, at a small scale they will lose their appeal. The image looks impressive on the lower back, neck, shoulder, both in monochrome black and white and in bright multi-colored designs. The main design can be supplemented with other symbols, for example, stars, moon, birds, flowers.

In the modern world, the fantasy style is widespread. In this regard, many connoisseurs of tattoos use heroes of this genre to depict them: elves, mermaids, wizards, witches and other fictional characters. Often the meaning of such tattoos is twofold. This also applies to elves.

These mythical heroes appeared a long time ago and over time their meaning became distorted. With the advent of Tolkien's books, fans of this trilogy began to get elf tattoos in the style of the heroes. The ancient meaning is completely different from the current one.

Initially, elves or fairies were imagined as small creatures with wings who lived in dense forests and thickets. This image came from the Scandinavian forests of Europe. These glowing little people, similar to butterflies, lured random travelers to their kingdom with the Fairy Queen. When she became bored with the young knight, he was returned to the world.

It turned out that not a couple of days had passed in his time, as he thought, but years had passed and he no longer had any relatives or friends. Despite such actions, elves were not considered dark creatures or light ones. Many people or wizards were friends with these people and took advantage of their help, which the elves provided very rarely. At a later time, people began to associate fairies with goodness (the tooth fairy, fairy godmother, and so on appeared).

Based on the behavior of the elves, the meaning of tattoos comes out:

  • Paying for life choices. The fairy queen gave generously and was beautiful, but the retribution was cruel.
  • Belief in magic, miracles, fairy-tale worlds.
  • Love for fantasy, passion for this genre.
  • The image of sad fairies is often associated with the loss of loved ones.
  • The dual meaning of gifts of fate.
  • Connection with nature, the magic of the forest.

The appearance of an elf tattoo on the body has an important meaning, often associated with life events that have left an imprint on the soul.

Who is it suitable for?

Elf tattoos are suitable for fantasy lovers, people who believe in magic, in making wishes come true with the help of magic. Ancient fairy tales reflect the psychology of relations between the sexes, talk about retribution for wrong steps or gifts of fate, and teach us to think about decisions. This image is also suitable for connoisseurs of order and comfort.

Photos of elf tattoos show that girls often choose gentle and beautiful images. Showing that parallels can be drawn between her and the Fairy Queen. Display your beauty, independence from people, their opinions and feelings.

For men, you can create a more aggressive elf tattoo design that reflects masculinity and strength. Imagine yourself as a real knight who managed to conquer the Fairy Queen.

Any place for such a tattoo is suitable. However, you should not choose too small areas of the body. There are many small details in the image that would not look good on a small scale. A tattoo looks great on the lower back, neck, or shoulder. Can be done in colorful and bright colors. A simple drawing of an elf or a composition with a plot looks equally good.

Tattoos with elves in photographs

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The script for the shameful ring is made in the black tongue of Mordor. | Source

R.r. Tolkien was a genius. What other author who lived in his time built a completely new language that he later wrote in one of his famous books? Tolkien does have the advantage of having studied and created languages ​​as a hobby for most of his life.

Tolkien's Elvish language was created for the purpose of The Lord of the Rings being primarily spoken by elves and fairies. It has several derivatives, including Quenya and Sindarin, which are the most advanced and popular.

The Sindarin and Quenya languages ​​are usually written in Tengwar script, which Tolkien also created. The script for "one ring to rule them all" is actually written in the flower script of the Black Tongue of Mordor, which is derived from Elvish.

However, Elvish and other Middle-earth languages ​​can also be written using the Latin alphabet if the various accents are correctly applied. When I saw The Fellowship of the Ring after reading the book, I became obsessed with Elven tattoos.

Luckily, my girlfriend and our friend were equally fascinated, and after some extensive online research we were able to find an Elvish Quote that means "the stars will shine at the hour of our meeting."

We divided the quote into three parts and each received a part of it tattooed somewhere on our bodies.

The cast of The Lord of the Rings did something similar. When filming Wrapped, they decided to celebrate the year and a half they spent filming in New Zealand in a unique way.

