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How to weave an Easter egg from newspaper tubes. Easter chicken basket made from newspaper tubes

Cool Easter eggs can be made from paper. Using colored paper or scrap magazines you can create some interesting Easter decor. Easter is a bright Orthodox holiday that takes place on spring Sunday. This year the holiday will be celebrated on April 16. The main attributes of the Resurrection of Christ are fragrant Easter cakes decorated with powder or other decorations and colored eggs, chicks, flowers, twigs. Everyone in the house is trying to decorate the dining area, table in the living room or in the room so that it is bright and pleasing to the eye in spring. This article shows photos of weaving decorative eggs from newspaper tubes that will decorate any interior.

First you need to twist unnecessary magazine sheets, newspapers, colored paper into tubes, and prepare items for weaving. Be sure to secure the ends of the paper with glue so that the tube does not fall apart. Look at the photo to see how to weave paper crafts correctly.

Photo master class: how to weave eggs from handmade paper

If you can’t weave without a base, then take an empty egg and use it as a frame.

DIY Easter basket made from paper tubes. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Basket "Chicken". Master class with step-by-step photos

The work was done using the technique of weaving from a newspaper tube
Krotova Oksana Alekseevna teacher-organizer of Orphanage No. 1 in Guryevsk, Kemerovo region.
The master class is designed for school-age children, teachers and parents.
Purpose: Gift ideas, interior decoration, home use.
Target: education of a creative, active personality who shows interest in technical and artistic creativity and a desire to work, develop and realize creative abilities in children.
Tasks: Development of personal qualities (activity, initiative, will, curiosity), intelligence (attention, memory, perception, figurative and figurative-logical thinking, speech) and creative abilities (the foundations of creative activity in general and elements of technological and design thinking in particular);
There is always something for skillful hands to do,
If you take a good look around.
We can create a miracle ourselves
With these skillful hands.

From the history of weaving: If you delve a little into history, then already in the very first origins you can find the roots of the emergence of this type of activity as weaving. Since ancient times, primitive people learned to weave ropes for their everyday needs, probably earlier than making a fire, and they wove absolutely everything that came to hand - and that’s how the first knot was born. By the way, it is known that man learned weaving before he learned pottery . He wove roofs and fences from flexible branches, learned to weave baskets, cradles, and bast shoes. In Rus', weaving was considered a special art. With the development of this type of needlework, new materials for use appeared. You can weave from anything you can get your hands on: from wicker, from beads, from ropes and threads, from leather and birch bark, from wire, etc. And modern people began to weave from newspapers and magazines - the most accessible and cheapest material for weaving. So, I decided to master the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes, create several products using this technique and teach this type of weaving not only to children, but also to adults.
I'll show you how to weave a "Chicken" Easter egg basket.

Almost everyone has the material, namely newspapers, in their home.
The costs for this master class are minimal - newspapers or magazines, glue, paint, varnish, brushes, scissors, knitting needle (preferably No. 1.5-2) and a stationery knife.
In the future, for painting the product, a water-based stain is used (more economical in terms of money (45-50 rubles), furniture varnish (150 rubles) or acrylic (350 rubles), for colored products a paint composition is used (color + white acrylic paint + acrylic varnish).

A knitting needle is your main tool for twisting paper tubes.
The sheet should be rectangular, 10-15 cm wide, 30-50 cm long. Place the paper strip on the table (or on your palm) so that the narrow side is facing you. Place the knitting needle on the lower left corner of the sheet at an angle of 45 degrees and, pressing and holding the paper tightly, begin to rotate the knitting needle. When the entire sheet is curled, lubricate the corner with glue and press it to the tube. Have you noticed that the diameters at the ends of the tube are different? This is important: thanks to this “funnel” you will lengthen the tubes by inserting them into each other.

Usually I immediately paint the tubes in certain colors. We start the weaving process from the bottom. You need to decide on the size of your basket from the very beginning. We begin to weave the bottom. We take 10 tubes, fold them crosswise, fastening them with PVA glue. We are waiting for the tubes to stick.

Next, we take the tube, bend it in half, put it on the ray of our workpiece and begin to braid our base with it, swapping the working tubes.

After the operation, we get a blank similar to the sun. We need to weave until we get the required diameter of the base. Place the mold on the bottom and lift the protruding rays to the top.

After this, we lift the tubes up and begin to weave the walls with a rope pattern (we put the working tube that is located in front of the rack back behind the rack, and bring the tube parallel to it forward, i.e. we change their places) When the tubes become short, they need to be lengthened by inserting each other friend. When we reach the desired height, we cut the working tubes and insert the ends into the weaving.

