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Congratulations on the year of the monkey. Happy New Year of the Monkey! Beautiful New Year greetings for the year of the monkey

In the Year of the Monkey I wish
To be happy and desired
More laughter and smiles
A lot of sincere postcards,
Fulfillment of dreams,
Interesting endeavors
Near those closest to you,
Happy Year of the Fire Monkey!

Let the monkey bring
Good luck and laughter for the whole year.
He will take you with him into the jungle,
Sorrow-sadness round dance.

May this year be successful
And of course it will be joyful.
All wishes will come true,
And they will be remembered for the whole year!

Monkeys on New Year's Day
Let's wish a garden,
Which has bananas on it
Pretzels and marzipans,
Cake, meringue and pineapple -
Everything useful for us!
Let the trees of happiness grow
And all bad weather bypasses!
To monkey children
We were the happiest in the world
Where are winter, spring and summer
Only joyful colors
Autumn is a gold reserve,
What will he think of us?
Happy New Year of the Monkey!
Let everything be without flaw!

Happy monkey jumping
Along the fluffy branches of pine needles,
Well, this of course means
What will fulfill your desires.

You ask her for everything you need,
After all, her year is coming
And live together with the monkey,
Only in joy and without hassle!

The year of the monkey is knocking
Hurry to open it for him.
Let the fairy tale come true,
Luck rushes at full speed.

Let the money flow like a river,
And they end up in your wallet.
Let there be a reason to smile
Success is warmed by a coal.

In the year of the Monkey I wish
Everyone should eat some bananas,
Go to the tropics, live,
Twist the tails of the macaques.

Take a running dive into the ocean
And scream like a baboon.
Climb a palm tree, knock down a coconut...
How can I say... Go wild!

Throw a party
Dance tap and lezginka.
Build a bungalow house,
Meet a huge elephant!

But don't forget to return home,
Get up when the chimes strike,
Say: “Hurray, hurry up, people,
Welcome the Year of the Monkey!

On this holiday - New Year,
Will bring happiness to your home
Cute monkey,
Funny, playful.

And wealth and luck,
And health and success.
This year they will definitely come to you,
And January heavy snow.

And champagne in glasses
Let it ring with gold.
And let the soul play,
Let the fireworks thunder.

Year of the Red Monkey
Let him send good luck,
Everything will come true, everything will work out,
So that it would not be otherwise.

May this year of the gorilla
Your strength will triple
Health will increase
And good spirits too.

Merry monkey
Let him fuss -
And joy and happiness
Your home will be enriched.

And the chimpanzee is wise
Will reveal all the secrets -
To all your questions
Will give sensible answers.

And important: baboons
Let them fill their pockets
Ruble currency
And also foreign!

This New Year of the Monkey
I wish you a lot of joyful laughter,
And let every monkey bring
A slice of the success pie.

Let the tarsiers replenish their wallet,
And the macaques won’t let you stand still,
The tamarins will bake you a pie,
Baboons will bring everyone's friends together.

Let the lemurs make your dreams come true,
Capuchins will improve your health
The baboon will relieve the emptiness of the heart,
Chimpanzees will save you from medicine.

I wish you a Happy New Year
He was affectionate in everything.
So that the result of the work does not become
Monkey's labor.

Let him not make faces at you,
Doesn't show tongue -
He will give everyone a wife,
And each - a man!

More relaxation in the area,
Where are the palm trees and water?
And live every moment like this,
May you always remember!

The year of the monkey is coming!
Brings a lot of joy.
May good luck this year
It will not let you down in anything.

May there be a lot of happiness,
The sadness goes away quickly.
I wish you the best
Happy New Year!

In the year of the Monkey I wish:
Lots of success
Peace and laughter.
Happy days
True friends.

Don't know sadness
Sing and dance.
Let the Monkey
Playful and bright
Happiness will bring
He won’t leave you in trouble.

Happy New Year.
We wish you happiness and joy.
And health and success,
No interference was encountered.

The coming year - Monkeys -
It will be very multifaceted.
Set a goal and go
And don't turn off the road.

