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Scenario for prom in elementary school. Graduation party in elementary school

Entertainment program for graduation party in 4th grade. Scenario

Scenario for prom in primary school


1) the use of active and non-standard forms of extracurricular activities of students in conducting this event;

2) stimulating initiative, creativity and activity of students and parents.

Decoration of the hall and stage.

There are 5 tables in the hall, at each of which 5 children and 5 parents sit.

Posters on stage:

“Long live 4th A” class!”

“Long live girls of 4th “A” class!”

“Long live the boys of 4th “A” class!”

“Greetings to the teacher of grade 4 “A”!”

“Hurray for the parents and guests of class 4 “A”!”

“Pages from the book” hang on the walls - kind words about each child.

A boy and a girl are the presenters.

The progress of the holiday

Presenter 1. Today, dear children, parents and guests, you have a wonderful evening - farewell to elementary school.

Greetings, parents!

Tonight could be very different

But it must be beautiful today!

We summarize the teachings at school,

And let’s remember what was most memorable.

But where are the heroes of today's meeting?

To whom will we speak passionate speeches?

Solemn procession of class students. Children enter one at a time in a certain order at a certain time interval. The teacher gives a description (briefly about each) while the student walks across the hall and sits next to the parent at the table.

Presenter 2.

Our school year has come to an end!

Don't call us "underclassmen"!

Our shoes and sneakers have become too small,

And the shirts became short!

Presenter 1.

This is how it was for the first time

We entered the walls of our school...

We were greeted by a cheerful bell,

The teacher met the pass first!

Presenter 2. Let's remember how we came to school and how our parents chose it. Sketch “School Choice”.

Sketch “School Choice”

Characters: Tsar, Guard Filimon, Princess Vasilisa's nanny, Princess Nesmeyana.

Guard Filimon sweeps the grapple. The king enters. Walks quickly.

Oh, it is difficult, the royal burden!

The crown of the head swells from worries and troubles.

There are more than a thousand important things to do in the state!

And you won’t find any helpers in our house!

The queen is always busy with herself,

He warms his lower back with a lamp.

And the prince abandoned his notebooks

And he shoots with a slingshot all day long.

Are you somewhat boring, Your Majesty?

Tea, what's the problem?

Tsar. Yes, Princess Nesmeyan needs to be taught to be smart, otherwise she cries from morning to evening!

Philemon. Or maybe send her to school? They'll beat the crap out of her quickly!

Tsar. You, Philemon, express yourself more carefully, tea, royal child!

Philemon. Well, then call Vasilisa for advice! The Tsar claps his hands, the nanny Vasilisa enters and pulls Nesmeyana along with her.

Vasilisa. Why are you crying and crying?!

Nesmeyana. I'm bored!

Tsar. Do you want ice cream?

Nesmeyana. I am cold!

Tsar. What about jam with tea?

Nesmeyana. I'm hot!

Tsar. Well, then you'll go to school!

Nesmeyana roars, the king goes out and returns with a stick.

Nesmeyana. I don’t want to study, I want to get married!

Tsar. And what school will we send her to, Vasilisushka? You need a good school and careful treatment.

Vasilisa. Why, Father Tsar, we only have one school. For the entire regional kingdom-state. Such a nice one! The students are all smart, beautiful - you can’t tell in a fairy tale, you can’t even describe them with a pen!

Tsar. What kind of school is this?

Vasilisa and Philemon (singing).

The executive committee has a secondary school

It's been 40 years!

Children are always taught there properly,

This is how she attracts everyone to her.

Why do we want so much, brothers,

Enroll in this school quickly!

It was 31st, now No. 14.

What do you want, brothers,

We need to register for school soon!

Nesmeyana (sings joyfully). And I’ll go learn to read words syllable by syllable.

Everyone leaves. The scene is over.

The teacher conducts an “Express Interview” with the children.

Sample questions:

2. What is the address of our school?

3. When you woke up today, what did you think about?

4. What is your favorite lesson? Why?

5. When you open the door to your classroom, you want to say...

6. If you were a teacher, what would you tell the kids?

7. In which class did you study the most subjects?

Presenter 1. There are envelopes on your table. Take envelope No. 1. In this envelope there is a “mysterious” table. This is a quiz game. All tables are playing. Once you solve the numbered riddles, you can fill in the table and you will have a word. It will help us in the next scene to guess the missing item that she forgot to put in her backpack.


1. “The little animal has 100 silver coins.” You need to take the third letter from the answer; it will be your first.

2. On the fourth line there is a riddle: “Two brothers went to the river to swim.” Take the first letter from the answer, it will be the fourth.

3. On the seventh line there is a riddle, and the answer consists of sin letters.

"The area is famous

Green beauty:

A sundress is like a bell,

On the ground and by dragging,

Hat with edge,

With a sharp top."

Take the third letter from the answer, it will be the last.

4. On the second line: “Not a rider, but with spurs, not a guard, but wakes everyone up.” Take the fourth letter from the answer, it will be your second.

5. On the fifth line: “The little dove is white, she flew into the house, she saw everything in the world, she told about everything.” Let's take the second letter from the answer; for you it will be the fifth.

6. The sixth letter will be the one that appears in the third answer:

“In the spring and summer We saw him dressed, And in the fall, all the shirts were torn off the poor thing.”

7. On the third line: “The turtle crawls - a steel shirt, the enemy - into the ravine, the turtle - where the enemy goes.” Take the fourth letter from the answer - it will be your third.

You have a table:

Line dies

Letter number

Presenter 2. So, you have a word. You will have to say it in unison at the place where Nastya is staying, and at the same time remember what you put in your backpack when you went to first grade.

Coupling “What did I put in my backpack?”

Three girls for the first time

We were getting ready for first grade.

Nastya says to her friends:

I want to learn in class.

I put everything in my backpack.

Just no...

Presenter 1. What didn’t Nastya put in her backpack?

Children. Primer!

There is a ruler, glue, notebook,

To write letters in it.

There is a rubber band, a white eraser,

There is an orange marker.

There is a set of different papers,

Yellow, blue, bright red,

Pen, pencil, pencil case.

My backpack became heavy.

And then Katya said,

Who looks sad:

Who said that Katya is crying?

Can I cry?

I'm going to school soon -

I turned 7 years old.

And I will go this time

To the best first class

I'll be at school to study

And I dream about

To excel in studies

And, like my mother, become a doctor.

And the silent Irina

Suddenly he says to his friends:

I sculpt from plasticine

I learned the alphabet!

I'll tell you without stress

Multiplication table for you.

I know the north, I know the south,

I'll draw a circle with chalk.

I'll teach you too

And I’ll tell you, without saying a word,

I want to teach children

Just like my grandmother!

Three girls for the first time

We were getting ready for first grade.

Presenter 2.

The desired hour has come.

You are enrolled in first grade!

And now four years have passed.

And parents admire their students.

They are here for you today

Everyone is terribly worried!

Let's ask them.

Presenter 1 conducts a quick interview for parents.

Sample questions:

1. What do you remember about our class?

2. For what purposes have you donated money without regret?

3. How did you feel when you came to our holidays?

4. What colors do you associate our class with?

Presenter 2. We are closing the page of our school

life “How we came to school” and move on to a new one - “Parade of school sciences”.

Sciences are being published: Mathematics, Russian language, Literary reading, The world around us, Physical education. Each science is indicated by a poster depicting the title page of the textbook.


Marathon runners are moving forward!

They take math with them!

It's impossible to live without her,

Open the envelope, friends!

Presenter 1. Open envelope No. 2. It contains tasks, one for each table.

1st table. How to divide 3 apples between two daughters and two mothers? (11 about 1 apple: daughter, mother, grandmother.)

2nd table. How many cats are there in a room if there is one cat sitting in each of the four corners of the room, and three cats sitting opposite each cat? (4 cats in total.)

3rd table. There are 8 branches on a birch tree, each branch has 5 knots. There are 2 apples on each branch. How many apples are there in total? (Apples do not grow on birch trees.)

4th table. Grandfather Micah has 10 sheep, all but 9 escaped. How many sheep are left? (9 sheep.)

5th table. There are 15 students in the line. How many students stand between 3rd and 12th? (8.)

Presenter 2. In the category “Best Mathematician” the awards are... (Children who excelled in the subject “Mathematics” are awarded.)

Russian language.

Love you, grammar!

You are smart and strict!

You, my grammar,

I will master it little by little.

I'm doing my best.

I want to understand spelling.

But it nevertheless causes

Spelling surprise.

And my task is this:

Sparrows are sitting on a branch,

To discuss your affairs.

Sparrows are sitting on a branch,

Do they sit on “E” or “I”?

Presenter 1. In the category “Best Expert in the Russian Language” the awards are... (Children who have distinguished themselves in learning the Russian language are awarded.)

The world around us and History.

Taught us to love our land

And watch nature

How to protect all animals

Protect both forest and water.

We talked about everything:

About mushrooms and flowers,

About birch and aspen,

About fields and meadows.

We are with History, friends.

Without her, neither you nor I would

We'd never know

How it originated and where it came from

Our Russian land.

Presenter 2. Open envelope No. 3.

1st table. What animals go out of their way? (Snakes lose their skin when they shed.)

2nd table. What is more convenient for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill, since the front legs are shorter than the hind legs.)

3rd table. What birds dig holes for nesting? (Swallows.)

4th table. Where do crayfish spend the winter? (In burrows underwater near the shore.)

5th table. The name of which plant from China represents the word "sakh"? (Tea.)

Presenter 1. In the nomination “The best expert on the world around us” we are awarded... (Children who have distinguished themselves in studying the subject “the world around us” are awarded).

Literary reading.

Reading is a wonderful corner.

There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines:

Whether it's a poem or a story,

You teach them, they teach you.

This competition is very interesting,

It's for the brain

Very useful.

We will be able to drop the words -

Let's find out the names right away.

Presenter 2. Open envelope No. 4. Read the encrypted words and guess the names of fairy-tale characters.

1st table - imokachyuoDv (Thumbelina.)

2nd table - InkaMtorstok (Matroskin the Cat.)

3rd table - kyalkopsha (Shapoklyak.)

