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Star, fish and cancer made of beads: diagrams and description. Beaded star - easy, simple and beautiful Beaded star pattern

Dear beadwork lovers, today we will share with you a master class on how to make a three-dimensional star from beads with your own hands using our weaving pattern.

Step-by-step weaving instructions

We all strive for races - poets, romantics and even pragmatists do not hesitate to look at the wonderful starry sky. And now, thanks to such a detailed master class, you have the opportunity to create such a small masterpiece. Well, let's start a new lesson, which is called - weaving a star from beads.

At first glance it seems that this is a very difficult job, but in reality everything is much simpler. This amazing star is made of ordinary squares!

So, let's weave our voluminous star from beads.

Step 1: weaving a ring

The first row of weaving starts with 4 beads. You still have time to decide on a color before we start making the first row. In this MK, the master decided that the corners would be highlighted in yellow, and the main color would be pink.

So, we have a nice ring of 4 beads of the same color, we can safely proceed to the second row. Here our main shade will come into play - we insert it between the yellow beads.

Step 2: Forming the Corners

On the third row we add two beads in yellow, these will be our corners, and with a pink weave in the usual way - through the beads. In the same spirit, not forgetting that there should be two yellow ones, we weave 8 rows. In general, there may be more of them, at your discretion.

Look carefully at the workpiece, and now fold it. It immediately becomes clear how the parts need to be sewn together to get a star. There should be 4 such squares in total.

In order for such a cute hole to form in the center of the star, it is better to make an additional row before stitching. More precisely, not quite a row - we weave as usual, only on two corners we add not 2 yellow beads, but 1, and on the other 2 corners none. In other words, you will get that the two opposite will have one bead, and the second will remain as they were.

Step 3: connecting the blanks

Now the workpieces need to be connected to each other. It is better to start from the top of the beam, gradually moving towards the center. Do not forget about the additional row for all other blanks, thanks to it the star will be voluminous and beautiful.

You can fill the product with cotton wool or padding polyester, and then your star will become plump and funny. In general, we got such a voluminous star made of beads. And if the verbal description of the master class did not seem entirely clear to you, then together with step-by-step photographs (star weaving diagram), the progress of the work will become clear even to a beginner.

We also bring to your attention several interesting options in video format!

A beaded star can be used as an ornament that can be used to decorate the top of a Christmas tree, as a pendant or in the shape of a star, or as a magnificent holiday flower called a Christmas star. In some countries, it is customary to have such Christmas flowers in the house during the Christmas holidays, or to hang large photos of these flowers on the wall. You can always complement it with other beadwork: or figurines that will complement your composition.

Bead weaving, or otherwise beadwork, has long attracted the admiring glances of people and arouses a desire to study its technique. This particular tutorial will teach you how to make your own star shaped beaded jewelry. This lesson is accompanied by a video, which we recommend that you watch without fail, as well as photos that illustrate the work process.

To complete the work, our first master class will require the following materials:

  • beads of any color;
  • wire 0.3 mm;
  • scissors.

Weaving an asterisk must be done in strict compliance with the pattern that we will now consider.

To begin, we collect 15 beads on one end of the wire and twist these beads into a ring. This ring will serve as the basis for our star.

After this, we string five more beads onto the second end of the wire. We leave the fifth bead aside and pass the wire in reverse through the fourth bead, bringing it to the side.

Then we string three more beads, and we also draw the wire in reverse into the last two from the place where the beads of our main ring were twisted. We get one end of the star. We need to make four more ends, because our star should be five-pointed.

The weaving pattern remains the same as when working on the first end of the star. We collect five beads again, leaving the fifth aside. We pass the wire in reverse into the fourth bead. Then we collect three beads and pass the wire in reverse into the next two loops of the main ring.

We repeat these steps five times until we weave all five ends of the star. At the end, twist the ends of the wire, and we can consider the star ready. This star can be used as a keychain, earrings, or even a bracelet if you make several of these stars and connect them together.

Video: Learning how to weave a star from beads

Well, now let’s look at weaving another star from beads and bugles, from which you can make a Christmas tree pendant. Such stars are very suitable as parts for bracelets, pendants or earrings. We will devote our second master class to weaving such a star.

A star made of beads and bugles is simple to make, but a special pattern is required. First you need to prepare the following materials:

  • red beads 12 mm;
  • white beads 11 mm;
  • glass beads 4 mm;
  • fishing line;
  • bead needle.

We string 12 white beads onto the wire and twist the ends of the thread, forming the main circle of the star from them. Inside this circle we must fasten one faceted large red bead. This design will become the basis of the star.

