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Happy birthday to mother-in-law. The best congratulations for the mother-in-law in verse and prose Congratulations on the mother-in-law's birthday

Happy birthday to you
And wanting a lot,
First of all I will say “thank you”
For my husband (that is, for your son),
For education, patience
And your blessing to us.
May everything be fine for you:
In career, friendship, personal life.
May you live many more years
And pamper and love your grandchildren.
Events of joyful and different,
So that every day feels like a holiday!

Today is a holiday in our house,
Your family is in a hurry to congratulate you.
Do you remember when with a bouquet -
For the first time, did I appear?

How I was scared of you - terribly,
I was embarrassed to say a word.
How you extended your hands to me,
They tried to seat me at the table.

Many moments have passed since then -
Now, you are my mother.
Live long, very long!
Your whole family loves you very much!

I don't have a mother-in-law in my life.
This term is not suitable for mothers!
You know, your cute silhouette
Gives all the most stylish ladies a head start!

You are beautiful, sensual, gentle
And luxurious... Know this, mom!
You are not afraid of obstacles at all,
You are our divine lady!

I wish you happiness for many years to come,
Let it keep pace with you.
Stay young always
With both soul and bright eyes!

Oh, where can I get worthy words?
Congratulations to dear mother-in-law!
To wish you on your birthday
I want to become healthier.
Live happily and without worries,
Only joyful worries,
Luck, kindness, love,
Despite any adversity.
May your soul be bright
And the eyes glow with happiness!

From the bottom of my heart I wish you,
So that happiness can be read in your eyes!
May life give you a lot of sun and light,
May your heart always be warmed with warmth!

I wish you health, so that you don’t get sick,
So that your wishes become reality,
I just want to wish you good luck and good luck
On this wonderful birthday of yours!

How many times have you helped?
They devoted all their time to us,
And everyone always understood
They saved us from divorce!
I can’t imagine life without you,
"Thank you!"
I will embroider you with silks!
You live to be a hundred years old
Enjoy your health!
And today in your honor -
Beautiful feast!

You have become dear and close to me,
Your every advice is important to me,
Whether by phone or by note -
All questions have an answer.

You are both a friend and a designer,
And a doctor, and a cook, and a seamstress.
I am grateful to you for your help,
My second mom!

I want to wish you a happy birthday
And wish you all the best in life -
Love, patience, luck,
Become a happy grandmother!

Good health, smiles,
And the money - so as not to count.
I also want to say thank you
For the fact that you exist in the world!

My dear mother-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you prosperity in life, not only financially, but also spiritually. Let warm words and joyful laughter always sound in your home, let every day be a holiday for your soul and an excellent reason to do something wonderful. I wish you the love of your family, a wonderful mood and good health.

Dear mother-in-law!
Today at this hour
Happy birthday to me
I wish that all your dreams come true,
So that your career growth continues to rise!
Even today I wish you
So that life is full of success,
Like a caffeinated cup of tea!

There are never many mothers in the world,
But fate brings gifts.
You are the mother-in-law, we are happy children.
And today all words are for you.

Happy birthday to you!
From my heart I want to wish:
Be healthy, happy, beautiful,
Don't get sick, don't be sad, don't suffer.

Let life be easy and calm,
Let your soul be full of happiness.
I will thank you for my son,
I am a happy daughter and wife.

There can never be many mothers in the world...
And without flattery I will say, friends:
I'm a daughter-in-law and a daughter, it's no secret,
I have two mothers now!

Always support me, you will understand,
Second mother, you are mine.
And you will find the right words,
Always give care.

You are the best mother-in-law in the world.
I love you very, very much
And from the bottom of my heart I tell you today
I want to wish you good health!

So that you are always happy,
So that the soul always blooms,
So that troubles and bitterness are forgotten,
May you never be sad!

Today our mother celebrates the holiday,
My mother-in-law and grandmother for my grandchildren.
We are indebted to her - I’ll say it straight out.
How much our own hands have done for us!

Let the mother's heart know no sorrow,
I ask fate to take care of my mother,
May she meet me for many years to come,
The woman who gave birth to a son!

I want to say thank you today
For the fact that you managed to become close to me!
For your son, for your Love,
And may I be your daughter-in-law, and you my mother-in-law,

But you and I have found a common language,
I want to bow to my mother today,
Let mom not be the first, let mom be second,
After all, you managed to become my dear mother!