4th table - nikechP (Pechkin.)

5th table - srkanayoKchashpa (Little Red Riding Hood.)

Presenter 1. In the category “Best in Literary Creativity and Writing Skills” the awards are...

Rewarding students.

In the “Fastest Reader” category the awards are...

Rewarding students.

Physical training.

What is physical education?

Training and game.

Fiz, and cul, and tu, and ra.

Hands up, hands down. This is physical.

We twist our necks as if the steering wheel were a sack.

Jump in height deftly - that's it.

Run for half an hour in the morning - that's ra.

While doing this,

You will become dexterous, strong, courageous.

Plus - a good figure,

This is what physical education means!

Presenter 2. In the nomination “Most Physical” the winners are...

In the "Fastest" category the winners are...

In the “Most Titled” category, awards are...

Foreign language. Each group presents its number in a foreign language.

Presenter 1. In the category “They have no equal in a foreign language” the winners are...

Presenter 2.

In creative, wonderful lessons

Enter the world of art

And express yourself in it

It was very interesting for all of us.

Presenter 1. In the category “The Most Prize-winning in Creativity,” the winners of school, district, and city crafts and drawings competitions are awarded...

Presenter 2.

Our marathon has come to its finale,

We did our best.

It's time to sum up

It’s not a sin for us to reward the best.

Presenter 1. In the nomination “Masters in all sciences”, excellent students of 4 “A” class are awarded...

Presenter 2. The school science parade is over. You will meet these subjects, as well as new ones, in 5th grade.

Presenter 1.

In music lessons

We were taught to sing together,

And without great music

We have no joy in life!

A choral song about school and school life is sung.

Presenter 2. We are starting a new page from a new life - “Change”. It's time for us to rest.

The bell rings for recess.

Presenter 1.

The bell is ringing for recess,

The lesson ended, and as always,

Runs out together, as if on stage,

The whole cast is a great family!

Change, change, 4 "A" climbs the walls,

Suddenly the boys came together in unison

They fall on the dirty floor...

Everyone is yelling, screaming, throwing,

They don't understand anything

As if Mamai passed here.

Presenter 2.

Wet hair, disheveled look,

A drop of sweat runs down my neck...

Maybe Sasha, and Grisha, and Vanya

Did you spend the whole break in the bath?

Or did they plow on them, the unfortunate ones?

Or were they shoved into the mouth of a crocodile?

No! So during recess they rested!

Presenter 1. In the category “Our shooter has ripened everywhere” the awards are...

Presenter 2. Here are some situations that may worry the guys.

Presenter 1.

Christina was walking home from school,

Nothing was nice to her.

What's the matter? - we asked.

I got a C!

Andrey runs towards

There are rays in his eyes.

He screams loudly.

I got a C!

Presenter 2. In the nomination “I’m happy with any result” -

Presenter 1. And these are the situations we discuss -

Scene “Serious conversation”

Vanya, Petya and Evgeniy

Gathered for recess

To solve a painful issue

And seriously discuss

How to behave in class.

If Zhenya loves Nastya,

What do they all love now?

And be friends with girls?

Vanya was the first to speak.

I wouldn't pay attention

For the girls combined

Black, white, freckled.

Why are you shaking your head?

Don't you agree with me?

I don't agree with you

So much laughter!

At least one, otherwise all of them!

All talkers and antics,

And they behave like idiots!

You should meddle with them less,

Otherwise you’re spinning like a demon!

Why do you always tease them?

Did you see me climb?

I don't like girls in class!

What, have you gone completely wild?

You better not touch Nastya,

Even though you're a friend, you'll get a kick!

You me? Try to touch

You'll regret it later!

Zhenya. Well, off to the throne!

Vania. Well, touch it!

Peter. Quiet, quiet!

You quarrel painfully!

Then a call was heard,

Inviting you to a lesson.

Well, we didn’t have time again!

What are you children, really?

Zhenya. The break is too short...

Zhenya said bitterly.

Since the question was not a trifle,

So the friends decided this:

On a day off, get ready in the morning

And to figure it out specifically

Love everyone or just one?

Should everyone be friends or no one?

Let's wait until Sunday

To find out their solution...

Presenter 1. In the category “Defender of all girls in the class” the award is...

Presenter 2. So we have become a year older! Everyone still remembers the First of September, the solemn assembly, new meetings. But four years flew by unnoticed, leaving impressions that the guys shared in the questionnaire.

The teacher reads out interesting statements from the children in the processed questionnaires, which contained next questions:

1. Will you be sorry to leave primary school?

2. What did you gain in elementary school, what did you lose?

3. What did you like most about elementary school and why?

4. Is there a good team in the class, and why do you think so?

5. Your favorite subject.

6. Which boys and girls do you like best?

Presenter 1. In the nomination “The Most Charming and Attractive” the winner is...

Presenter 2. In the category “First Guy in the Village” the award is...

Presenter 1. We open a new page of our magazine - “Zateinitsa”. Let's remember how we had fun, prepared for the holidays, participated in all the events of the school, district and city.

Girls and boys come out and sing ditties.


1. Play, balalaika,

Balalaika - three strings,

Sing, don't yawn,

Come out, dancers!

Presenter 2. In the category “Best Artist of the Class” is awarded...

2. Oh, and loves to chat

Grisha is in class.

The teacher looks at him

But he doesn’t see anything!

Presenter 1. In the category “Language without bones” the award is...

3. Our teacher was waiting for an answer

It's a long time from Ivan.

No answer, no hello

No point!

4. Our Sasha would be good for everyone,

If it weren't for the notebooks.

There are mistakes every time

They play hide and seek with him!

5. Our Dasha, oh, smart,

You can't say anything.

But I never came

Get to class without being late!

Presenter 2. In the “No Offences” category, awards are...

6. At our Anton's

Not the head - the computer.

He knows a lot of things

We don't understand anything!

Presenter 1. In the category “Squadron of my crazy thoughts, or Computer Head” the award is...

7. Nikita is a very smart guy,

He and I have only been studying for a year.

He's clear to all the boys,

And he is unsociable with girls.

Presenter 2. In the “Mr. Mystery” category, the award is...

8. Two Andryushkas in class

Always smiling

And when they call you to the board,

They stand and smile!

Presenter 1. In the “Mouth to Ear” category, awards are...

9. We are funny ditties

You have now performed:

About ourselves, about our friendship

And about some of us.

We fell in love with each other

Our friendship is strong.

Our friendship is with us

Entering fifth grade!

Presenter 2. And our parents are moving to the fifth grade with us.

1st student.

We are at this hour

We still have to say

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who help us grow,

And it will help in many ways,

2nd student.

Our parents follow us invisibly:

And in joy, and in the hour,

When trouble came,

They seek to protect us from sadness,

But, alas, we do not always understand them.

3rd student.

Forgive us, dear, dear,

Besides you, we have

There are no people dearer.

As they say, children are the joy of life,

And we are your support in it.

All students sing the song “Oh, Mommy”:

Mom said: everyone must learn,

But I wasted my words.

We didn’t listen to our mothers, we covered our ears,

Oh, mom, mom, how right you were!

Oh, mommy, we rode on sleds all day,

We covered our ears, we didn’t listen to you,

What we all regret now.

Parents' response: "Parental suffering."

Parents sing:

We send our children to school.

Who will feel sorry for them?

What if they roar together?

2. Oh, how nice everyone is

We have the kids.

It's okay that they made a lot of noise

Last time in class.

3. They flew by unnoticed

These school days.

Look how you've grown up

Our daughters and sons.

4. And we have worries again:

Transfer them to the fifth grade.

We have to worry again.

Presenter 1. In the “Most Active Parent” category, awards are...

A skit involving parents

Sasha is solving a problem, mom is reading a book, dad is fixing the alarm clock, grandma is dozing in a chair.

That's the damn task

I fought and fought - failure!

There were already circles in my eyes,

Sit down, dad, help!

Head up, son!

With dad you are not alone.

Sits down for class.

Parts of speech in exercises

We were told to emphasize...

Be more careful!

Underline parts of speech?

We'll figure it out somehow.

Sits down for class.

I'll go out for a minute

Where is my jacket?

Presenter 2.

In the morning Sasha walked cheerfully,

With a blue bag on his back.

But no fun from school

He was returning home.

Mother. What did you bring?

Sasha. See for yourself!

Pasha. No, report first!

Dad - “five”, “four” - mom,

And you, grandma, are “two”!

Presenter 1.

Well, four years have rushed by,

We have grown, strengthened, matured,

We solved many difficult problems,

They managed to do what they couldn’t do before.

Presenter 2.

We just left for school,

Yes, we sat at the desk,

Yes, they signed it in the notebook,

At recess they became noisy,

All friends were listened to -

Suddenly the holidays for some reason

Then they attacked us.

Teacher. What happens if you put a bom and a bom together? (Bom-bom.)

- What if you add ding and ding? (Ding-ding.)

And if you put a bom-bom and a ding-ding together, what comes out? (Bell!)

A school bell made in the shape of a flower is brought out. It rings melodiously.

Presenter 1. The bell notified us that we had turned over all the pages of our school life.

All the children go on stage, music sounds.

Presenter 2.

It happened...

Apparently this is fate:

We cannot live without a teacher.

Let's remember the one who these years

The main thing for us was

Who accompanied us with knowledge

From class to class.

Who taught us to solve problems,

Add numbers and write essays.

She did it all, she did it all

Our first teacher.

Children in chorus say the teacher's name and patronymic. The teacher comes on stage. The floor is given to parents.

Children sing the song “Goodbye, school” to the tune of “It’s getting quieter in the stands...”.

Our class is getting quieter

You can even hear the beating of hearts.

Goodbye, elementary school,

This school is a road of miracles.

We are sad, we cry, parting,

Remembering happy days

How did we come here as kids?

And how we left you.

Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart,

Let's take care of our friendship

Goodbye, see you again.

In this class you and I dreamed,

We were led along the path of knowledge.

Here we met our friends,

Here we made discoveries.

Don't be sad, our beloved teacher,

We will come running to you again, and more than once,

Let others come to replace us,

We are the only ones like you.

Graduation celebration in 4th grade - 2013.