The nine actors who made up the gang decided to make the word make in the Elvish script, which symbolizes the number nine. The design was drawn by artist Roger Ingerton, but John Rhys-Davies (who played Gimli the Dwarf) was the only participant who withdrew due to personal circumstances. He sent his stunt double, Brett Beatty, in his place.

Two of the four hobbits, Sean Astin and Billy Boyd, had their ankles tattooed to honor the fake hairy legs they had to wear during filming, a process that took more than two hours to complete, while the others simply drew the design on their shoulders.

Elven Sayings

Vanimle power dash—Your beauty shines brightly.

Ta nae Amin saesa- it was nice.

Amin n'rangwa edanea- I don’t understand these people.

Amin mela lle- I love you.

A'maelamin- my favorite

Elear— Dreamer

Amin khiluva lle v’ gurtha ar’ tar“I will follow you to death and beyond.”

Mela by EN’ coiamin- love of my life

For more sayings, try the English to Elvish translator.

Elven Tattoos

“There are no monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten, but I loved another with all my heart and soul, and that was always enough for me.” -Laptop
"not all who wander are lost"
"death is the wrong side of life"
"life" and "dream"
“one ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to attract them, and bind them into a black chain.” I am writing from the entrance to the caves of Moria.

I recently started rewatching all the parts. It turns out one per evening. I won’t describe how much this film amazes me, but I enjoy every frame and, even when I see the Urukhai, I shout enthusiastically, “How awesome they are!!!” Here are many interesting facts about filming. If anyone doesn't know, it will be interesting :)