I found the best adviser in you!
There is no bitterness or evil in your speeches!
And if we had disputes,
I want to ask you for forgiveness,

So that I don’t offend you with a dashing word in the future!
I wish you to shine like sunshine in the future,
And kindle us with this flame again,
Instilling Respect and Love into our marriage!

New Happy Birthday greetings to mother-in-law

Poems from my mother-in-law
We are always ready to devote.
After all, this is their immeasurable work,
What a troublemaker got married.
No need to worry anymore
And quarrel with my “little” son:
And where was he, and who was he with,
And where did he drink, and what did he drink...
A young woman will come to her mother-in-law -
The mother-in-law immediately melts with happiness.
Doesn't know where to sit,
Deciding what to treat?
You need to take care of your mother-in-law for this,
Give rewards for sons
And remember all their troubles,
Don't forget to visit them!

Happy Birthday greetings to beloved mother-in-law

Happy birthday!
I sincerely wish you
Many years, health, happiness,
Let bad weather pass you by.

You became my second mother,
Wise, kind, the very best.
Thank you for your son -
A real man.

Funny birthday greetings to mother-in-law

Dear mother-in-law, my wishes are simple -
To be on good terms with luck, like with a friend,
So that the family hearth only burns brighter,
And good celebrations and successful deeds.
On your birthday I wish you beautiful new things,
From family and friends - only kind words,
And surprise doctors with your health,
And achieve everything, and dream again!

Comic birthday greetings to mother-in-law

You can still argue with your mother-in-law
(Very carefully though).
If the mother-in-law says -
It's better not to contradict her.
And listen: she is
As you know, he won’t say it in vain.
The wisdom of life is full to her
Both accessible and clear.
At least write down for her -
And live by the rules.
How can she do on her Jubilee day?
Don't confess your love to me?
How can you not tell her directly:
“Live a thousand years, Mom!
Like a bright dawn
Giving us the joy of life!”

Beautiful birthday greetings to mother-in-law

There are never many mothers in the world,
But fate brings gifts.
You are the mother-in-law, we are happy children
And today all words are for you.

Happy birthday to you!
From my heart I want to wish:
Be healthy, happy, beautiful,
Don't get sick, don't be sad, don't suffer.

Let life be easy and calm,
Let your soul be full of happiness.
I will thank you for my son,
I am a happy daughter and wife.

There are never many mothers in the world
And without flattery I will say, friends,
I'm a daughter-in-law and a daughter, it's no secret,
And now I have two mothers!

A short birthday greeting to your mother-in-law

Our dear, congratulations,
You give the warmth of your soul.
Children, grandchildren, we wish you everything
Live many, many, many days.

SMS congratulations on mother-in-law's birthday

May the angels protect you
Let them protect your sleep and peace.

Let life go on, let work carry you away,
The snowdrifts melt from your smile
And luck follows you.

Short birthday greetings to mother-in-law

For the mother-in-law in full measure,
So that luck flows like a river,
Live, don't cry, don't be afraid,
This is the task.
Be happy on your birthday
Well, on weekdays too,
The most fashionable and beautiful
Looks like an actress!

Cool birthday greetings to mother-in-law

My mother-in-law is a wonderful person,
She will always come to my aid,
Let time have no power over running,
May youth continue to await you.
I wish you never to lose heart,
And not grow old, and become better,
And celebrate this birthday,
Like a young woman, frolic on this day!

Happy Birthday greetings to mother-in-law in verse

Friend, you are my adviser,
And they have long become like a mother,
And, hugging you by the shoulders,
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart

Peaceful female happiness,
Harmony without fuss,
Meet with family more often,
There is no need for resentment or need.

There is goodness and blossoming in the heart,
Excellent health, strength,
May your birthday be a joy
Inspired me for the years to come.

The mother-in-law is an important person in the life of every married girl, because she is the mother of her beloved husband. For this reason, the issue of choosing a congratulation must be taken seriously. The relationship between you and your daughter-in-law directly depends on the words spoken. And vice versa, the nature of the birthday greetings to the mother-in-law depends on the type of relationship.

If the relationship is warm and good, you can choose a comic form. If there is harmony and mutual respect between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, beautiful, touching congratulations are more suitable. In cooler or distant relationships, wise and philosophical statements should be opted for.

The relationship between the girl and her husband depends on the nature of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Therefore, it is better not to irritate your beloved’s mother once again, but to pleasantly surprise and please her.

No matter how good the gift is, the birthday girl will be waiting with special excitement for her birthday greetings. How the mother-in-law and her emotions will perceive the gift depends on the pronunciation of the festive speech.