May the Year of the Monkey be red
It will bring you good luck.
Will point you in the right direction,
So that your pocket is not empty.

So that peace, tranquility and harmony in the family,
Well, for doubly good health.
Let the whole year sparkle with joy,
So that I want to sing and have fun.

Let the cheerful ringing laughter
Running accompanies life.
Let him be kind, well-fed, drunk
New Year of the Red Monkey.

The Year of the Monkey has arrived.
The cheerful animal is full of strength,
He comes into his own
It's time to get down to business:

Bring happiness to everyone's home,
Bring health to everyone,
Top up your account and wallet
And bring joy for future use.

Let the Monkey love you,
Doesn't do any mischief.
She is loved by all the people.
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year of the Monkey
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let your cheeks be rosy,
And walks are good!

Let the champagne sparkle
Let your dreams come true.
Let everything come true
What are you wishing for?

In the year of the cunning Monkey
You can wait for anything.
But it’s too early to get upset:
Lions will roam freely.

Libra will weigh the pros and cons,
And Sagittarius will hit the target,
Cancer will not spoil its image,
The fish will not run aground.

Virgo will learn English
Twins will find girlfriends
Capricorn will become an artist,
Aries will travel to Luxembourg.

Aquarius will ride off to Nice,
Taurus will buy an island
Scorpio is having fun.
Here's a funny greeting!

A wave of positivity, fun and jokes
The Monkey will begin the year ahead.
I wish you many happy moments,
May you be immensely lucky in any matter.

Find the gift you want under the tree,
And at midnight, seriously believe in miracles.
A sea of ​​love and spontaneous surprises for you,
So that everyone wants to dance until they drop!

Snowflakes spin in a waltz,
And white and white all around.
Let the Monkey bring it
Happiness and warmth to your home.

Let the wealth not end,
Let the sorrows go away.
And it sounds without stopping,
The clinking of glasses that night.

Happy New Year! May good luck
Always accompanies you.
And leaving no traces,
Let the trouble go away!

The aroma of tangerines and spruce -
Everyone feels comfortable all around in the warmth.
Even though there are snowstorms raging outside,
The holiday is rushing quickly into the house.

The monkey will bring us happiness,
Laughter, fun and lots of love.
And the melancholy will disappear overnight,
The lights flicker playfully.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations,
Make a wish quickly
Open your hearts to bright feelings,
Open the door to miracles!

Date of publication: 05/16/17

Happy New Year of the Monkey!

With optimism and bravado
THE MONKEY is hurrying towards us,
By the ability to have fun,
He will reward according to his merits!
I'll make a wish for a friend
Everything he's really looking forward to
I'll season it with true happiness,
I'll give it to you for the New Year!

So unusual, very strange,
After all, it’s New Year, monkeys!
We don't know what to expect
But as always I will wish,
Success, happiness and goodness,
In the year of the monkey and always!

May happiness come in the Year of the Monkey!
It will warm you with warmth, dispel your sorrows,
It will beckon you with a dream, it will add good luck,
Bring fun and joy with you!
I wish you good health - let it only get stronger,
And may your wealth grow and not diminish.
Let life please you with beauty and luck,
Have a good New Year's mood!

Open the door wider,
Let the MONKEY into the house,
Let the fun come into the house
Happy New Year's snowstorm,
Cheerful ringing laughter awaits
And a big, big success!

Let the holiday that is called New Year
It will bring you a whole heap of happiness.
And the joy will be simply through the roof,
And let the whole world hear about it.
Let work wait modestly
While the planet is meeting the Monkey.
Let your personal world turn upside down,
And, as it should be, the New Year holiday!

Let the MONKEY be in the New Year
Will give you everything you dream of:
At least you eat a sandwich with butter,
But you fly like a moth!
May every day bring you
Love, luck, joy, happiness!
Victory, friend, in any struggle,
Successful steps overnight!