  • The nighttime cries of possums were used as the shrieks of orcs in the caves of Moria.
  • J.R.R. Tolkien devoted more than fourteen years to writing the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the book was first published in 1954.
  • Filming the trilogy brought about two hundred million dollars into the New Zealand economy. The New Zealand government even created the position of Minister for The Lord of the Rings Affairs, who was supposed to resolve all emerging economic issues.
  • Throughout the entire film, Gandalf never touched the One Ring.
  • The main sound samples from which the troll roar was mixed were horse neighing, tiger roar and walrus roar.
  • Eight of the nine members of the Brotherhood received a tattoo of the elven symbol "9". Elijah Wood (Frodo) has a tattoo on his lower abdomen, Sean Astin (Samwise Gamgee) and Billy Boyd (Peregrine Took) have a tattoo on his ankle, Orlando Bloom (Legolas) has a tattoo on his forearm, Ian McKellen (Gandalf the White), Dominic Monaghan (Meriadoc) Brandybuck) and Sean Bean (Boromir) - on the shoulder. John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) refused to get a tattoo. Peter Jackson (director) also got a tattoo of the elf symbol "10".
  • In the prologue, John Howe and Alan Lee can be seen among the nine human kings. These are two artists who made drawings for Tolkien's works and who took part in the filming of the film.
  • Bilbo Baggins' birthday cake has 111 candles. The cake itself was made from polystyrene. Lit candles caused the entire structure to catch fire.
  • Two sets of Bilbo Baggins's house were built: the first is ordinary, the second is a third smaller than the first, as tall as Ian McKellen (Gandalf).
  • Several visitors to the Prancing Pony walked on stilts to highlight the difference in height between humans and hobbits.
  • The final fight was filmed in unbearable heat. Many of the actors who played the Urukhai were carried off the set due to heat stroke.
  • From the very beginning, Tolkien's descendants reacted negatively to the idea of ​​adapting the book to film. But since Tolkien sold the rights in 1968 for $15,000, they could not influence the course of filming in any way. As soon as Tolkien's grandson, Simon, came out in support of the film adaptation, which immediately led to a deterioration in relations with other relatives.
  • Fans were invited to have their names mentioned in the end credits of the extended version of the film. This pleasure cost $39.95.
  • Hobbiton was built a year before filming began to give it a natural look.
  • 29 Dark Rider costumes were made.
  • Throughout Elrond's council, leaves fall in the background. Half a dozen people were stationed above the set, scattering leaves at regular intervals. Many bags of fallen leaves were collected. Since the leaves turned black quite quickly, each leaf had to be repainted.
  • The glowing floor that leads to the caves of Moria was painted with the same paint as the road signs.
  • Large quantities of hair were imported to New Zealand to be made into wigs. Some of the hair was purchased in Russia.
  • The film crew numbered about 3,000 people.
  • It took about a year to design the hobbits' feet. About 1,800 feet were created for the four main hobbits alone. It took about an hour and a half to attach the artificial feet to the actors' legs.
  • 28 separate hobbit houses were built for the Shire. None of them were like the other.
  • Typically, on set, the director watches 20-25 minutes of footage every day. Since filming on The Lord of the Rings was carried out by several teams at once, the duration of the footage was 3-4 hours daily.
  • Typically composers work on a film for about 6-8 weeks. By the time the film was released, Howard Shore had been working on the film for about two years.
  • As Arwen flees from the dark riders, she casts a spell: “Nîn o Chithaeglir lasto beth daer; rimmo nín Bruinen dan in Ulaer" (Waters of the Misty Mountains, listen to the great word, turn the Seething waves against the slaves of the Ring).
  • In their free time from filming, most of the actors went surfing. Among them was Viggo Mortensen, who one day seriously injured his face. No matter how hard the make-up artists tried to hide the bruises on Viggo’s face, the result left much to be desired. Therefore, Peter Jackson decided to film the actor in such a way that only one part of his face was always visible. In the scene in the caves of Moria, where the Fellowship finds the grave of Gimli's relative, Aragorn only ever has one part of his face visible.
  • Initially, Miramax studio expressed interest in the project, but they wanted to fit all the events into one film.
  • Orlando Bloom (Legalas) originally auditioned for the role of Faramir.
  • The roles of extras were performed by soldiers of the New Zealand Army. However, they left the set ahead of schedule, going as peacekeepers to East Timor.
  • Christopher Lee (Saruman) has re-read the trilogy every year since its first publication, and he is the only person on the production team who has met Tolkien in person.
  • When Christopher Lee and John Ronald Tolkien corresponded, the latter would have been happy for Lee to play Gandalf in the film adaptation of the book. Years later, Christopher Lee tried to get the role of Gandalf in Peter Jackson's film. However, he was offered the role of Saruman. Since Lee wanted to act in the film anyway, he accepted the offer.
  • Christopher Lee also became the first actor officially cast in the trilogy, thanks in large part to his excellent knowledge of the works of John Ronald Tolkien. Moreover, make-up artists consulted Lee quite often about the appearance of various monsters.