I used a small “Bird” pattern, but you can also leave the “rope” weave.

Next, we leave 5 racks, build them up and strengthen them on the sides with additional tubes. We will weave the neck of the chicken. We bend the working tube in half, put a loop on the outermost post and begin to weave a rope pattern like the walls of the mold. Having reached the 5th outermost post, we turn the weaving and begin to weave back to the outermost first post. So we raise our weaving to the top, gradually narrowing the neck.

Having braided the neck to the desired height, we cut off the posts and fold the neck to form the chicken’s head.

Let's start making the handle. We leave 3 racks on the sides, strengthen the two outer ones with additional tubes. We put a loop on the outermost post and weave a pattern. See photo.

Having achieved the desired height of the handle, we strengthen it on the opposite side to the edge of the walls, lubricate it generously with PVA glue and fasten it with clothespins for strength (do not forget to remove them later)

The handle is ready, the head is also ready, all that remains is to make the tail at your discretion. You can attach feathers, ribbons, I wove small pieces, which I inserted into the weave using a knitting needle and secured with glue. When the product is ready, I completely cover it with furniture varnish (it’s best to do this outside, because the varnish smells a little), coating thoroughly places where the handle and tail are attached, leave to dry.

The most exciting action begins. The decorative design of the chicken is also at your discretion. We hot glue the eyes, beak, crest, and decorate with satin ribbons. Our Chicken basket is ready to delight you and your family.
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Adults, preparing for the bright holiday of Easter, weave trays, baskets, and chickens. I propose to involve the younger generation in preparation for the holiday. With them you can make an Easter souvenir that will decorate your room, classroom, or office. Its purpose is to lift your spirits and create a festive atmosphere. I remember from childhood how my grandmother painted eggs in a decoction of onion skins. These were “krashanki”, from the word “to paint”. I became acquainted with the history of the creation of “pysanky” (from the words “to write, paint”), with the regional characteristics of the patterns, and with their symbolism later. Now, using our technique of weaving from newspapers, using spiral weaving, we create an Easter souvenir, bringing into it the bright colors of the coming spring.

How to weave an Easter egg souvenir

Origami. Easter trays

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It all starts with straws, I just spin them with my hands on the table. I use clean newsprint, which is supplied to me from the printing house, cut into A3. I cut lengthwise into 4 strips. Strip width 7.5 cm, knitting needle 1.5 mm. I twist it very tightly, the tubes are the same thickness along the entire length. It's just the very tip. The photo shows both ends of the tube. I glue the tubes together with either a glue stick or PVA from the first photo. You need to be very careful with PVA, because... if you get the tube dirty, there will be unpainted spots in these places later (this is for very beginners).

I paint the tubes with colorless impregnation Dufa + water + stain. In this master class, maple stain and a little ebony were used. Dufa about 3 tbsp. spoons per half liter of water with stain. The mixture for painting is always different, everything is done by eye. So experiment.

1. We braid four pairs of tubes with a simple rope.

2. We extend the working tube.

3. If the tube is thick, then make a dent with your fingernail and fold the tube, then put on a new one.

4. The connection is hidden under the working tube.

5. Using a thick knitting needle, we move the racks apart.

6. We braid each post with a rope.

7. Weave the bottom to the desired size.

8. Take the desired shape.

9. To prevent the form from slipping, we use cotton ribbon and tie the form to the weaving.

10. We weave several rows with a rope, then one row with a rope of three tubes.

11. Then, to create an even gap for quilling, we use a simple device - cardboard, stapled, of the required height, and put it on the racks.

12. For further weaving, we already have a fairly large distance between the posts, so we add posts to each gap, simply insert them between the weave and the form, then we simply cut them off.

13. This is how it will look from the inside.

14. We weave a rope from three tubes, simply placing them at the beginning of the row behind the posts.

15. Weaved to the end of the row.

16. When we have one unbraided post left, we take the working tube closest to us, weave it in front of the two, behind the third.

17. Then we weave the second one from us.

18. And the third.

19. We tuck the last one to the rack, take it down and leave it for now.

20. Using the remaining two working tubes we weave a rope from two.

22. When we have completed the row, we make an imperceptible transition to the next one, just like in a rope of three. Those. when there is only one unbraided post left, we take the working tube closest to us, and then the second.

23. In the second row it’s exactly the same.

24. Add another working tube and weave a rope of three.

25. Before this, take out the shape and weave a row, slightly tightening the shape to give it a more rounded shape. To do this, we direct the racks slightly inward.