The basic requirements for birthday greetings for mother-in-law are as follows.

  1. Intonation. It should be solemn, emotional, filled with the most sincere feelings. The pitch and strength of the voice is average. The pace of speech should be such that the husband’s mother can recognize every word.
  2. No mumbling. This will look like disrespect on the part of the daughter-in-law. All words are pronounced clearly and accurately.
  3. Facial expressions. It should correspond to the mood and character of the congratulation. When voicing a wise or philosophical speech, the smile will look ridiculous and stupid. But it will be appropriate for humorous or original statements. In the process of saying a touching birthday greeting to your mother-in-law, you are allowed to shed a tear to show the sincerity of your feelings. But you shouldn’t do this on purpose, because it will look strange and inappropriate.
  4. Facial expression. Must be happy and joyful, radiate positivity. The mood of the mother-in-law in some way depends on the mood of the daughter-in-law.
  5. Text of the congratulatory speech. The most important part that requires special preparation. The duration, nature and type of congratulations depend on the type of temperament of the mother-in-law, her relationship with her daughter-in-law and husband.

On his birthday, a person becomes very hypnotizable, i.e. the degree of suggestion increases significantly. Therefore, each statement is literally “superimposed” on the birthday girl. You should not allow frivolity, vulgarity, or caustic jokes, so as not to worsen a person’s mood!

A mother-in-law is a woman who gave birth to and raised a wonderful man. Mothers of husbands can be different - kind and sensitive, vulnerable and touchy, good and a little harmful, wise and selfish, sympathetic or pessimistic.

It doesn't matter on holiday! Even if the mother-in-law turned out to be an unpleasant woman, at least on her birthday it is better to forget about it and give her a feeling of celebration.

You should definitely wish your mother-in-law:

  • good health;
  • eternal youth;
  • real female happiness;
  • good relationship with husband;
  • a rosy and long life;
  • more positive emotions;
  • the fulfillment of all dreams that have not yet come true at this moment;
  • many healthy and beautiful grandchildren (especially if she has more than one son);
  • sincere, true friends, etc.

When congratulating, try not to mention the woman’s age. This may offend and offend her. As a rule, women who are 50 years or older do not want others to know their exact age. But this does not apply to anniversaries.


It will be appropriate if a friendly, trusting relationship has formed between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. The main thing is not to overdo it with a dose of humor. Remember, everything should be in moderation.

If you congratulate your mother-in-law on her birthday in a comic form, you can defuse the situation and set the guests up for a noisy and fun celebration.

Things to joke about:

  • appearance;
  • health;
  • life;
  • work.

Before pronouncing a comic congratulation, make sure that your mother-in-law will take it properly and will not look for an offensive hint in an innocent joke.

An example of a comic congratulations to the mother-in-law on her birthday:

Happy Valentine's Day, dear mother-in-law!

You definitely won't get bored!

Let us drink each other's blood sometimes,

But you never doubt anything!


Such congratulations should be filled with beautiful metaphors and comparisons. They can be presented in the form of poems or songs.

Beautiful congratulations are usually voiced on anniversaries, but if the relationship with your mother-in-law is really good, then why not please her once again with pleasant words?

Say a beautiful congratulation verse with a bouquet of flowers or a glass in your hands. This will give the image a festive look and create a favorable environment.

An example of a beautiful congratulations to the mother-in-law:

My beloved and kind mother-in-law,

With all my heart I congratulate you,

May 20 years come back again

I wish you a good life.

May there be happiness all year round,

I won’t exchange you for anyone,

Let there be the least amount of adversity!

Thank you for your loving son,

For a warm, delicious dinner on the table.

You, like a court princess,

Like a ray of bright sunshine in a window.

Let the tears be only from happiness,

Failures pass by

I sincerely wish you long life,

And let happiness resonate with the moon!

It is not at all necessary to deliver a congratulatory speech in the form of a poem. To give your words more sincerity and sincerity, you can express everything in your own words. Sometimes simple words are enough to say the most important thing and show the husband’s mother that she is a valuable person for her daughter-in-law.


The purpose of touching congratulations is to evoke tears of happiness and pleasant experiences. Words should not sound dry and strict. The main thing in them is sincerity and manifestations of good feelings. Don’t forget about facial expressions, facial expressions, and emotions.

Imagine that this is a sincere conversation in private and embody all your feelings and love into your wish.

Is there a mother-in-law who is loved?