Spectators are sitting in the hall. There are desks on the stage, a blackboard is a classroom. The building of an elementary school, a teacher, a classroom appears on the screen.
Voice behind the scene:
Now it's time to say goodbye,
The bell rings...
“Goodbye to elementary school,”
Everything has its time, everything has its time."
We are in no hurry to say goodbye
And a hundred times nicer now
We will become images and faces
Relatives of your teachers.
But the hour has come, we know it,
And at this special hour
We gladly invite everyone
To the school prom, in the fourth grade!
Fanfare sounds. The presenters take the stage.

1 presenter: This evening could be very different.

2 presenter: But it must be beautiful today!

1 presenter: We summarize the results of the teachings at school.

2 presenter: And let’s remember what was most memorable.

1 presenter: But where are the heroes of today's meeting?

2 presenter: To whom will we speak passionate speeches?

1 presenter: Meet! Graduates of the 2012 – 2013 academic year, the first teacher Natalya Veniaminovna Peremitina and the class teacher Tamara Konstantinovna Ratushnyakova.

To the music of the song “School Years,” the 4th grade with the first teacher and the class teacher enter the stage.

1st student: Today is our day:

Both sad and cheerful.

After all, we say goodbye to our dear ones

Your elementary school.

2nd student: From year to year, from class to class

Time leads us silently,

And hour after hour, day after day

So imperceptibly we grow.

3rd student: Yes, friends, four years

Passed by unnoticed:

We were only first-graders

And now they've grown up,

We've grown up, we've grown wiser,

They bloomed like roses,

Knowledge, skills, abilities

We bought a lot.

Nimble, sporty,

Brave, active,

Smart, inquisitive,

In general, attractive.

4th student: Our class's birthday is September 1, 2009, the average age of the class is 11 years, the total is 279 years!

5th student: We passed four classes -

Everything has been calculated, everything has been taken into account!

6th student: In four years we have grown 3 meters 98 cm; ate two tons of baked goods; drank 1020 glasses of juice and compote, gained weight by 349 kilograms and now weigh 1 ton 17 kg.

7th student: Over the course of 4 years, we studied 2992 lessons, in which we leafed through 5987 pages of textbooks, learned dozens of rules, solved hundreds of examples and problems, and if we add up all the textbooks that we studied over these 4 years into a line, its length will be equal to the distance to the Moon and the way back to Earth!

Natalya Veniaminovna:

Today everything is solemn and sad,

How quickly the class flashed behind the class.

The time has come: we need to part.

Today is our last time together.

Tamara Konstantinovna:

We are somehow sad and sad,

Why are you leaving us?

When your mothers brought you

You were very little.

What adults now!

N.V.: We know, in the new 5th grade

You will also remember us,

And our kind word

And our cozy, bright classroom.

Teachers sing a song to the tune of “Weather in the House.”

Verse 1:

You came to us to learn as children,

During this time you have grown up.

You learned a lot from us,

We don't want to part with you.


We say goodbye to you!

The time to say goodbye is coming.

We wish you happiness and health

And remember us from year to year.

We wish you happiness and health

And remember us from year to year.

Verse 2:

What's the forecast?

What awaits you in 5th grade?

What kind of teachers will there be?

But we believe in you, you will not let us down,

After all, we didn’t waste our nerves in vain!


8th student:
We've been on the road for four years
Where should we go next?
All together at the very best time
It's time for us to go to fifth grade!
Children go down to the hall and dance the waltz. Then the children go up to the stage. There is a table on the stage at which the host of the evening, Natalya Veniaminovna, is sitting.

N.V.: Dear guys, dear adults! 4 long academic years are behind us, failures and difficulties are behind us. Do you guys remember how it all began? How timid and timid were you when you first came to school? Remember how you learned to sit at a desk and stand up gracefully? How did you get the first grades in your life? Let's remember what you were like then, 4 years ago...

Children read poetry and slides on the screen, starting in 1st grade.

Student: Everyone has one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class.

Both the first textbook and the first lesson

And the first loud school bell.

Student: Do you remember? You, of course, remember
How our mothers led us to school by the hand,
They excitedly called it a new word - schoolchildren!
And we went towards knowledge.

Student: We were all funny kids

When we first entered this class,

And having received a notebook with pencils

Sat down at a desk for the FIRST time in my life!

The children go backstage, the children remain on stage for the first lesson, they sit down at their desks.

A student comes out with a large “comic” notebook. Opens and reads poetry.

My notebook ____ Full name __ I lost it in first grade

Inside – you can’t understand a word! Was it really me who wrote this?

What terrible hooks and dead circles -

They bent over like old men and hung from the line.

Well, the fat letter “A” is just like a frog!

“I”’s head curled up, “E’s” ear disappeared.

What kind of nonsense is this? Four sticks are jumping!

Everyone bent down in every direction, like our fence at the dacha!

I had a lot of fun - kids write terribly!

N.V.: Yes, we filled up more than one notebook in 4 years. But still, everyone remembers their first.And how difficult it was to begin, how the letters did not obey! And it all started - with sticks! So, first lesson - LETTER .

The bell rings.

Student: Help me out, sticks, sticks - lifesavers!

Get in order in my new notebook,

Don't go beyond the line! Keep your back straight everyone!

Why don't you listen? Why are you studying poorly?

Why are you standing there at random? I got it for you again!

But my teacher doesn’t know, and even my mother doesn’t know.

How difficult it is to teach you to stand STRAIGHT.

Student: Hunched over, stooped, with patches on her back,

There's a squiggle running across my notebook.

Everything walks along the ruler, along the slant,

He's having fun and chatting with me:

“You pleased me very much that you gave birth to me!

Oh, what a fine fellow you are, my parent, my father!

You always lead with a feather, like a chicken with its paw,

Write out the squiggles and scratch the notebook.

Pour ink on it, more often drip ink..."

“Oh my God, doesn’t she really think I’m a dad?”

N.V.: Yes, we learned a lot while we were in first grade. And even then everyone realized how good it was that there was a school. What if there were no schools?

Children sing the song “If There Were No Schools.”

N.V.: Before we knew it, it was already class 2(slides).

Student: A second grader dreams of a multiplication table,

Solves equations, knows a lot

And he strives to learn more.

The second group of students takes the stage for the next lesson.

N.V.: So, the second lesson - MATHEMATICS (bell rings)

Student: Both beautiful and strong is the country of mathematicians.

Work is going on everywhere here, everyone is counting something:

How much coal do blast furnaces need, and how much chocolate do children need?

How many stars are there in the sky and freckles on the noses.

Student: The problem is not solved - at least kill it.

Think, think, hurry up!

Think, think, head, I'll give you some candy,

On your birthday I will give you a new beret.

Think, think - once again I ask,

I will wash you with soap and comb you.

You and I are not strangers to each other,

Help me out, otherwise I'll hit you in the head.

Student: To become a doctor, sailor or pilot

First of all, you need to know mathematics.

And there is no profession in the world, mind you, friends,

Wherever you need MA - TE - MA - TI - KA!

Children perform a song to the tune of “Blue Car”.

  1. Slowly the minutes float away into the distance,

Water flows from pipe to pipe.

My problem can't be solved

Oh, this is my plumbing.


Slowly, slowly our lesson drags on.

They will give me a bad mark, because there is no solution.

Everyone - everyone believes in the best,

Maybe someone can tell me the answer.

N.V.: We are already in 3rd grade(slides).

Student: We entered third grade hesitantly

We had a lot of questions

And the tasks are like difficult things

It didn't always work out sometimes.

We have so many discoveries ahead of us

We have so many peaks ahead of us

Let's grow up, get smarter and do thousands of good deeds.

Student: We wrote, read, counted.

They sewed, glued and painted.

They sang songs about everything in the world.

After all, we are very cheerful children.

Children perform the dance “…. "

N.V.: Next lesson - RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (the bell rings).

The children sit at their desks for the next lesson.

Student: Here is Russian, our native language!

Rich and wise he is!

Let's determine - there is no easier way,

Where is the sign, action, object.

What about sound analysis of words?

Please, it's ready!

Student: There are different sounds:

Consonants and vowels.

We know how to write ZHI – SHI

And we studied the cases.

Number, time, word composition

We can do it again.

“Teeth” – change: “teeth”.

“Fur coats” – check: “fur coats”.

Student: This science is in my favor, I will know where the verb is,

Where is the prefix, and where is the suffix, phonetic analysis.

I will write what I want on the fence without mistakes.

Let everyone in the area see that it’s not in vain that I teach everything.

Children perform a song to the tune of “Chung-Chang”.

  1. I'm sitting in class again.

I don't take my eyes off the window.

It's already spring there, the streams are ringing,

Well, they keep telling me: teach, teach.


I'm tired of declensions, I'm tired of conjugations,

I'm tired of adverbs and verbs.

I'm tired of studying, I want to fly like a bird,

Eh, I wish I could finish this school soon.

N.V.: The third year flashed by - as if there were no worries.

Student: Load more and more of us

For some reason they became

After all, we are in 4th grade.

Like an institute.

N.V.: Next lesson -LITERARY READING(bell rings).

The children sit at their desks.

Student: Reading is a wonderful lesson

There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines.

Whether it's a poem or a story -

You teach them, they teach you.

Children perform a song to the tune of “The Lion Cub and the Turtle Sang a Song.”

I'm sitting reading

I've been looking at the book for a long time.

I still sit and look,

I don't find any meaning in it.

Play and dream

Well, I'm sitting here

And I look at the textbook.

N.V.: The students of our class made an interesting discovery. They discovered that all good things begin with the letter K: cinema, candy, vacation, swing, strawberry, treasure, kinder surprise. But the letter D differs in the opposite direction: fight, deuce, diary, debt, homework.

The bell rings.

Attention, call! The lesson begins!

Which subject? Let me explain for everyone!

A new subject is laughter!

Teacher: What are dense forests?

Student: These are the kind of forests in which... it’s good to doze off.

Teacher: Ilya, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?

Student: Well, Natalya Veniaminovna, it depends entirely on the cat.

Teacher: Sasha, if you have ten rubles and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?

Student: Ten rubles.