26. We finish the row without changing anything, because Let's fill our tubes.

27. We tuck the furthest one from us (1) under the first working tube, with which the row began.

29. The one that was closest to us (3) remains in place.

30. Glue and carefully cut.

31. Now we remove the tail from the wrong side.

32. Glue and cut. Be careful not to overdo it, make sure your ponytail doesn’t pop out.

33. Now we tuck the tails from the first rope of three. Be careful here so that the drawing is not disturbed.

34. We drag it out.

35. From the front side you can see where we dragged them.

36. Last tail left. We drag it where the red arrow points.

37. On the front side, on the trail. the photo will show where it goes.

38. That's it.

39. We glue everything and carefully trim it. We press with our fingers so that all the ends are hidden under the weaving.

41. We weave the chest and head. We take 9 racks, cut out 4 racks through one. 5 remain. We insert wire into the outermost and middle ones.

42. We weave calico weave with one working tube, gluing it at the beginning of the row.

43. Weave at the narrowing. When the distance between the posts becomes minimal, we weave the middle three tubes together.

45. I’m running out of racks, I’m building them up. It was necessary to indicate above, before inserting the wire, we will cut the posts diagonally for further extension.

46. ​​After several rows, cut off the extra two posts in the middle.

47. We weave such a narrow neck-head.

48. We coat this entire neck with glue and twist it tightly, securing it with something to dry.

49. Let's move on to the handle. After the breast, we cut out 4 racks through one.

50. We will weave a handle on three stands.

51. Cut the wire to the entire length of the handle. We insert into the racks. (You can use fishing line for the handle, then the handle will spring back, always keep the desired shape and not wrinkle. I did this in another chicken:)

52. We put the tubes on the wire, thereby increasing the base for the handle.

53. Weave a handle, as shown in the following photos. I leave a small gap for quilling.

60. When we have woven the handle to the required length, coat the posts very carefully with glue and drag them into place from the opposite side so that the posts from the bowl remain on the wrong side, then cut them off. We drag the handle along all four rows, and simply cut off the excess from below.

61. We braid our ponytail in the same way as the handle. Each feather is on three stands, into which we also insert wire. With wire it will be easier to give the tail the desired shape.

62. Our chicken is almost ready. We remove the cardboard from the gap and cut off the stands that were placed in the gaps. All that remains is to add elegance and beauty to our bird.

Let's begin the most beautiful, but most difficult action.

The strips for quilling are of a different size; the photo shows the size in centimeters indicated on the dummy mat.

I paint with a brush, like all my tubes, it’s convenient for me and I like it better. Right on this mat, which can then be easily washed or wiped with a damp cloth or cloth.

Screw it very tightly. This is what the ring should look like.

We find a place to dry them completely. I came up with this simple device in the form of an ordinary clothes clip. Two rings fit there.

Leave to dry for 30-40 minutes. Since we will need to give the desired shape to the curls, we shouldn’t overdry it, otherwise we’ll have to moisturize it later, otherwise creases will form, and we need everything perfect and beautiful. The ideal moment of moisture in the curls is when, having pulled them out of the mold, they unwind quite a bit, as in the photo.

While we carry out all these manipulations, we create an ornament in our head.

In order for our curls to be the same size, we take everything that was cut off from our first curl, straighten it on the table, pull out the second ring from the clothespin, unwind it slowly, applying it to our segment and cut off exactly the same amount as the first one. This way our curls remain exactly the same length.

We don’t throw away the scraps; they will form droplet leaves. Sometimes, when bending the tube, ugly things like this happen. photo. We'll fix everything. We unwind this scrap a little and coat the edge with glue, and twist it again. You may ask why I didn’t do this when twisting the tubes at the very beginning? But because in this case there is a danger of not painting the tube in places where the glue comes out on its surface, and secondly, after drying the tube can become very hard.

So, to form a leaf, we use our finger, simply pulling a loop over it.

If your finger does not fit, then use any round object, for example, a brush handle.

Our preparations are ready, we can start dressing our chicken in lace.

We drip glue onto the workpiece at all places where it joins the weaving, shown in the photo with red arrows.

Next is very important! Many people come to me with the problem that when they apply varnish, their curls begin to move in different directions. Therefore, we make sure to glue our curl, or rather its middle, in several more places just so that it does not unwind in the future. It is convenient to use tweezers for this.

Especially for those who do not have PVA wood glue. It will be incredibly difficult to glue the curls with regular PVA, so then use superglue or glue for ceiling coverings.

Here is our result! How do you like it?

Imagine that you will go to the market to buy eggs with such a basket. Or to church to bless them.

Health and love to you! Be creative, make yourself and your loved ones happy!

Happy Easter everyone!

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