  • Gandalf's height is about 210 centimeters. Hobbits' height is about 90-120 centimeters. To emphasize this huge difference in height, quite often Ian McKellen (Gandalf) was placed much closer to the camera than Elijah Wood (Frodo). However, this filming technique is effective if the camera does not move and the actors remain in place. Therefore, the creators had to develop a series of special platforms on which the actors were located, and which began to move simultaneously with the camera movements.
  • During filming of a fight scene, Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) had part of his tooth knocked out. Viggo wanted to glue the shard to the rest of his tooth so he could continue filming, but Peter Jackson decided to send the actor to the dentist during his lunch break.
  • Every day, 1,460 eggs were served for breakfast to the film crew.
  • More than 1,600 pairs of latex ears and feet were used for filming. Each pair was “cooked” in a special oven. Each pair of feet could only be used once, because... they could not be removed from the actors' feet without damage.
  • During filming, Liv Tyler (Arwen) left a pair of elf ears on the dashboard of her car. When she returned, they had already melted.
  • Sean Astin gained 30 pounds for the role of Sam.
  • Viggo Mortensen performed all of his own stunts in the film.
  • Orlando Bloom performed almost all of his own stunts in the film. While performing one of the tricks, he broke a rib.
  • The map that Gandalf examines in Bilbo's house is an exact copy of the map drawn by Tolkien for The Hobbit.
  • John Rhys-Davies, who plays Gimli, is the tallest of all the Brotherhood actors: his height is 185 centimeters.
  • Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, was renamed Middle Earth for the film's premiere.
  • Cate Blanchett jokes that she only agreed to star in the film because she always wanted to have pointy ears.
  • Ian McKellen tried to imitate John Ronald Tolkien for Gandalf's accent.
  • The episode where Gandalf hits his head on the ceiling in Bilbo's house was not written into the script, but happened completely by accident during filming: Ian McKellen hit his head, but, without leaving the character, continued the scene. Peter Jackson liked this take so much that he included it in the film.
  • Viggo Mortensen, who is fluent in English, Spanish and Danish, requested that more scenes of Aragorn speak Elvish be added to the script.
  • The orc smiths in Isengard were played by WETA Workshop employees who made the weapons for the film.
  • The Elvish phrases heard in the film are not only quotes from the book, they were also compiled from John Ronald Tolkien's own Elvish dictionary. The actors speak Elvish, imitating Tolkien's pronunciation.
  • The end credits of the extended version of the film are approximately 30 minutes long, due to the mention of many members of the official Lord of the Rings fan club in the credits.
  • Viggo Mortensen always kept Aragorn's sword with him, which, according to him, helped him constantly be in character.
  • When Frodo falls into the snow and loses the ring, the viewer sees a close-up of the ring with Frodo in the background. To achieve the double focus effect, a huge ring (6 inches (approximately 15 centimeters) in diameter) was made, which was used for filming this sequence.
  • Scream of the Dark Riders is by Fran Walsh (writer).
  • Filming was often carried out in remote locations, where the film crew and actors traveled by helicopter. Sean Bean (Boromir) is afraid of flying, and therefore agreed to fly when there was no other way to get to the filming location. To film the scene where the brotherhood crosses the snowy mountains, Bean spent two hours each day climbing while dressed as Boromir.
  • While filming scenes on the River Anduin, Orlando Bloom and John Rhys-Davies fell overboard from their boats.
  • Viggo Mortensen got so used to the role that in a conversation with Peter Jackson, the latter addressed him as Aragorn, and Viggo didn’t even notice it.
  • During filming, Christopher Lee broke his left arm after hitting a hotel door.
  • When hobbits are present in the frame, they always move from the left corner of the screen to the right.
  • Peter Jackson originally wanted Lucy Lawless to play Galadriel and Uma Thurman to play Arwen. However, the actresses became pregnant, and the roles went to Cate Blanchett and Liv Tyler, respectively.
  • When Pippin asks about second breakfast, he gets hit on the head with an apple. Viggo Mortensen threw apples at Billy Boyd. 16 takes were filmed. According to Billy,
    Viggo enjoyed himself immensely while filming this scene.
  • Costume designer Ngila Dixon tried to follow John Ronald Tolkien's descriptions to the letter when creating costumes for the characters.
  • Every actor in the film wore a wig.
  • After filming ended, Viggo Mortensen bought the horse Arwen and gave it to his stunt double, Liv Tyler.
  • Peter Jackson can be seen outside the Prancing Pony holding a carrot. Initially, he was supposed to hold the pipe in his hands, but after a few puffs, he began to feel ill, and the pipe was replaced with carrots.
  • When filming the battle between Gandalf and Barlog, Ian McKellen's partner was a table tennis ball.
  • Orlando Bloom was cast as Legolas two days after he graduated from acting school.
  • It took Orlando Bloom two months to learn how to use a bow and arrow.
  • Elijah Wood never wore the entire Mithril chain mail during filming, but only the upper part.
  • The wedding ring of Rick Porras (one of the producers) served as a model for creating the Omnipotence Ring.