Teacher: You just don’t know math!

Student: No, Natalya Veniaminovna, you don’t know my brother!

Teacher: Vanya. What kind of word is "egg"?

Student: None.

Teacher: Why?

Student: Because it is unknown who will hatch from it: a rooster or a chicken.

Teacher: Kirill, be honest, who wrote your homework essay?

Student: Honestly, I don’t know, I went to bed early.

N.V.: Every day our graduates were given homework. But I didn’t want to do it that way. How did they act?

Students show the skit “Homework”.


What a damn task!

I fought and fought - failure.

There were already circles in my eyes...

Sit down, dad, help!


Head up, son! With dad you are not alone! (Sits down to study.)


Parts of speech in the exercise

We were told to emphasize.

Do me a favor, mom -

Be more careful!


Underline parts of speech?

We'll figure it out somehow. (Sits down for class.)


And for you, grandma, some paints,

Come on, grandma, don't sleep!

Draw a picture for the fairy tale:

The cat walks along the chain.


No, she’s old—not the same eye. (Pavlik is crying)

Okay, okay, there will be a cat.


I'll go out for a minute.

Where is my jacket?

N.V.: In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully

With a blue bag on his back.

But it's not fun from school

He was returning home.


What did you bring?


See for yourself!


No, report first!


Dad is 5, mom is 4, and you, granny, (with bitterness) are two.

Student (Pavlik): If I were a minister

All primary schools.

I'd be at school very quickly

Canceled the “count” rating.

By your order

I would write the words

What else is to be destroyed

Subject to a rating of two.

And then, after thinking for sure,

From dawn to dawn.

I would enter without delay

Remove rating "three".

So that learning without torment.

So as not to upset moms.

To study for 4 and 5.

The song “What they teach at school” plays. Children with a teacher and class teacher go up to the stage. Natalya Veniaminovna sits in the center. Children stand on either side of the teacher.

Student: Over the years of study, we made many friends. These are our classmates and parents. But two people were always with us both in lessons and during breaks. Who is this?

All together: Natalya Veniaminovna and Tamara Konstantinovna!

1st student: Four years have flown by

And I can’t believe it now

That once a friendly flock

We arrived at our noisy class.

2nd student: Time passed unnoticed

A year is like a day, and a day is like an hour.

Together we crossed

Every year from class to class.

3rd student: We grew up, we learned

And today we stand here.

To you, our first friend, teacher,

We say thank you.

4th student: Thank you, our first teacher,

For your enormous work that you put into us.

Of course, we are not your first issue,

And yet we fell in love with each other.

5th student: Who will always help you?

6th student: Will he support you with a kind word?

7th student: What he didn’t understand, he’ll explain.

8th student: You will be praised for your success.

9th student: Who doesn't like quarrels and noise?

10th student: Who can't stand lies?

11th student: Who frowns angrily because he has not learned his lesson?

12th student: Who will give the long-awaited “A” with a smile?

13th student: Who is always upset if you get a bad grade?

All together: This is our strict teacher.

This is our good teacher.

Children sing the song “The First Teacher”.

N.V.: Four years are like four days
Like birds flapping their wings...
My children are flying away today,
What are called DISCIPLES.

Four years are like four days
Flashed past the school windows;
They flashed past me like lightning,
And the bell keeps ringing cheerfully.

And the bell calls again for class:
Mathematics, Russian and reading...
Labor, fine arts, physical education - and the call again!
When will this “torment” end?!

This is the end of learning! Finally! Hooray!
Why is it so painful and sad?
Now my kids will run away,
The school will become so quiet and empty...

Four years are like four days
They rushed by like thoughts like an arrow...
I ask one thing: remember me!
Know: I LOVE you with all my soul!”

1st student: Well, the tutor got it,

The work was not in vain.

We have learned a lot -

You can't show it in a day.

2nd student: Olympics and concerts,
A stream of magic from fairy tales.
Together we created with you,
And everyone here burned as best they could...

3rd student: Spring holiday, or autumn,
Or a round dance near the Christmas tree -
This is how our friendship grew stronger,
Our creative people have matured.

4th student: The school's honor was also defended.
We are together, wherever we have to:
Both in mathematics and in Russian
We found a place among the first.

5th student: Yes, there was a golden time
It passed quickly like the wind...
We will remember him for a long time,
It resonated in our hearts.

6th student: For your friendship, for your care,

For your devotion to your friends,

For the eternal work of the soul -

For everything, for everything

Thank you!

T.K.: Dear children, dear parents, guests of our holiday! Tonight is both joyful and sad. Happy because you have grown up, become smarter, learned a lot, and because summer vacation is ahead of you. And sad because we have to part. For two years we have been walking along a difficult path and today I can say with confidence: grade 4A is a constellation of smart, creative, restless, but the coolest children!

Good luck, ups and bad weather -

Life is striped like a mattress.

My peak of teacher happiness -

These kids, this class.

And turning to you with all my heart,

I catch myself thinking,

Believe me, I'm not pretending-

I love each of you!

Fly, think, dare,

But in a corner of my soul

Save a piece of childhood -

And I will always live there.


T.K.: Guys! All these years, every day, from lesson to lesson, from quarter to quarter, your fathers and mothers, grandparents, studied with you. They, like you, and maybe more than you, were worried, experienced failures, and rejoiced at your victories. Together with you they are now here at the holiday, and we say a huge word to all of them...

All together: THANK YOU!

1st student: Today we say thank you

Of course to your parents.

Your concern, understanding and patience

They always helped us, without a doubt!

2nd student: Dads, dear kind mothers,

We want to say thank you

For caring, for being with us.

We are always ready to help everyone.

3rd student: You moved from class to class,

We gained knowledge and grew.

Everything we were taught at school

You helped us manage everything.

4th student: Here they are, those who sat with us at night over the book...

5th student: Here they are, those who wrote essays for us...

6th student: The best moms and dads in the world,

Your children say thank you very much.

Children go down to the hall and present medals to their parents. Everyone gets back on stage. They sing a song to the tune of “Our Neighbor.”

  1. All day from morning to night

I'm learning all the lessons

Even if very much

I want to go outside.

And wherever I go,

And wherever I go

I will never forget

How the verb is conjugated.


Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!

  1. At night I'll just close my eyes

And I’ll lie down on the bed -

Instant multiplication table

I'm starting to remember.

And when I sit down to dinner,

I always think about

Why is the sky darkening

And where the Don flows.


Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!

Sometimes I sit and dream,

  1. That a happy day will come,

And I'm Ivan Susanin

He will take him to the forest with him.

I will play there freely,

I will jump and jump

And the multiplication table

Slowly forget.


Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, be sorry

Mom, dad, let's go for a walk!


Dear Guys!

Today is an unusual day:

You have moved to fifth grade.

On the threshold of high school

We give you all an order.

There are still many years to study,

And don't lose patience.

Two, three, one

Do not allow it into your diary.

We also wish you,

Dear fifth grader,

So that they don't send you

Take your parent home.

So the fourth grade is over,

You have matured a whole year.

May the friendship that binds you

Will protect you from all kinds of adversity!

Be kind, be humble

And help each other in everything.

Have a good journey through life... And we,

We are always waiting for you with victory!

Parents sing the song “On the Road of Goodness.”

1. Ask strict life which way to go,

Where in the world should you go in the morning?

Follow the sun

Although this path is unknown,

Go my friend, always go

On the way to goodness.) 2 times.

2.Forget your worries, ups and downs.

Don't whine when fate behaves

Not like a sister.

But if things go wrong with a friend.

Don't rely on a miracle

Hurry to him

Always go

On the way to goodness.) 2 times.

3.And how many different doubts and temptations there will be.

Don't forget that this life is not child's play.

Drive away temptations

Learn the unspoken law:

Go my friend

Always go

On the road to goodness) 2 times.

Parents give their children photo albums and primary school diplomas.

Parent: You have an album in your hands,

You see all your friends in him.

In the middle is your teacher -

Your first leader.

Please don't forget them

Yes, remember more often!

The bell rings.

1 student: Last lesson finished today

The last bell rings in the corridor.

We are bags under our arms and we are skipping along,

And together we step beyond the school threshold.

2nd student: And there, beyond the threshold, moving the leaves,

The birches sway, the poplars rustle.

And all this means that summer has begun.

What forests and fields await us!

3rd student: But wherever I am, wherever I go,

No matter how many new friends I find,

On the river and in the field I remember school,

I remember that I moved to 5th grade!

Fanfare sounds.

T.K.: ATTENTION! ATTENTION! In the face of your comrades, parents, teachers and everyone present at our holiday, are you ready to make a solemn promise - the oath of fifth graders? Yes

“Entering the ranks of secondary school students, in the face of my comrades, in the face of martyred parents, in the face of working teachers, I solemnly swear:

  1. Stand at the board like the best goalkeeper, not missing a single question, even the most difficult and tricky one. WE SWEAR!
  2. Do not bring teachers to a boiling point - 100˚С WE SWEAR!
  3. Be fast and swift, but do not exceed the speed of 60 km/h when moving along the school corridors! WE SWEAR!
  4. It is not the veins to be pulled out of teachers, it is not the sweat that is squeezed out, but solid and accurate knowledge and skills. WE SWEAR!
  5. Swim only “good” and “excellent” in the sea of ​​knowledge, diving to the very depths. WE SWEAR!
  6. Be worthy of your teachers!WE SWEAR! WE SWEAR! WE SWEAR!

The soundtrack of the song “Waltz of Parting” (music by Ya. Frenkel) is played. The children take their seats, some on the stage, some on the steps of the stage.

1 student: We say goodbye to elementary school,

We are parting, alas, forever.

We'll meet again in September

There will be high school then.

2nd student: School years will fly by quickly,

The years will fly by in an instant.

But we won’t forget the “beginning”,

We will always remember her.

Children sing the song "Primary School". At this time, slides from the school life of children change on the screen.

T.K.: Dear Guys! Your parents have prepared a surprise for you. Let's all go outside.

Children release paper doves on balloons with their wishes. Then everyone goes to the hall where the tables are set.