We continue to form our star, and we will do it in two stages. First, we take the thread out of one of the beads, and put on it a red, white and again red bead. Now we pass the needle into the hole of the bead, which is located one after the previous one. We get a small figurine, pyramidal in shape. We must continue this weaving in a circle until we reach its end. The result will be six such figures.

The last row of the star is made of glass beads. To do this, we draw a thread from white beads, which is the top of the pyramid, and put two bugles on it with white beads between them. After this, the needle must be inserted into the top of the next pyramid, forming the first ray of our star. All other rays are performed using the same technique.

When finishing weaving the rays, we need to secure our thread as tightly as possible. For this purpose, the thread must be passed through the elements of the nearest beam, glass beads and white beads. This is the white beam top bead and you will be able to attach the jump ring to it. With its help, you can easily make a pendant or earrings from our star. If you like a lot of volume, you can add three beads to each vertex. This will give you a cross at each point of the star.

We studied beading of two types of stars. We figured out what a beaded star is, what the weaving patterns are and the working technique. We remind you that you need to watch the video attached to this lesson, as well as the available photos.

Video: Cartoon master classes on beading stars

Beads are used to create not only necklaces and beads of amazing beauty, but also toys, souvenirs, handbags, belts and other elegant things. Beaded items can be a wonderful decoration for interiors and household items. The article describes in detail the production of voluminous products from beads on a marine theme.

Star made of beads

Even beginners in beadwork can create an original starfish from beads. Let us consider sequentially the stages of creating a volumetric star:

Volumetric beaded fish

Scheme for beginners. When completing the product you will need:

  • Golden colored beads. It is better to choose three different shades - the fish will look more impressive.
  • For the eyes, two dark beads.
  • About 3 meters of wire 0.3 mm thick.

Weaving begins from the body. To do this, cut 2 meters of wire and string 4 beads on it. The two things on the left are moved a short distance and, holding the remaining 2 beads, thread the wire through them in the opposite direction. As a result, the pair of left beads will be on top, and the other two will be on the bottom.

The second row is woven in the same way, but 4 beads are already collected on each side. The wire is tightened well.

Dark beads are added to the third row for the eyes of the fish. To do this, three golden, one dark and then two golden beads are strung on one end of the wire. The other end of the wire is pulled in the opposite direction, the edges of the wire are tightened and straightened.

The fourth and fifth rows are performed by picking up 8 and 10 beads, respectively.

To make a fish from beads, you need to decorate the fins. The upper fin will be larger, so on one side of the fish we collect 3 beads of the main color and two of a lighter shade. The wire is passed in the opposite direction through the bead that was collected first. The lower fin consists of only three beads.

The next seven rows with fins are cast in the same way..

It remains to cast on two rows to complete the body. For the thirteenth row, string 7 beads. At the next stage we form the tail of the fish. We begin the 14th row, picking up five beads. Then we pass another piece of thin wire about 30 cm long through them. The same piece is threaded through three medium beads. Tighten and straighten the wire. Now we have eight ends of the wire on which the tail will be made.

The wire pieces are separated in pairs. Select two wires from the side where the fish has longer fins and string 16 beads of the main color, 33 of a lighter shade and again 16 of the main color. The second end of the wire is passed through the entire row of beads, tightened and twisted at the beginning of the tail. The excess wire is cut off.

In the same way, three more chains are collected, slightly reducing the number of beads. All rows of beads are looped, secured at the point of transition from the body to the tail.

The finished figurine is straightened, the fins are tilted towards the tail, and the tail itself is bent downwards.

Beaded cancer

For weaving you will need approximately thirty-five grams of beads and No. 8, two black beads and wire. If you want the crayfish to look like it’s alive, choose beads of a brownish-green hue. Bright boiled crayfish will, of course, be red.

When weaving, a parallel threading method is used. Weaving begins from the head according to the diagram. The claws are woven separately and attached to the body. At the end of the work, 8 legs are attached.

The woven beaded figures discussed in the master classes can be used as decoration, for example, by making brooches from them. Two identical starfish can become original earrings, and a keychain with a goldfish will definitely bring good luck.

Having made several sea-themed products (goldfish, pike, dolphin, starfish), all that remains is to place them in a transparent container (for example, a round glass jar), add green beaded algae, and you are already the owner of an aquarium! And if you add lighting, you get an original lamp.

Attention, TODAY only!

In this article we invite you to learn how to weave a star from beads. Beads are a material from which you can weave various interesting crafts, products and even jewelry. The hands of craftswomen are capable of much, the main thing is to have imagination and creative thinking. If you still consider yourself a beginner in beadwork, then it is better to start creating your masterpieces with something simple. These can be various geometric shapes, flowers and chains.

To weave a star, you will need this list of the following materials:

  • blue and light blue beads;
  • blue glass beads;
  • wire with scissors and a piece of fishing line.