Let the Monkey this year
Will bring a lot of happiness!
How much snow is there outside the window,
So much warmth to your home!
How many light bulbs are there in a garland?
So much joy in your eyes!
How many bubbles are there in a wine glass?
So much luck in business!
How many guests are there at the table?
So much good news!
How many festive clothes
So many dreams come true!

With sparklers and firecrackers
The New Year is in a hurry to visit us,
Let only peace, love and happiness
The MONKEY will bring it to everyone!
Happy New Year to everyone today
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
May your wishes come true to everyone,
Warmth, love and kindness!

The clink of glasses, the crackling of candles,
The fresh smell of a Christmas tree
So beautiful on the table
Dishes and pickles!
The old year said: “Bye!”
The new one will say: “Hello!”
MONKEY, come in,
Try all the dishes!
We are celebrating the New Year
With joyful hope:
Let the earthly world dress
In light clothes!

In a red fur coat, with a red nose,
Grandfather is showing off in the cold.
In a hat, with a stick and a bag and with a drunken snowman.
With him is a red-haired macaque in heels and Snow Maiden on horns.
If you meet this rabble, it means New Year is coming!!! Happy New Year!!!

Hello, Grandfather Frost - a beard made of cotton wool,
When are you going to raise our wages?
Answer when we have peace and happiness
And will they leave every misfortune forever?
“What can I tell you? - Santa Claus answered, -
We need to sleep less, people! Get up at dawn
Take a break from screens, monitors and glasses,
Get ready to exercise and strive for your dreams!”
These are the wishes for the MONKEY New Year
Santa Claus will say it to you with a big bag of gifts!

The snow sparkles and sparkles
The white bush became the Firebird,
The yard is covered with snow,
It's bright in the house with the Christmas tree!
With a monkey on a branch
Santa Claus sits in a vest:
“Meet me! - speaks -
This beast now reigns!
Let him teach you how to have fun
And will save you from idleness,
Will give everyone dexterity, intelligence, ingenuity
And sports training!
Happy New Year to the entire planet,
Peaceful, clean sunrises to everyone!”

MONKEYS are a cheerful sign,
Nimble, cheerful, generally cool,
Likes to sit high
Look at the world with humor!
So all the grievances are gone,
Let's look at life playfully!
Peace and friendship to all peoples!
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Good luck to all!
Apartments, cars and dachas for everyone!
In banks of accounts indivisible
And with currency content!
Happiness and love to boot,
Always be on time for distribution!

And, of course, how to spend a New Year's party in the garden. We offer you a ready-made script for the New Year of the Monkey! Of course, it can be diversified with games and competitions, and wishes from parents and kids can be added. And congratulations in verse from the Host, Santa Claus and even the Monkey will not leave children indifferent!
This script will help you please your children for the New Year.

Scenario for the New Year of the Monkey for children

The host opens the celebration with the following words:

A wonderful holiday has arrived,
How everyone loves the New Year!
We are waiting for gifts and surprises,
And, of course, delicious cake!

Oranges, tangerines,
Multi-colored fireworks.
Wonderful Christmas tree with balls,
The symbol of the year awaits us all!

Year of the Merry Monkey
We will greet you with joy.
And now we’re all together, kids,
We have to call her.

Let us shout loudly, with the expression:
Monkey, where are you?
Come and visit soon
Have fun dancing for us!

The Coming of the Monkey

Having responded to the call, the Fire Monkey runs into the hall and says:

Hello, I am the symbol of the year,
Happy New Year, friends!
I wish you surprises
I brought you good things!

Bright New Year's dance
I prepared it for you.
Shall we all dance together, guys?
Shall we please everyone now?

The music starts and the monkey and the kids start dancing.

Monkey Verse

After the dance the Monkey says:

Soon the Christmas tree will be lit,
Who will light it for us?
Will Santa Claus come to visit?
Will he call the Snow Maiden?

He's lost something
Our beloved Santa Claus.
Maybe he went to Africa
And did you take my gift?

Come on, dear guys,
We'll call grandpa!
What is a holiday without Frost?
We will find him everywhere!

Everyone starts shouting in unison: “Grandfather Frost, come to us soon!”