Lyrics → print

I open the doors to the classroom again
And I remember the best moments
When did you first know us?
We were funny, no doubt about it.
The rules were repeated to us at the blackboard.
And they held white chalk in their hands.
We were all your students -
Funny, mischievous kids.

My first teacher.

We say thank you from the bottom of our hearts
And we sincerely thank you for everything.

For true kindness of the heart.

You gave us life lessons.

I remember my first lesson
We expected a miracle from everyone’s words
The bell sang with a cheerful chime
And we wrote sticks in notebooks
They saddened you to the point of pain
But there was more joy
You forgot and felt sorry for us
Sorry for the mistakes please

My first teacher.
We express our recognition to you today.
We say thank you from the bottom of our hearts
And we sincerely thank you for everything.
For a fairy tale, for a smile, for a dream,
For true kindness of the heart.
They led the faithful along the path to knowledge.
You gave us life lessons.

For a fairy tale, for a smile, for a dream,
For true kindness of the heart.
They led the faithful along the path to knowledge.
You gave us life lessons.
You gave us life lessons.


Elementary School.

sl. and music Elena Plotnikova

1. Let the golden autumn pass,
The blizzard will stop raging
And the sun, laughing and sparkling,
He will look into the primary classes.

2.Here they hurried to gain new knowledge
The first teacher and I are together,
We grew up, we were surprised, we became friends
And they sang their favorite songs.

September rustles leaves
And May is blooming again.
We will love you
Elementary school, know!

3. Our class, mischievous and cheerful.
Tests, lessons, tasks...
Today is elementary school
He wishes us good luck in life!

4.The doors will open, and again
You will meet your first-graders.
We know, elementary school, -
You will remain in our hearts!

September rustles leaves
And May is blooming again.
We will love you
Elementary school, know!

Time flies at lightning speed. Its rapid course is especially acute when children appear in the family. Just recently you were putting babies in their cradles, and today you are thinking about holding a fun and unusual graduation party in the 4th grade. The carefree years that have passed by are followed by nostalgia, and the only thought left in the parents’ heads is “Goodbye elementary school”! Yes, it’s not easy to leave the lower grades: now much more school lessons and household responsibilities will fall on the fragile children’s shoulders. Therefore, the holiday of parting with a carefree period of life should brighten up the transition to a more conscious and responsible stage of life for schoolchildren. When planning a graduation party in elementary school, select a scenario based on the taste preferences and modern hobbies of the children. Let the bright celebration remain the brightest impression in the memory of graduates.

Where and how to have a fun elementary school graduation

Deciding where and how to hold a fun graduation for elementary school students depends on many factors:

  • alumni preferences;
  • the competence of parents and teachers in conducting such events;
  • financial capabilities;
  • level of class team cohesion;

First, it’s worth finding out about the dreams and desires of the graduates themselves. And to understand what the uncontrollable energy of children is striving for, it is enough to spend a class hour with friendly communication, an introductory conversation, a written (and even anonymous) survey of schoolchildren regarding the location of the event. Of course, there will not be a unanimous answer, but it is quite reasonable to listen to the opinion of the majority of the guys.

After class, you can arrange an unscheduled parent meeting to discuss student choices. It is better for teachers to familiarize themselves in advance with the pricing policy for concert programs, animation performances, rental of banquet halls and room decorator services. Taking into account the opinion of the children, their financial capabilities and the teacher’s competence in organizational matters, it will be much easier for parents to come to a certain compromise.

Choosing a venue for a fun prom in 4th grade

The most popular options for where and how to spend a fun graduation in elementary school have remained unchanged over the past 3-5 years:

Classic graduation “Farewell elementary school”

If you nevertheless decide to hold a graduation party for 4th grade within the school walls, choose the most successful scenario and make the celebration as colorful and memorable as possible for the children.

  • First, create a festive atmosphere. Decorate the prom hall with balloons, shimmering ribbons, glossy photographs with memorable shots from the life of the class. Don't forget about flowers and greeting posters.
  • Secondly, allow each graduate to choose an image to their taste. If the script does not require schoolchildren to play certain roles, let them choose outfits and accessories that match their inner world. And absolutely nothing bad will happen if little fairies and young super-heroes meet in the same hall at the prom.
  • Third, don't turn prom into a talent show. Fill part of the evening with solemn congratulations and parting wishes with a response from the students, and the rest of the time with fun entertainment, competitions, games and tea with a disco.
  • Fourth, don’t get stuck in one room. Allow graduates to manage the entire school (within the limits of what is permitted). Hold a couple of competitions in the courtyard, present certificates to children on the stage of the assembly hall, dance a children's waltz in the hall, organize a banquet in the elegant dining room.
  • Fifthly, do not use the classic graduation script “Goodbye Elementary School” in its standard form, without changes. It makes more sense to spend a little time and change the plan and content of the event for a specific class group, with its characteristics and character.

Graduation script for 4th grade “Farewell elementary school”

The classic “Goodbye Elementary School” graduation usually consists of two parts:

  • official - filled with tears of parents and teachers, as well as the joy of 4th graders anticipating new adventures;
  • disco - with games, competitions, dancing and delicious treats;

The first part of the graduation ceremony must certainly contain congratulatory speeches from teachers accompanied by musical accompaniment and thunderous applause from the audience, farewell poems by graduates and a couple of theme songs performed by children. Congratulations from teachers can be followed by responses from students with the presentation of bouquets and gifts to teachers in gratitude for the open world of knowledge.

It is better to divide the second part of the holiday into three blocks: competition, dance, and drinking. Junior schoolchildren, although graduates, are still children. This means they love to play. The guys will be happy to line up in 1 minute according to the first letter of their name or get entangled in one huge knot, tightly holding hands. A graduation disco, perhaps the first in the children's lives, should traditionally include both fun and slow dancing. But the choice of tracks for compiling a playlist is best left to the youngest and most advanced parent. When organizing a buffet for elementary school graduates, you should not order hearty salads and coarse meat dishes. The main thing is more non-carbonated drinks and light snacks on the tables.

Traditional graduation party in elementary school - scenario according to nominations

The scenario for the graduation party according to the nominations is widely popular, as it is considered traditional for the holiday in elementary school. Little princes and princesses are looking forward to the awards ceremony and are preparing for it in every possible way. It is no good to upset graduates with poor organization, boring entertainment or ill-conceived gifts.

In recent years, more and more often, themed children's parties are held at prom with the development of events in the key of one story, one exciting event. And for kids 9-10 years old, brought up on Hollywood action movies, the most desirable option is still the Oscar night. After all, this is the only way that every little hero can feel like a real legendary star. And if, instead of expensive luxurious outfits, graduates choose images of super heroes and heroines for the ceremony, then schoolchildren will remember the bright and unique graduation ceremony forever. How often do teachers give awards and gifts to Harry Potter, Alice from Wonderland, the Mad Hatter, etc.

How to hold a graduation ceremony in 4th grade “according to nominations” with awards and gifts

The traditional graduation party in elementary school according to the scenario with nominations has its own peculiarity: it can be easily made even more pleasant and joyful. To do this, it is enough to present small memorable gifts to the nominees along with a document confirming completion of primary school. For example, a cup with a photo print of a class photo, a ticket to the circus or a joint trip on a river ferry, a book on a hobby, a large photo collage for a long-lasting memory.

Another distinctive feature of this “Oscar-winning” prom is that the official and entertainment parts are closely intertwined, which means there is no bright contrast between the tedious introduction and the perky children’s banquet. Main:

  • agree on roles and nominations in advance;
  • decorate the hall and prepare the “red carpet”;
  • organize a children's banquet;
  • buy gifts and flowers;
  • draw up a script for games and competitions;
  • prepare speech and response words;
  • will take care of musical accompaniment and lighting effects;

Modern graduation party in elementary school: new scenario 2017

It’s not difficult to come up with an entertaining program for the graduation of 4th graders in a children’s restaurant, on a boat, in nature, in a theater or museum. The unusual atmosphere seems to charge the graduates with a festive mood and make them want to have a lot of fun. It is much more difficult to paint a typical modern elementary school graduation party according to the new 2017 scenario, without pompous decorations, light music, or a spacious disco hall. Difficult, but possible!

Both old and new scenarios for children's graduations must include the required elements:

  1. Introductory part with a solemn speech by the teacher and director;
  2. Presentation of diplomas to 4th graders;
  3. Performances by students with poems, songs, dances;
  4. Parents' speeches;
  5. Presentation of flowers and gifts;
  6. An unofficial continuation - the entertainment part of the prom;

The formal half of the event is almost always the same. But the entertainment part is different for each graduating class.

Scenario options for a modern elementary school graduation

To hold the most extraordinary modern graduation party in elementary school, you can think through and compose the new 2017 scenario yourself. Or save time resources and leave organizational issues to specialists. Experienced presenters and animators will always offer parents and children interesting options for holding a celebration.

"Star Factory". During the celebration, presenters reveal the hidden talents of graduates, reward them with souvenir cups and medals, conduct a stellar photo shoot and various competitions with games;

"Cannes Festival". This scenario is possible subject to preliminary preparation. During the month before graduation, students and their teacher occasionally appear in an interesting short film. A cameraman, director and editing specialist will have to be found in advance. Each child has their own role with text and important actions. The film must be fully prepared for the prom so that the premiere is a success. This graduation scenario is not the simplest and cheapest, but the most memorable and exciting.

"Star of the Dance Floor" A prom party with a disco twist is a great opportunity for kids to show their activity and sense of style. Following the traditional official part with a sad farewell comes a cheerful moment of dancing, dancing, and round dances. Graduates will happily exchange their suits with red ribbons for shiny retro-style outfits and embark on joyful fun with soap balloons, light music and lively melodies.

An unusual and funny graduation scenario in the form of a modern fairy tale in elementary school

Graduation scenario in elementary school “Modern Fairy Tale” is an unusual and fun interpretation of the good old event. The only difference is that instead of the usual Little Red Riding Hoods and Cipollino, the main characters at the festival will be Fixies, Winx dolls and the brave heroes of Nidzyago. Otherwise, the preparation and organization of graduation in the 4th grade according to a fairy-tale scenario should be carried out similarly to any other options:

  1. Parent meeting to discuss organizational issues and the general budget;
  2. Selection and purchase of gifts for children and teachers;
  3. Selection of the optimal place for graduation in elementary school;
  4. Determining the script, distributing roles and preparing character images;
  5. Booking entertainment events (shows, quests, etc.);
  6. Decoration of the festive hall;
  7. Preparation of photos and videos “for a long memory.”