The question, of course, is not about us!

My mom is unique

All congratulations are just for you!

You are my best friend

Extraordinarily beautiful and wise,

And our union is reliable, strong,

There is no me and you, there is only WE!

I wish you faithful friends,

Always love and be beautiful,

Get healthier over the years

Blush from compliments, be happy!

Wise and philosophical

If the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law are not on the best terms, you need to show at least a minimal sense of respect for your husband's mother. It is important to put all your soul and kindness into your congratulations. Perhaps, after such pleasant words, the relationship will improve, and the mother-in-law will become a true friend for the daughter-in-law.

Such wishes often begin with parables, instructive stories and sound in the form of toasts. They touch on important philosophical topics and talk about the eternal. Usually in the process they want spiritual enrichment, increase in wisdom and knowledge, and constantly remain in a happy state, harmony with themselves and the world.

3 examples of wise congratulations to the mother-in-law are presented in the table.

In proseMy beloved mother-in-law! You have already lived so much, experienced so much! They took everything from life, but never regretted giving anything to others. Don’t forget to continue to adhere to this principle, because you can’t multiply life by 2! And remember – it’s not harmful to want! Don't give up the opportunity to dream!
PoemLet the years fly by - no problem;

Time will heal the wound.

And let them go forever

Adversity, sadness, fog.

And what is light for the soul,

Let it stay with you.

I wish on this beautiful day that

What do you want for yourself?

Toast parableMy mother-in-law is a wonderful, wise and wonderful woman. And on this day - her birthday - of course, I would like to wish a lot, but I will limit myself to a small congratulation. May the rule of the letter “D” always work for you, my beloved friend: money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, deeds are brought to achievements, longevity and kindness.


Originality often lies not in the words themselves, but in their presentation. Girls who can sing beautifully prefer songs. Some stage entire theatrical performances that combine dance elements, songs and unusual images.

Daughters-in-law who are on very good terms with their mother-in-law first prepare video sequences with photographs of their husband’s mother at different ages, while simultaneously reading out the text of the congratulations. The main thing in such a wish is that the birthday girl remembers it and is pleasantly shocked.

Ways to send congratulations

It happens that it is not possible to personally congratulate your mother-in-law on her birthday because of the long distance, being on a business trip or vacation, or because of illness. But today this is not a problem as there are different ways to send wishes.

The 3 main and most popular ways to send congratulations are as follows.

  1. By SMS. Usually these are short poems for the mother-in-law’s birthday, in which the main wishes are succinctly written.
  2. By email. In addition to a text message, you can send a beautiful picture or animation. The best option is a gentle image with congratulation text.
  3. Through social networks or instant messengers. The most popular and effective option at the moment. You can send video greetings in the form of animation or record it yourself. It is possible to send a song, a beautiful melody. An excellent option is to make a comprehensive birthday greeting to your mother-in-law, which will consist of video, music and a beautiful picture.


Everyone knows anecdotes about the life of a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. However, most often these relatives get along well. But even if “the scythe found a stone,” you need to show respect in honor of the birthday. The daughter-in-law should think about congratulations for her mother-in-law in advance so as not to worsen the relationship.

Nowadays there is a wide choice of wishes - touching, beautiful, wise, original, humorous. The main thing is to present it beautifully and make the person happy. And, of course, remember that the tips presented above are only approximate, only you know what your husband’s mother might like!

Mother-in-law? No! My second mother, dear, caring, gentle and understanding, happy birthday! Good health, beloved, warmth, happiness, love. Let there be many pleasant events, and let all your dreams come true! Thank you for the man of my life - your son!

My dear, amazing, wise, beautiful mother-in-law, happy birthday! May your life be filled with bright, interesting, pleasant moments, and may good luck accompany you everywhere! I wish you to continue to enjoy your happiness and conquer the world with your beauty. Always smile and discover something new and beautiful every day.

Happy Birthday! I wish to retain in my heart the ability to perceive the world in all its fullness of colors, to remain beautiful and young, despite the years. Let every day become a wonderful gift for my beloved mother-in-law, and let only gentle and loving people be nearby. Health and good luck!

Dear and beloved mother-in-law, happy birthday to you! I would like to wish you only the brightest, most positive and brightest. May adversity never befall you, remain as wise and cheerful!

My wonderful and dear mother-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday. Let every day be wonderful, let not a single effort of yours be in vain. Always remain sincere and respected, loved by all of us and simply inimitable.