The appearance of Santa Claus

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall and greet everyone:

Hello my guys,
I'm very glad to see you!
Happy New Year, dears,
I will create miracles for you!

I'll hit you with a magic staff,
Suddenly the lights come on
Those who decorate the Christmas tree
How I like them!

Santa Claus lights the Christmas tree.

Children recite their poems and sing songs

It's time to show what the kids have prepared for the matinee. Santa Claus says:

Maybe someone can tell me a poem,
Or will he sing a song?
Maybe all together guys
Shall we join in a friendly round dance?

Everyone recites poems, sings songs or dances for Santa Claus. Then, as promised, he arranges a round dance around the festive tree:

You all grab your hands,
Let's go around the Christmas tree.
Let's all sing a song together,
And let's decorate the New Year!

Children walk around the Christmas tree and sing the traditional song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

New Year 2016 wishes

Finally, Santa Claus addresses the patroness of the year:

Dear monkey,
Don't offend us all year.
Here's a bag of bananas for you,
Give them to the kids!

At this moment, you can give not only bananas, but also other gifts. It's time to say goodbye to the kids and let them enjoy the toys or sweets that Santa Claus and the Monkey have prepared for them.

In particular, this concerns the identification of a specific animal as the “patron” of the year.

In accordance with this tradition, the coming 2016 will be the year of the monkey, which promises a fairly large number of changes, if you believe the interpretations. This is due to the very essence of this animal: smart, dexterous, resourceful.

Monkeys have a lively, flexible mind, intelligence, and are able to adapt and adapt to almost any conditions. Among other things, they have a unique sense of humor! It is for this reason that funny and cheerful poems that will most vividly reflect the essence of the event will be an excellent choice for congratulations. And it’s also time to think about gifts,

including gifts for your pets - for example, making a New Year's toy with your own hands.

We all know - monkeys
They live almost without difficulty.
For them on the tree always
There will be ripe bananas.
What, not a banana? Then coconut.
She has a table and a house everywhere.
We often drag our lives
With effort and difficulty.
You are not harnessed for centuries.
There is work
There is rest, given by God.
In the year of the cheerful Monkey
May your life be easy!

Congratulations on the year of the monkey: short funny poems

Among all the folk and author's works, short funny works about the tricks of monkeys are presented in huge volumes. This animal, as a symbol of the year, appears in such verses as a little mischievous animal who is not averse to playing tricks on others, preferably in some non-standard way.

Playful pranks, generously flavored with holiday wishes and dressed in poetic form, will be an excellent way to congratulate you on the Year of the Monkey.
It is also interesting to highlight one well-known fact: during New Year's Eve, most people make a wish.

As a rule, everyone wants some changes in life, getting rid of problems, fun events, instead of the standard gray everyday life. What better suits such desires than the year of a funny animal that can not only play pranks, but also be extremely serious and collected? Isn’t this what many people are trying to achieve: a harmonious balance between the thirst for entertainment and hard work within themselves?

Small poetic congratulations on the Year of the Monkey are wishes to be able to be yourself in any moments of life: when you want to be weird or, on the contrary, make a good impression. If you wish, you can bring a bit of lightness into your life, add joyful events or learn to perceive the world more simply, which fully corresponds to the character of the symbol of the year.

Happy Year of the Monkey for lovers and loved ones

Partners this year can wish each other traditional words of love, happiness and health, or go a different route. As already mentioned, monkeys are mischievous and playful creatures. These qualities apply to all areas of life, and traditional interpretations suggest diversity in relationships. Interesting, sweet and gentle poems for loved ones will give you the opportunity to please your dearest people, show them your feelings and intentions, demonstrate your passion and sympathy.

In any case, the selected poems will definitely be appreciated, especially if you find congratulations on the year of the monkey with any characteristic features described. The selected work can either be read out during the exchange of gifts, or written in a New Year's card. In the latter case, short poems with heartfelt text will be relevant.