  • Studio Weta made approximately 45,000 props for the film.
  • The film contains close-ups of fingers fiddling with a ring. While in some shots the nails are quite well-groomed, in others the nails are quite badly bitten. It is in these shots that the hands of Elijah Wood, who has a habit of biting his nails, are present.
  • The horse corpses were made of polystyrene.
  • Since orcs have black blood in their veins, their mouths also had to be black. To achieve the desired effect, the actors playing the orcs rinsed their mouths with a special licorice solution before filming.
  • The closing credits list 559 people. However, in the extended version of the film, the end credits include many more names.
  • The Battle of Helm's Deep took four months to film. Filming took place only at night.
  • Filming of various miniatures for the entire trilogy lasted 988 days.
  • Cate Blanchett only has three scenes in the film.
  • There were never more than 100 Urukhai present on set at any one time.
  • In the panning shots of Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli running after the orcs, all three actors were injured. Orlando Bloom had a couple of broken ribs, Viggo Mortesen had a broken toe, and Brett Beatty (John Rhys-Davies' stunt double) had a knee injury.
  • The spears for the Battle of Helm's Deep were made from cardboard tubes.
  • When Frodo and Sam are in Osgiliath, Sam says, "We shouldn't even be here." This phrase was deliberately added to the film to smooth out the discrepancies between the events of the film and the book. In the book, Sam and Frodo never passed through Osgiliath.
  • The chain mail worn by the soldiers of Rohan weighed 22 kilograms.
  • The scene in the swamp of the dead was filmed in a car park filled with water, where the entrance to the caves of Moria in The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) was also filmed.
  • 11,000 sandbags were used to build the Swamp of the Dead set.
  • The screams of the huge number of orcs at the Battle of Helm's Deep were recorded in a stadium filled with 25,000 people who were shouting according to Peter Jackson's instructions.
  • Barry M. Osborne (executive producer) played the soldier Rohan throwing a stone at the Urukhai at the Battle of Helm's Deep.
  • Viggo Mortensen broke two toes when he hit a metal helmet near an orc fire. It was this take that was included in the final cut of the film.
  • To increase the number of Rohan's horsemen, many of the "men" were played by women in makeup.
  • Alan Lee (sketch artist) played the warrior Rohan, who collects weapons in Helm's Deep.
  • Gimli's chain mail weighs about 30 kilograms.
  • There were so many extras during the filming of the Battle of Helm's Deep, and filming lasted for several months, that almost every member of the extras and main cast received a T-shirt with the words "I survived Helm's Deep" written on it.
  • The elf cakes that Sam and Frodo eat at the beginning of the film were made from shortbread.
  • During one of the takes of the scene where Aragorn is swimming down the river, Viggo Mortensen almost drowns after being underwater for too long, but he manages to get out of the water.
  • Death toll: 468.
  • Bernard Hill spent up to nine hours in the makeup chair to transform into old Theoden.
  • When Merry and Pippin are carried on the backs of the Urukhai, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan were actually carried on the backs of two stuntmen dressed in huge suits to create the effect of their height difference.
  • To create the movements of Gollum, Andy Serkis was greatly helped by his hobby of rock climbing.
  • Andy Serkis drank gallons of Gollum Juice (a mixture of honey, lemon and ginger) to find Gollum's voice.
  • One day, when Bernard Hill was in England, a woman came up to him and said that her child had recently died, and that parents should not bury their children. The conversation influenced Hill so much that he asked to add this phrase to the film script.
  • In the scene where Aragorn is washed up on the river bank and Arwen appears to him, Liv Tyler was originally supposed to speak her lyrics in English. But since Liv really liked Elvish, and both characters and actors spoke the language, she asked Peter Jackson to translate the dialogue into Elvish.
  • When Miranda Otto (Eowyn) arrived on the set, she was first introduced to the actors with whom she had the most scenes together. When she met Viggo Mortensen, she commented on her character's crush on Aragorn: "It would be so easy for me to fall in love with this man!"
  • Gandalf's phrase: “The Battle of Helm's Deep is over, the battle for Middle-earth has begun” is a paraphrased quote from Winston Churchill's speech on June 18, 1940: “The Battle of France is over. The Battle of Britain has begun."
  • All three parts of the trilogy were filmed simultaneously.
  • Viggo Mortenesen got so accustomed to his role that sometimes even outside of filming he calmly responded to the name Aragorn.
  • The Lord of the Rings trilogy received the most Oscar nominations (30), ahead of such titans as The Godfather (28) and Star Wars (21).

Facts and figures:
— during the entire filming, 900 km of film were used;
— 48,000 different swords, axes and other armor were used;
— 20,600 actors were involved in various crowd scenes;
— 2,400 personnel (make-up, editing, special effects, sound, etc.);
— 250 horses were involved in one of the scenes;
— 114 personal roles (characters who speak at least a couple of lines per film);
— 30 ​​actors memorized non-existent languages ​​and dialects;
— it took the creators 7 years to complete the entire trilogy.

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