Let everything in your life, dear mother-in-law, turn out the way you want! Let the bright rays of joy, love and good luck warm your soul! I wish you good health, fulfilling hopes, radiant smiles and all the best!

Our dear and beloved, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on a wonderful holiday - your birthday! I sincerely wish you to bloom and smell fragrant, always smile and enjoy life! Don't forget about yourself and give yourself a break more often!

My dear, sweet mother-in-law, I congratulate you on your birthday. And may this year of your life pass in the rays of success, joy and happiness. I wish you to remain a strong and wise woman in any situation, and to flutter at home like a cheerful butterfly, inspired by pleasant worries and surrounded by the attention of loved ones.

Happy birthday, my sweet and dear mother-in-law! I wish you prosperity and peace, goodness in your soul and beauty around you. May life bring only light and joy, may every day be wonderful and cheerful, may your heart beat in the rhythm of happiness, may there be many tender words and warm meetings.

I am lucky to have such a kind and affectionate mother-in-law. I wish you a happy birthday today. I wish you flowers of happiness and love in the bouquet of your life, I wish that your heart does not know the reasons for sadness, that your soul sings the chords of joy every day.


From the bottom of my heart I wish you,
So that happiness can be read in your eyes!
May life give you a lot of sun and light,
May your heart always be warmed with warmth!

I wish you health, so that you don’t get sick,
So that your wishes become reality.
I just want to wish you good luck and good luck
I am on this wonderful birthday of yours!

On your birthday, I would like to wish you always a spring mood, impeccable well-being, sincere smiles and constant happiness in life. May your home never be visited by sadness and grief, may the flame of love and hope always burn. On this day I want to say a huge thank you for my husband, for your son, whom, albeit not without a bit of jealousy, you were able to give to me.

The mother-in-law is not a terrible villain.
The mother-in-law is not a monster, not a vampire.
Just a loving mother
What protects the son of the world.
My mother-in-law is my friend,
My guard who keeps peace.
She and I respect each other.
And I love her either way.
She is the dearest thing to me
On the wedding day I gave it away without tears.
For this, dear mother,
Accept this hundred roses.

To the best mother-in-law in the world, these words: Mom, on this day I want to wish you to celebrate your anniversaries many more times! And may you remain as beautiful every year! To tell you to become better is to say it without thinking, because there’s simply nowhere better! Happy birthday!

I will say without pretense,
You have become like family to me.
Thank you for your kindness
And know that I love you.

Live long, don't get sick,
Don't become hard-hearted over the years.
May every day be filled with happiness,
And let all your wishes come true.

My mother-in-law is like a dear mother to me, and also a faithful friend to whom you can trust your girlish secrets... Today I wish you a happy birthday, mom! I wish you not only unbreakable health and very long years, but also simple, feminine happiness, unfading beauty and a sea of ​​love, which you, with your kind heart, are more than worthy of!

I wish my beloved mother-in-law
Health for many years,
Let all sorrows, adversities pass by,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy and happiness -
And only tears sparkle from laughter!

My dear mother-in-law, you have become a second mother to me and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for my wonderful and caring husband - your son! I congratulate you and wish you never to grow old in soul, enjoy every moment you live, always be an example for us and your loved ones and simply be a happy woman! Happy birthday!

You are my second mother,
I love and appreciate you
Lots of happiness on your birthday
I want to wish you.

May your health be strong
Life is without sorrows and troubles,
And the Lord sends you
Live in good health for many years!

My mother-in-law is an amazing woman whom you can endlessly admire! She holds her house tightly in her hands, maintaining the fire in its hearth, and for many years now we have been happily living under the same roof, and how could it be otherwise! Your birthday, mom, is a great holiday for all of us, and for me it is also a reason to praise you, even though you are modest, and be sure to wish you wonderful spring-like happiness every day!

I'm very lucky to have you,
I hope you are with me too!
You and I get along in spite of everything,
I congratulate you with love!

I hasten to congratulate my dear mother-in-law on her birthday and wish her many years of health, so that her eyes sparkle with joy and happiness! Let all sorrows and adversity pass by and let the tears come only from laughter!

My beloved mother-in-law,
I wish on this day,
To rise again today
To a new level.

Let grace come
I wish you many years
I want to tell you, mommy:
There is no better person in the world!

You, mom, were able to do everything perfectly! Raise a son, arrange a comfortable house where he brought his young wife, and teach me, a very young person, all the tricks and wisdom of family life! You are a real housewife, I would like to become like you over time; and today, on your birthday, allow me to congratulate you and wish you the best! May a long spring and better years await you ahead, may you always be surrounded by a friendly, close circle of loved ones, because it is simply impossible not to love you with all my heart!