On New Year's Eve everyone will certainly
Big changes await
It's always been true
And now everything is unchanged!
After all, our year is that of the Monkey,
He will be especially zealous
Dynamic, fussy,
In general, the best, this one!
Congratulations on this year,
I wish the best for everyone
Happiness to you, all the best,
What else would you like...!!!

We wish you, monkey,
Don't take the bait
Be a little less eccentric
And be friends with reliability.

Achieve success without any problems
More laughter along the way.
To excite everyone around,
And in love, so that everything goes well!

We wish you a happy monkey year

Be strong and agile like an Orangutan!

Be brave and sedate like a monkey

And be as wise as a wise baboon!

Let there be money like bananas in Africa!

Let things go well at work.

And the main thing is that it is sunny at home

There is love and joy in the family, so that it lives.

Let the Monkey this year
Will bring a lot of happiness!
How much snow is there outside the window,
So much warmth to your home!
How many light bulbs are there in a garland?
So much joy in your eyes!
How many bubbles are there in a wine glass?
So much luck in business!
How many guests are there at the table?
So much good news!
How many festive clothes
So many dreams come true!

Let the Monkey bring you
In two thousand and sixteen
There are many beautiful, sweet girls -
And so that in reality, and not in delirium!

So that Lexus, Maserati and Rolls-Royce
We were languishing in the garage of your luxurious villa.
In short, let you live like this,
You will achieve everything! And so that there is enough strength!

Monkeys New Year
It will be a perfect year -
Only happiness, no worries,
Only this way - and no other way!

May this New Year
It will all come to you!
Just don't forget -
Lucky are those who are not lazy!


The snow sweeps away your sorrows,
New Year is knocking on your window.
I wish you, niece
There is happiness in life, as if in a movie.

May the Year of the Monkey bring good luck,
Let him not offend you in any way.
Remember that it cannot be otherwise.
May love enter your home forever!


The New Year is fast approaching,
Now the Monkey decides everything here!
She chases the sheep away,
And the ringing of hooves goes into the night...

My friend, let the plans that you make
Santa Claus will help make it happen.
Let nothing upset you again,
Everyone around you will love you!


Let the Monkeys New Year

Will bring a lot of laughter

Workdays will be fine,

In the family everything is stable and smooth,

Friends visit more often

Relatives warm you with warmth,

Eyes glow with happiness

And only from joy - a tear,

Words of recognition, compliments

They sound at you every day,

And let everyone be the envy of everyone

Success accompanies everything!


What a happy year this is!
After all, a monkey lives in it

She will help you in business

And it will bring a lot of happiness.

And I want to wish you

Don't be sad for a moment

Make plans for the city

Everything must be fulfilled.

After all, the Monkey helps

For those who dream on time!

Well, let everything come true

It’s just as it happened here

You'll have to try

And everything will come back in money.
Peace in the home and in the soul!

Everything is already coming true!


Monkey beast of love abundant

She does not tolerate timid phrases

Therefore, I wish it to be stable

And so that it happens 10 times a night!


My beloved mummy

I value you very much

In the year of the monkey, I wish you, honey

So that she is friendly with you.

Health, I want a lot

Wishing you always this year too!

Be happy, dear and contented

Let the monkey bring joy!

Poems for a group of friends

Both for young people and among older people there is a tradition of holding all major celebrations in company. Depending on many factors, these could be classmates, fellow students, perhaps colleagues from work, or just old friends. In any case, very special congratulations on the Year of the Monkey will be relevant for a large number of people!

First of all, funny poems are valued, and for an adult audience, most often, things with specific humor and jokes become relevant. The selected works can be used as you wish: for example, organize any competitions, adapting them in accordance with the age category of the participants. It would also be an excellent solution to choose themed gifts, focusing on the tastes and preferences of each person present at the holiday, and add cards with text to them.

Creative, sometimes bordering on the paradoxical, monkeys know a lot about entertainment, setting an example of how to have fun and relax. On the night when the New Year comes, it is worth adopting the useful qualities of this animal and having a truly unforgettable holiday.

As you know, there is a belief: “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” By diversifying the gala night with poetic works, you can be sure that future events will be completely joyful, will go smoothly and without problems!

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