Additional elements of a fairytale graduation scenario in 4th grade

It’s easy to create an unusual and funny graduation script in the form of a modern fairy tale in elementary school yourself, taking an old fairy tale as a basis and filling it with episodes that are relevant to today’s teenagers. There is no need to schedule the whole evening minute by minute and plan all the entertainment step by step. Any holiday deserves improvisation and light impromptu. In addition, it is not easy for graduates to relax and have fun fooling around if the organizer follows everywhere with intrusive instructions.

Although the script is based on fairy-tale motifs, the main part of it should be occupied by games and competitions. Let each little guest “defend” his character or tell about himself personally, reincarnating in the chosen image. Let the young graduates lead a big fabulous round dance. Let everyone take part in a bright photo shoot or shoot a colorful video for a modern children's song.

At a prom party dedicated to fairy-tale and cartoon characters, literally all elements must correspond to the chosen theme: from virtual decorations from Wonderland to fantastic treats in the form of multi-colored fruit canapés and figurative cotton candy. Musical accompaniment, entertainment, and invited guests - literally everything should be fabulous and unusual. After all, this holiday will probably be the last children's celebration before entering a new, previously unfamiliar, responsible life.

Primary school graduation (out of school) 2017: unusual and fun scenario with video and photos

Following the classic options for holding a farewell party, you can consider non-standard proposals. For example, elementary school graduation (outside school) 2017: an unusual and fun scenario with video and photos. The best suggestions are provided below in the form of a life-saving cheat sheet for parents.

  1. Graduation in an elegant pizzeria hall with a disco program;
  2. Holiday at the quest club;
  3. Sports and entertainment event at a children's recreation center;
  4. Graduation at the art club with a couple of master classes and delicious treats;
  5. Science Graduation in Downtown Newton;
  6. Holiday in a large trampoline park;
  7. A trip on a cozy boat;
  8. Graduation in a rented cinema hall;
  9. Costume ball at the cultural center;
  10. Bowling party for children in the play center;
  11. Sports and interactive program “Sagittarius Daredevils” at the city sports ground;
  12. Graduation at the aquarium;
  13. Celebration in the bioexperimentarium “Living Schemes”;
  14. Space party in the planetarium;
  15. Graduation ceremony at the A. S. Pushkin Museum (and others);

How else can you have a fun and unusual graduation party in 4th grade outside of your home school?

As we have already found out, an excellent elementary school graduation 2017 can be held outside of school using an unusual and fun scenario. For example, in the format of a bright and exciting quest. Modern quests for graduation are fully adapted to the specifics of the event. Moving along a given route in search of tips and new tasks, the children will end up at a diploma presentation, a small buffet, and a fun disco. Most popular scenarios:

  • "The Lost Fifth Grader." You can tell the children a legend about a boy who got lost on the way to the fifth grade, and ask them to find him using clues and puzzles;
  • "Space Travel". Costume quest journey from Alpha Centauri through the entire Galaxy;
  • "Around the world in 80 days." A great geographical journey through various countries, accompanied by charades, puzzles, tasks (according to the traditions of different nations);
  • "Hogwarts School." Quest search engine with magical lessons from the school of magic;
  • "Crazy Magician Show" A long experimental quest with mystical tricks, illusions and small miracles;
  • "Lost Island";
  • "Young Pathfinders";
  • "Land of Crooked Mirrors";
  • "Hip-hop party";

Of course, the classic 4th grade prom "Farewell Primary School" still has its charm and is often seen in town and country schools. But parents and teachers should not be alarmed if children decide to deviate from deep-rooted traditions and demand an unusual, modern graduation ceremony in elementary school: the script for a fun holiday can be easily found on the Internet, compiled independently using our tips, or purchased from creative organizers complete with entertainment, quests, buffet, etc.

For elementary school graduations, the script is always prepared in advance. Students and parents must be consulted regarding the program and general plan for the evening. The subjects most often chosen are cheerful, unusual and funny themes or classic and modern fairy tales, where children are given the opportunity to try themselves in the role of their favorite characters and say the words: “Goodbye, elementary school!”, dressed in the costume of Cinderella, Pinocchio or the Poet from “ Bremen Town Musicians". After all, despite the fact that 4th grade is already over, boys and girls still feel like carefree tomboys and do not deny themselves the opportunity to laugh heartily and fool around.

Primary school graduation – a modern scenario for 2017

Graduation in primary school, held according to an interesting and original modern scenario, will give both children and adults bright, colorful and unforgettable impressions. There are no restrictions when it comes to ideas for the main story. For example, you can create a program in the style of a corporate event and invite professional animators and popular children’s ensembles in the region to entertain schoolchildren. Let ten-year-old boys and girls feel like adults, put on beautiful evening suits and long fluffy dresses, sit at tables with refreshments and enjoy a performance and a musical concert, and in the second part of the event, take part in simple quizzes and competitions where you can win toys, souvenirs, memorable gifts and sweet prizes.

Examples of competitions for a modern elementary school graduation scenario

  • "Reliable chain"- a simple competition that will pleasantly defuse the solemn atmosphere and give the children the opportunity to move around a little. To conduct this, the participants are divided into two teams, placed opposite each other and told to hold hands tightly. At the leader’s signal, a player from the first team loudly calls the name of any player from the second team. The one whose name was called comes out a little forward, accelerates and quickly runs towards the enemy in order to break the closed chain. If this is possible, the player takes one of the members of the enemy team. If the chain withstands the attack, the player must join the enemy side. The team that gathers the maximum number of participants in its chain wins.
  • "How to make tea"- a very cool, fun competition for a graduation party in elementary school. It is attractive because it provides for the participation of absolutely all students in the class. To implement the project, children are divided into teams of the same size. Sheets of whatman paper with a cup pre-drawn in the center are attached to the board (the number of sheets must match the number of teams). Participants are tightly blindfolded and then the children go to a sheet of paper on the board and draw a triangle on it, symbolizing a tea bag. The victory goes to the team whose members were the most accurate and placed the maximum number of bags inside the drawn cup.
  • “Who can bake pancakes faster?”- a good competition for speed and accuracy, promoting the development of fine motor skills. Suitable for both team and individual performance. The idea is that sheets of paper and a sample of a pancake are laid out in front of the player (or players) - a paper circle about 15 centimeters in diameter. Then the judge gives a signal and the participants begin to work. The task comes down to cutting out as many “pancake” circles as possible in a certain time. After the time has elapsed, the judge counts the paper “pancakes” and awards victory to the one who managed to get ahead of his opponents and “bake” a record number of circles.

Unusual and fun elementary school graduation - scenario for 2017 with video

The graduation scenario for an elementary school should not only be unusual, fun and original, but also educational. Children need to be given the opportunity to demonstrate to teachers, parents and other guests of the event the knowledge and skills they have acquired over four years. The video below will tell you how to do this as effectively and brightly as possible. The history of the Russian alphabet and writing was chosen as the theme for the holiday. The topic is multifaceted and allows you to involve absolutely all students in the presentation.

The program is divided into two parts. The first consists of solemn and official speeches, which are delivered from the stage by the school director, head teacher, class teacher and other teachers who teach various subjects to fourth-graders. Children are congratulated on the successful completion of the school year and the transition to a completely new stage in life. Boys and girls are wished to never forget what they were taught in primary school, to respect their elders and always come to the aid of those who need it. After all the official phrases have been said, the performance itself begins.

The lights in the hall are dimmed, and with the help of a video projector, footage depicting the ancient Russian alphabet is broadcast on the screen. To the appropriate musical accompaniment, two students appear on stage dressed as the inventors of Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius. In their poetic performance one can hear pride in the beautiful, sonorous and figurative language, which has become one of the most respected in the whole world. Then the host of the holiday returns to the stage and says that now the guys will tell everyone present about each letter of the Russian alphabet and explain in detail why it is so important for a person to be able to read and write.

Then, for 60-80 minutes, students come on stage one by one with the image of one of the letters on their T-shirt. They recite poems telling about the meaning of letters and make up various words from them. The performance ends with a grand finale, when the entire Russian alphabet comes out to bow to the audience at the same time. The scene turns out to be very impressive and makes a lasting impression on those present.

Graduation in elementary school - a fun and unusual scenario in the form of a fairy tale: ideas and examples

A fairy-tale scenario for a primary school graduation is one of the most successful options for celebrating a holiday. Children always take part in such an event with great pleasure and willingly try on the roles of their favorite heroes and characters.

  • “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”- an interesting and colorful script based on Russian folk tales. The main character is Ivanushka the Fool. He goes on stage in a folk costume, is capricious and refuses to go to school. When persuaded by his parents, he replies that he already knows everything and he simply does not need school knowledge. At the same time, the insidious Baba Yaga, Koschey and the Serpent Gorynych kidnap Ivan’s sister Alyonushka. Having learned about this event, the boy decides to go through the dark forest in search of his sister, but immediately runs into a problem. Various forest inhabitants block his way and demand that he complete some task from the school curriculum in order to move on. But Ivanushka cannot do this, because he did not go to primary school and does not know the answers to the questions asked. He has to run back home, look for the Wise Old Man-Borovitch and ask him to teach him the wisdom of school. The elderly mentor comes to meet Ivan halfway and very quickly (with the help of magic, of course) helps the boy go through the entire program. The wiser student goes into the forest again, easily copes with all the tricky tasks, easily finds his sister and rescues her from the clutches of the villains. Returning home, the children sing a song about how important it is to attend school and receive all the necessary knowledge there.
  • "The Bremen Town Musicians"- a fun musical script based on the events of the well-known classic cartoon. The plot centers on the Capricious Princess, who is very lazy and categorically refuses to go to school. Papa King decides to take extreme measures and hires his daughter very special tutors - a team of Bremen Musicians. Donkey, Rooster, Cat, Dog and their friend the Poet teach the royal daughter reading, writing and mathematics in poetic and musical form. At first, the girl refuses to listen to them, but then cheerful, cheerful, catchy songs and touching rhymes penetrate her heart, and she agrees to start studying. To reproduce this scenario, a lot of preparatory work will be required, large-scale decorations, costumes and appropriate musical accompaniment. In order for the guys to remember their roles well, they will have to conduct several rehearsals and work out each number step by step. But the efforts will not be in vain and the result will be a very bright, extraordinary and spectacular performance that will bring a lot of pleasure to both the little actors and the audience invited to the holiday.
  • "Golden key for Pinocchio"- a classic scenario for graduation in elementary school. It even practically does not require adaptation, since the events precisely describe what problems can arise due to the fact that the child does not go to school. The only thing that needs to be done for the success of the performance is to correctly distribute the roles, sew suitable costumes and prepare the scenery. It is worth involving the students’ parents in the process, not only to resolve organizational issues, but also to play certain roles. For example, one of the dads can play the original role of Karabas-Barabas, Durimar or Papa Carlo, and someone’s mother can act as the Wise Tortilla. The children will be very happy to go on stage with their parents and plunge into a wonderful and kind children's fairy tale together.