After you have prepared all the materials, you can begin the master class itself. Cut a wire one and a half meters long. Then string 7 blue beads and arrange them, leaving a few centimeters from the edge, as shown in the photo.

Pull the wire through the first bead to form a loop. Next, string 1 glass bead and again a blue bead. Return the edge of the base material by pulling it through the elongated element, as shown in the photo.

We pull the wire in a loop through the adjacent bead. Again, collect bugles and sky-colored glass. Repeat the previous above described manipulations 5 more times. After this, you should get a sun-shaped figurine, from which seven rays extend.

Then pull the base material through the near glass bead and blue bead. String the round element and make sure that the glass located in the center remains blue. The number of glass pieces should be five pieces. Next, pull the wire through the top bead of the adjacent ray. Repeat these similar steps 6 more times so that an outer ring is formed on the future star.

The master class will soon come to an end, as we just have to weave the last row of the beadwork. Collect beads in the following order: glass beads, then the blue element and again what was collected first. Pull the section with beads through the top of the adjacent ray of the star, as shown in the photo.

As a result, you should have a new element that has a triangular shape. You need to repeat these steps six more times so that the craft will acquire more new rays made by yourself.

The wire needs to be secured with a knot and pulled through a couple of beads. This way you will hide a completely unnecessary element. That's all, the beaded star is completely ready and can now be used anywhere. Take the fishing line and pass it through the round glass, which is located in one of the outer rays of the star, and then tie the edges of the fishing line. Such a star can become an original pendant around your neck or earrings, or maybe you want to decorate something with it, for example a New Year tree.

A beaded star is perhaps one of the simplest and cutest accessories that can be used as earrings, keychains and pendants. The lesson is quite simple and easy. The master class with video lessons is designed for beginners.

How to weave a star from beads

To work you will need:

  • beads (yellow, red, light green, blue, blue, orange, purple).
  • golden connecting ring 5 mm – 1 pc.
  • pendant mount;
  • cord with a lock;
  • colorless monofilament;
  • scissors;
  • needle for weaving with beads No. 12.

The pattern for weaving a star is as follows:

  • Wear 5 red beads. You close them in a ring and tie them;
  • Continue weaving: pick up one red bead at a time (number eight). Between each bead, weave in a circle. Attention: when weaving, it is important to take into account the size of the beads so that the product does not deform (see diagrams). For example: you model the 1st ring from number 6 beads, then weave number 8 beads into the 2nd row (see diagrams);

  • Next: get out of the beads number eight, put on two orange beads and go through the next bead number 8. So repeat the weaving manipulations in a circle;
  • Again, go out of the number eight beads and put on 2 yellow beads through the orange one. You return through the orange and red beads of the eighth number and so on in a circle;
  • So you will be able to make a row of light green beads, a row of blue beads number eight, and then a row of blue beads number ten;
  • Master class conclusion: add one purple bead at a time;
  • When working, be sure to use monofilament, otherwise the red beads will not withstand the number of passes (about 7 times you will need to pass through these beads);
  • All that remains is to put the ring on the last bead and put the pendant on the cord. As a result, you get a bright craft.
  • Of course you can change the color scheme to your liking.

    As you can see, you can create interesting and unusual crafts with your own hands. Use the video lessons presented at the end of the article to learn more about weaving beaded stars.
    In the next lesson we suggest making a fairly easy option. As a result, the star will turn out to be miniature, but multifunctional - even for novice craftsmen.

    A simple version of star beading

    All you need for work:

    • blue beads;
    • fishing line;
    • the needle is thin.

    Let's start our master class on making a star from beads:
    You string ten beads onto a fishing line, which you actually close into a ring. To do this, pass the needle in a circle 2 times in order to be able to fix the base of the figure with your own hands. See pictures below.

    You will be able to make a ring. Next will be weaving rays.
    String 5 beads on a needle, then pass the needle through the circle, but do not pass the needle through the first bead. It turns out that the first ray of light.

    You continue to weave. Carry out similar manipulations when weaving the remaining five rays of the star (see photo). If you want to get a larger figure, you should weave a larger circle - the base of the figure. Therefore, using such beading you can get more beautiful rays.

    That's actually the whole weaving process. Here it is very important to tie a strong knot at the end and carefully hide the ends of the fishing line. Remember that you cannot cut the line to the very root - otherwise your star will bloom.
    Finish beading: leave the long ends of the fishing line and pull them into the nearby beads. You cut off the extra piece of fishing line and you get a star made of beads, as in the photo.
    That's the whole lesson. Now you can weave more stars and make yourself a bracelet or pendant.

    Video: How to weave a star from beads


    Related posts:

    Beaded necklace: DIY weaving lessons (photos and videos)
    DIY beaded beads in training lessons (photos and videos)

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