Children decorate the Christmas tree.
The holiday comes to the house again.
Happy New Year,
My dear mother-in-law!

May you be healthy all year long
It will get stronger every day!
I'm proud of my mother-in-law!
You are my second mother!

You are an amazing woman, and I am glad that you are my husband’s mother. On this amazing night, on the night of magic and miracles, I want to wish you endless happiness, harmony, joy and the fulfillment of all your desires. May the New Year fill your home with light, joy, positive emotions and good events! Happy holiday to you, with new happiness, with a new miracle!

Happy New Year and I love you with all my heart!
In our house, you are a support and a reliable helmsman!
They say that you can't get along with your mother-in-law
Only we live wonderfully in spite of slander
We divide our worries in half, everything goes well for us.
They say the mother-in-law is a stranger. No, they are not telling the truth!
I got used to calling you mom for your warmth,
And with all my heart I wish you good luck all year!

Happy New Year, my wonderful and dear mother-in-law. I wish that miracles in your life happen not only on New Year’s Eve, that your heart is always full of love and joy, that this year gives you happiness and good hope, and brings prosperity, harmony and peace to your home.

Between us are age and habits,
Between us is a husband, who is a son,
There are brackets and quotation marks between us...
In this abundance of reasons
Understanding is hard;
But you and I found a commonality of words,
And all that remains for me to say is:
Happy New Year, dear mother-in-law!

Happy New Year, dear mother-in-law! I would like to wish you more human happiness! Understanding, support, fulfillment of desires, inspiration, joy! Let them bypass bad weather and worries. I wish you a good mood, health, eternal beauty and charm!

Mother-in-law, congratulations
Your daughter-in-law from the whole family!
Let there be a New Year's mood,
And all the problems remain behind!

I wish you not to get sick and be healthy,
So that my son comes to visit more often.
Also, so that the pension is doubled,
So that the harvest at the dacha is generous

Happy New Year, my dear mother-in-law. I wish you health, prosperity, good luck and prosperity. May your cherished New Year's wish come true, may only good news and pleasant events await you in the new year.

I want to say thank you!
You for being so old.
You raised your son in the family,
To grow up - well done!
Your son has now become an adult.
He became my husband.
Adolescence is a thing of the past
Nowadays a young family.
Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!
With a new resident in the family!
And may it be a wonderful year!
Life is doubly beautiful!!!

Congratulations on Women's Day -
Happy day of smiles, love, beauty!
Let spring give hope to the heart,
May your dreams come true.

I wish you happiness avalanche
And I will repeat to you a hundred times:
It's very difficult to raise a man,
But you were able to raise your son.

Mom, they say, “a mother-in-law is someone else’s blood,” but you are dear to me, my dearest. Thank you for allowing me to be your daughter. From March 8th. Happiness to you.

Today everyone is in a hurry to congratulate mothers,
And I will now join these ranks.
But there is only a small difference:
I now have two mothers in my family.

One once gave life and a name,
She is grateful for her fate.
The second one was given to me by my wife,
With whom we created a strong family.

I want the sun to shine every day,
So that you do not know grief and problems.
To become more and more beautiful every day
And they never got sick at all!

Mother-in-law, thank you for your son, for being friends with me, for your wise advice that helps me become a good wife. Happy March 8th to you, dear.

My mother-in-law is my daughters-in-law's dream,
She is attentive to me, kind.
We solve all problems together,
You will always help in business.

I sincerely congratulate you,
Happy International Women's Day!
I wish you good health,
Let good luck enter your home!

Dear mother, happy holiday! I’m very proud of you, and that our relationship is far from the usual disputes between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. Health, happiness, love!

You gave me a man,
whom I love very much
And thank you today
I'll find a wonderful reason.

I wish you good luck in life,
Health, love, mood,
So that the heart does not know a single cry,
No troubles, no worries!

You and I are family forever,
And your grandchildren will be your support,
We will continue to try
May you be blessed with better years!

You are my second mother, my ray of light on a gloomy day. I would like to congratulate you with all my heart on International Women’s Day. I wish you happiness, goodness, health and always a full wallet. Bloom like a rose and give us your warmth. Happy March 8th to you!

Kind and funny congratulations in prose, SMS and poetry for birthdays, New Year, Easter and other holidays.

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