Interesting graduation in elementary school - scenario based on nominations for 4th grade

A very original idea is to hold a graduation ceremony in an elementary school according to a scenario with nominations and mandatory awards for participants. The peculiarity of this option is that you can come up with a variety of nominations for the children and encourage absolutely every student, including those who do not behave well and do not demonstrate success in studying the school curriculum.

The event is organized in a large, spacious assembly hall or sports hall, and the passage from the doors to the stage is necessarily lined with the red carpet traditional for pompous celebrations. Along it, young fourth-graders and teachers enter the room and take their seats to the accompaniment of bravura music. The presenters appear near the curtain - a boy and a girl, dressed in elegant, festive costumes. They welcome participants and declare the event open. Then the primary school graduates are called to the stage one by one and each of them is awarded a certificate of honor indicating completion of the first stage of education. Then the nomination in which the student showed himself most clearly and successfully is announced. In addition to the classic definitions of “The smartest (assiduous, attentive, diligent, etc.)” student, more original options are also added, for example, nominations for “The tallest fourth grader”, “The most often answering at the blackboard”, “The biggest lover of a certain subject” , “Best Poetry Reader” or “Best Artist (musician, athlete, etc.).” And in order for the prize in the nomination to be fully deserved, the student is asked to prove his talent and convince those present that he is worthy of the honorary high title.
This moment is played out in a humorous and playful manner. To determine the tallest fourth-grader, all the boys are called onto the stage and their height is measured with a large improvised ruler. Candidates for the title of best reader are required to recite aloud some poem about school, and the best artists are required to quickly draw on a piece of paper a portrait of their favorite teacher or some genre scene from the life of the class. Students are warned in advance about who exactly will be nominated in a certain nomination so that everyone has time to prepare the appropriate number.

The same type of award is offered to teachers. However, here, for greater originality, all nominations are kept secret, giving teachers the opportunity to improvise once they are on stage.

A beautiful and fun elementary school graduation - video example

The video below will tell you in detail how to have a fun and beautiful graduation in elementary school. The event is structured like a real ball, and the stewards are a couple of presenters. They announce the opening of the holiday in poetic form and invite the heroes of the occasion to the hall. A lyrical melody sounds and boys in formal suits and girls in elegant long dresses enter the door. To the applause of their parents and teachers, they perform a simple classical dance, and then bow to the audience and take their seats. After the introductory remarks by the presenters, a video presentation begins, clearly showing how four years ago timid first-graders crossed the school threshold and sat down at their desks to “gnaw on the granite of science” under the strict guidance of their teachers. Years passed, the kids became smarter, learned to read, count, write and gained basic knowledge about the world around them. Now new horizons have opened before them and the time has come to thank the elementary school and confidently move on to new achievements, achievements and knowledge.

The main program consists of music and dance performances and the awarding of honorary graduate diplomas to fourth-graders. At the end of the event, the children thank their teachers for their love and present them with beautiful bouquets of flowers. After this, the holiday moves into an informal phase and each class goes to its own classrooms to continue celebrating the end of school in a closer circle.

Graduation “Farewell, elementary school!” - video presentation

The graduation celebration, held under the motto “Farewell, elementary school!”, will be decorated with a spectacular video presentation, once again reminding students, teachers and parents how many bright and extraordinary events have happened to them over the four years that have flown by unnoticed. To make the material truly interesting, students will need to bring from home photos and video files taken at holidays, on hikes, on rulers and in class. One of the parents or teachers will edit the information using one of the graphic editors and turn the disparate data into a single film telling about the life of children in elementary school. Watching such a clip and going back in time for some time will be interesting not only for students, but also for teachers.

"Elementary School Graduation." Teacher: Dear guests. We are all a little worried, because today is an unusual day - farewell to elementary school. Together with you we climbed the first, most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge. We learned to read, write, count, make friends, learned to live according to the rules of our school house. ........ 4 years have passed. And we are glad to welcome you to the holiday. Today you will meet with graduates of primary school......and the permanent head of class 4 “A” - Ermolaeva O.V.

Let me introduce myself: - Fast, athletic,

Brave, active, - Smart, inquisitive,

In general, attractive.

Everyone is smart, beautiful, crafty, happy!

Let's get down to business - things won't go well!

We quarrel and immediately make up.

The average age is 10.5 years, and the total is 265 years!

Favorite day of the week is Sunday! -Favorite time of year is summer!

Favorite school - 18th!

Since entering primary school, we have studied 1445_ lessons. We learned dozens of rules, solved hundreds of examples and problems.

Many different facts have stuck in our heads, and some still don’t fit there!

1445_ hours at a school desk! And this doesn't count the time spent doing homework. More than 120 filled notebooks, but not every one is shown to parents!

And now the cherished day has come,

Everyone's a little sad

And it’s as if a shadow is wandering somewhere.

And everyone can’t wait until spring.

Today is an important day for us,

We are moving to fifth grade

Finishing primary school

And we dedicate our holiday to her!

One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe we want to tell you something more than a simple story.

When we were seven years old

Or maybe eight

Or maybe six years -

We won't elaborate.

To one simple school, or maybe not a school,

Or maybe it’s not just that our mothers brought us here.

It was an autumn day, or maybe not autumn,

Or maybe he wasn’t standing - they still brought us.

We stood for half an hour, or maybe we didn’t stand,

With briefcases, with flowers

Under the sun, not in the shade.

But to school, where our class would be,

Or maybe not our class,

Or maybe they didn’t take us to school after all.

Behind the door is dad and grandma,

Behind the door is mom and grandpa,

Or maybe an aunt and uncle

We stayed to wait.

And in class with us,

Or maybe not with us

Only the teacher remained and began to teach us.

Yes, there were bright days

When at that solemn hour

With some joyful excitement

We entered 1st grade

Olympics and concerts

From fairy tales of magic flow

Together we created with you

And everyone here burned as best they could.

Spring holiday, or autumn

Or a round dance near the Christmas tree

This is how our friendship grew stronger

Our creative people have matured.

The honor of the school was also defended

We are together, wherever we have to,

Both in mathematics and Russian

We found a place among the first.

Conducted relay races

We're in the gym

Ball, rope, hoop

Skittles for hardy guys.

We've been everywhere around the world

Admired the ancient temples

Such beauty - just wow!

Fresh air and wonderful landscapes!

And how many have been sung together,

Re-danced with us!

If you don't have enough time to remember

This takes a whole hour.

Yes, there was a golden time

It passed quickly like the wind,

We will remember him for a long time

It resonated in our hearts!

The music sounds to the tune of “The Wedding Celebration of the Evil...

Holiday, holiday celebrated with family

Holiday, holiday, graduation celebration.

Our school is in turmoil these days,

There are screams, noise and beauty everywhere.


We're all a little worried

The cheeks are flushed.

Grandmothers, mothers and grandfathers

They look at grown-up guys.

Your kids have grown up

And now they are graduates!

Look here they are standing

They don’t scream and don’t seem to play pranks!


School. This word has become near and dear to us.

Where does school start?

From a briefcase? From the first call?

From a piece of white crayon?

From the first letter? From the first assessment?

From the first school break?

Or maybe from the first sheet of notebook?

From an album, paints, a diary?

From the board and desk.

From the ABC book!

Do you remember? Of course, you all remember

How our mothers led us to school by the hand,

They excitedly called it a new word - schoolchildren!

And we went towards knowledge.

We remember that cheerful call,

What rang for us for the first time,

When they entered school with flowers

To your very best first class.

How the teacher greeted me at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days

And a big noisy family

New girlfriends and friends.

I remember how I told my parents everything:

As we walked to the music from the great hall,

How then we all sat in class together,

And how they looked at the teacher first,

And as we answered the teacher in unison,

How we confused our desks at first,

How they wrote with sticks, painted a vase,

And we learned poems about school right away.

Mom was happy, dad was happy.

And we ourselves liked it in our bright school.

Song (based on the song “Now I am Cheburashka...”)

We were kids

They frolicked and played.

We went to kindergarten, everything was as always.

But we entered school

The toys were put aside

Farewell to our childhood years. (2 times)

So that we become smart

And they became literate,

And we knew how to solve difficult problems.

Four long years

In any bad weather

Went to school

Gain knowledge. (2 times)

Over the four years of study, we have become so wiser that we can even adapt Russian folk proverbs ourselves in a new way. For example

Tell me the beginning of the proverb, and I will end it for you in a new way.

2nd boy: You can’t spoil porridge with butter...

1st boy: ...said the quick-witted one, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case.

2nd boy: He who seeks will always find...

1st boy: ...thought the smart one, looking at his neighbor’s notebook during the test.

2nd boy: Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth...

1st boy: ...exclaimed the polite one, knocking over a glass of tea from his friend during a break in the buffet.

2nd boy: Smoking is harmful to health...

1st boy: ... the compassionate one sympathized, telling the head teacher that his friends smoked in the school toilet.

2nd boy: A penny saves the ruble...

1st boy: thought thrifty and decided not to give money for gifts to the girls on March 8th.

2nd boy: If you know a lot, you will soon grow old...

1st boy: ...decided calmly when he received another bad grade in class.

2nd boy: It’s time for fun...

1st boy: ...said cheerfully, running home from class.

2nd boy: Time is money...

1st boy: decided the sensible one, who went to football instead of doing his homework.

2nd boy: If you want to be healthy, toughen up...

1st boy: ...exclaimed the caring one, pushing his friend into a puddle.

Yes! The main thing in school, of course, is lessons! School life is unthinkable without them!

In the young month of April

The snow has melted in the yard.

We've been with you for four years

We continue our race.

You need to study Russian

And complete tasks.

Dear you are our teacher,

We really want to go for a walk!

Dear you are our teacher,

When will we rest?

Turn. Fatigue is forgotten, the lesson is over.

The guys finally broke the chain.

Don't stand on the road, otherwise you'll get lost.

They rush, they rush, they rush, they rush,

And you can't stop them. (to the tune of "Pursuit")

Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked.

Everything became clear to me now.

I was late for class again.

I didn’t want to, but I lied again:

That the alarm clock let me down again,

The elevator got stuck and the bus left

And then I ran so fast.

But, alas, I was late again.

The hardest thing was learning how to solve problems.

Sings to the tune of the song “It’s No Secret...” (music by S. Nikitin).

It's no secret that it's difficult to be friends with mathematics.

And solving problems is not easy.

But now we can cope with them wonderfully: We know what to look for, we know what has been given to us.


Under the friendly puffing,

Under the quiet sniffling,

To the joyful singing

Is born into the world

Big answer for a little one

For such a small problem,

For such a modest task

Such a huge answer.

Recess: And again a recess, The class is worried.

What will the chef please us with today?

We don’t need porridge, we don’t want mashed potatoes.

Give us cupcakes, give us some cakes,

Otherwise we'll eat you. (to the tune of "Pursuit")

I’m sitting reading, I’m looking at the book for a long time,

I keep sitting and looking, I don’t find any meaning in it.

I teach this way and that, but the thought just doesn’t fit.

I cram and cram, but I can’t remember.

It would be better if everyone made a movie based on books a long time ago,

If I were an excellent student, I would learn everything on TV!

Change Three lessons have passed, It's time for us again,

Throwing away your notebooks, go and rest.

We don't get tired of screaming and running around.

We've got a change, we've got a change,

We don't care. (to the tune of "Pursuit")

Why wander around the world with a textbook?

Those who teach are not afraid of anxiety,

Any lessons are dear to us! (2 times)

La-la-la-! Oh yeah

And this is how we dealt with homework.

Scene “Homework”.

Pavlik. What a damn task! I fought and fought - failure.

There were already circles in my eyes.

Sit down, dad, help!

Dad. Head up, son!

With dad you are not alone (Sits down for homework)

Pavlik. We were told to underline parts of speech in the exercise.

Do me a favor, mom, be more careful!

Mother. Underline parts of speech?

We'll figure it out somehow. (Sits down to study)

Pavlik. And for you, grandma, some paints,

Come on, grandma, don't sleep.

Draw a picture for a fairy tale:

The cat walks along the chain.

Granny: No, she’s old - the eye is not the same (Pavlik is crying.)

Okay, okay, there will be a cat. (Sits down to study)

Pavlik: I’ll go out for a minute.

Where is my jacket?

Presenter: In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully

With a blue bag on his back.

But no fun since school

He was returning home.

Mom: What did you bring?

Pavlik: See for yourself!

Dad: No, report first!

Pavlik: Dad is three, mom is four, and you, grandma, are two. (Sorry)

We thought badly yesterday.

Yes, it’s not easy in the struggle for knowledge and good grades. And although they say that grades are not the main thing, the main thing is knowledge, but how happy we all are with good grades!


The bell rings and every time

As if in a bad dream,

First I fly into the classroom,

Then it flies at me.

Life has become a nightmare hell for me.

We get an awful lot of homework.

And if you’re not at home at all,

Where will they ask me?

Mom shouted:

What a disgrace?!

Solid threes -

Where's the diversity?

When I brought variety,

She shouted again: “Disgrace!”

Scenes. Teacher: What grades are there?

The good, the bad, the unfair.

Teacher: But let’s talk about this, about unfair grades, in more detail.

Sketch: “Unfair assessments.”

She: What are your grades?

He: Unfair!

She: Why is that?

Him: They're finding fault! Recently I answered a question in natural history, knew all the questions, but got a bad mark...

She: If you knew everything, why did you get a bad mark?

He: So I knew the questions, but not the answers. I didn’t teach the answers, I taught the questions. How can you prove it?

She: /ironically/ Yes, it’s difficult to prove.

He: That's the point. Last week I wrote a dictation... Another bad mark.

She: And why?

Him: For punctuation marks.

She: Don’t you know how to put periods, dashes, commas?

He: I know how to place it, but I don’t know where.

She: So you probably don’t know the rules?

Him: I know! The main rule is to sit correctly, that is, next to an excellent student.

She: Yes, a wonderful rule! Listen, do you have at least one favorite subject?

Him: Of course, I love mathematics.

She: Well, then tell me how to find the area of ​​a square?

He: What, is she lost? I did not take.

She: So everything is clear with mathematics. Now explain why we first see lightning and then hear thunder?

Him: Because the eyes are in front of the ears.

She: Great! I wonder what your eyes and ears are for?

He: Eyes to see, ears to wash.

She: Everything is clear! In my opinion, your grades are fair, but you study poorly because you are lazy. And I can guess what the most important assessment in your diary is.


Sasha: Good afternoon, Oksanochka!

O: Good afternoon, Sasha! What's wrong with you?

S: You have to be polite. Why are you without a hat? Have you been sick recently?

O: I don’t recognize you, Sasha!

S: How can you not find out? Did you finish your homework? Or will I help?

A: I did it, thank you!

S: Did you embroider the napkin?

A: Even several!

S: Irochka, give me one. I'll give it to the teacher. Let's outsmart!

A: This will not be a trick, but a deception!

S: You're sorry! I said hello to you, was interested in your health, and you...

A: Now I understand why you were so polite!

S: Well, Oksanka, you are greedy! You'll get it during the break!

Teacher: Sasha, tell me honestly, who wrote your homework essay?

Sasha: Honestly, I don’t know, I went to bed early.

If I were a minister

All primary and secondary schools,

I'd be at school very quickly

Canceled the “count” rating.

At your disposal

I would attribute the words

What else will I destroy?

Subject to a rating of two.

And then, after thinking for a night

From dawn to dawn,

I would order without delay

Eliminate the “three” rating.

So that learning is not a torment,

So as not to upset mothers,

To learn with pleasure

On "four" and "five".

The time of victories and failures has passed,

We have grown, strengthened, matured,

Solved many difficult problems

We can do things that we couldn’t do before!

What we were!

What we have become!

Everyone has grown up so much

Everyone is so mature!

We studied without knowing much sadness,

And we can do a lot, and we know a lot!

What is school?

These are kids.

With clear, inquisitive eyes.

Signs of spring are showing at school

Children turn into poets.

What is school? This is the heart.

A heart without lazy peace.

Hundreds of times a day there is laughter, then tears, then fun.

School is terrible.

SCHOOL - This is a communal apartment,

SCHOOL - This is a communal country.

First grade reads the ABC book,

Fifth grade runs to the gym

And the tenth one splits the magazine into molecules.

Someone writes, someone jumps,

Someone bit off the globe.

And the teacher is almost crying, the poor guy is exhausted.

There were all sorts of things, of course, during the four years here.

And we all laughed together, as if we were possessed by a demon.

And they cried a lot, and sometimes over trifles.

If they called mom, we were very ashamed.

Yes, friends, four years have flown by unnoticed:

We were only first-graders, but now we have grown up.

They grew up, grew wiser, like roses, blossomed,

We have acquired a lot of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Who brought you to first grade?

Who was worried about you?

Who collected your briefcase?

Was he waiting for you from school?

Children: Parents.

We wouldn’t have such wonderful holidays, crafts, and competitions if it weren’t for the help of our parents and grandparents.

Today we say thank you

Of course, to your parents too

Your care and attention and patience

They always help us like that.

But I confess with regret

We are deaf sometimes

We are here for your requests and concerns.

Doubts, sorrowful reproaches

A wall of misunderstanding suddenly grows between us

And sometimes it seems that she

Cannot collapse with a tsunami.

And we love you. Love you!

But we often keep our feelings secret

And sometimes only restraint

It prevents us from admitting it.

Dear mothers, dear fathers!

It's so good to have you around now.

We will share our joy with you, In life for us you are the earth’s compass.

After all, the most important thing for parents is their children!

We are grateful to you with all our hearts.

You moved from class to class,

You grew up with us.

Everything we were taught at school

You helped us manage everything.

We thank all parents

For their worries and concerns.

In our hearts we adore you

And we say thank you.

The floor is given to our parents.

U: Allow me to congratulate our parents on the completion of their studies and present them with thanks. (Gratitude presentation)

After such a touching moment, I think that you still have enough strength, love and patience.

We will have to take a parental oath from you that you promise to take care of your children, help and support them in all endeavors.

Parents' oath

And now is the most important, exciting moment.

We are presented with our very first document - a diploma of completion of primary school.

The floor is given to the school director: ..... (presentation of diplomas, certificates)

And now our students will take the oath of graduating from elementary school.

The teacher reads the oath, and the graduates repeat: “I swear!”

Thank you, our first teacher,

For your great work,

What they invested in us.

Of course, we are not your first issue,

And yet we fell in love with each other.

Vivat to all those who taught us! -Vivat to all those who united us!

Vivat to all those who fed us! -Vivat to all those who treated us!

Vivat to those who cleaned and guarded! -Vivat to those who wrote certificates to us!

EVERYONE - Vivat to everyone who loved us!

U: We say goodbye to school,

We are parting, alas, forever.

We'll meet again in September

There will be high school then.

The corridors become quieter.

You can even hear the beating of hearts,

Goodbye elementary school

We send you our farewell greetings!

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