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Happy birthday wishes to Pavel in verse and on the phone. Happy birthday greetings to the name Pavel on the phone Happy birthday greetings to a man Pavel

I wish you to enjoy life,
Ride on all-wheel drive,
Look at everything optimistically
And have a great time.

To be nature's favorite
Eat sandwiches with caviar
And drink luxury drinks.
Get everything from the first attempt.

The work is easy and successful,
Seven-figure salaries
In everything desired there are coincidences.
Dear uncle, happy birthday!

Congratulations, uncle, happy birthday
And I wish you long, bright days,
Peace in the heart, consolation in the soul.
Be strong and only young!

May success be in every business,
An evil word does not disturb the ear.
And let him live in a healthy body
Only a strong and healthy spirit!

My dear uncle! Happy Birthday! I wish you health, vigor and strength! So that every day brings you warmth and joy, and sadness and adversity pass by. Always remain so kind, wise and cheerful. I wish you, uncle, true friends and success in business. And may everything that you planned and strived for be sure to come true soon.

Happy Birthday
I am a man of one!
This is my beloved uncle
Here are the wishes for him:

I want health
It was strong for centuries,
So that there is joy in the house,
Peace, comfort and kindness.

I wish you bright sunshine,
A wallet full of money,
So that there is no sadness,
A whole bundle of happiness!

Birthday for a man
Doesn't bring grief.
More than a man's age -
The higher the authority.

You've achieved a lot,
It’s not in vain that he worked all his life!
Respected by the whole family
Uncle, sincerely yours.

You are support and support,
Always keep your word
An example for everyone, a shoulder for everyone,
We love you dearly.

Let your eyes sparkle.
It doesn't matter that the years are flying by,
The soul does not age.
Life is as good as before.

Happy birthday,
I want to wish you well,
There is a lot of happiness and health,
Never give up.

Live your life with dignity,
May all your dreams come true.
Live with a positive attitude
Never know trouble.

Finally, congratulations
From the bottom of my heart I want to say:
Be happy, dear uncle,
You won't know any sorrows.

Well, not an uncle - just a treasure,
He is always kind and happy to everyone,
Always be positive
Smile with all your strength,
Let the loot rustle in your pockets,
I was on vacation in the Bahamas,
Lyama had three in his stash,
I was grilling shish kebab at the dacha,
Had several cars
I didn’t get sick and didn’t grow old,
So that I can hang out until retirement,
And I had enough strength for everything!

Dear uncle, on your birthday
Please accept my congratulations.
And in a good mood
Celebrate your holiday.

May good luck and luck
They will always be next to you,
And dreams and inspiration
Will never leave.

Storms, storms and bad weather
Let them pass by
And the family shore of happiness
Gives joy and peace!

Congratulations dear
Happy birthday uncle.
On this day I wish him
Happiness and luck.

I wish you health
Never get sick
So that everything is perfect,
The rest is nonsense!

Happy birthday dear uncle,
By all of us - you are loved,
We congratulate you
Loving with all my soul!

Live a hundred glorious years
Without hassle, worries and troubles.
Gather guests to the table,
And, of course, don’t get sick!

Don't count your years
If you're sick, send them away.
Smile more often uncle
To make life sweeter!

Uncle, happy holiday to you!
Happy birthday.
Happiness, joy, wealth
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

May health and good luck
They never let you down.
Let it be great
Everything is always in your life!

Let adversity run away
Terrified of you.
May good luck and luck
Will be with you forever.

Voice greetings to Pavel on his birthday are a great congratulatory surprise for the dear birthday boy over the phone. Personalized audio congratulations, funny practical jokes and comic musical cards will give an unforgettable festive atmosphere to the hero of the occasion.

Do you want to beautifully congratulate your friends or work colleagues on their birthday? Send a cool personalized greeting to Pasha on his mobile phone. Such a pleasant and unexpected surprise will complement the holiday with pleasant emotions and vivid memories.

The congratulations site has prepared personalized audio greetings and audio postcards for the phone for Pavel’s birthday. All wishes are qualitatively voiced by real professionals in the parody genre and are ready to be sent to your friends’ cell and landline phones.

You can order a voice card for Pasha on your phone in a few simple clicks. To begin, select an audio postcard for Pavel and indicate his phone number. The next step is to set the delivery time and confirm the order via SMS. As a result, your friend will hear an audio wish from celebrities in the tube of his phone.

Meaning of the name Pavel: small, baby.
Origin of the name Pavel: from Latin paulus. The widespread surname Pavlov is derived from the name Pavel.
Boys will bear the middle name Pavlovich, girls - Pavlovna.
Relatives and friends affectionately call him Pavlik, Pavlusha, Pashenka, Pakha.
Men with this name are sociable, good-natured and unforgiving.
Beautiful birthday greetings to Pavel in verses that we have collected on our website will make the holiday even more fun and memorable. Holiday poems can be easily memorized or written down. Well, if you don’t have time to memorize, use cool musical greeting audio cards. The selected card will be delivered to the birthday person’s phone at the time you specify. Such audio surprises have become increasingly popular lately. Try it and see for yourself!
Beautiful and funny birthday greetings to Pavel will make the holiday even more interesting and memorable. Mischievous telephone pranks in the voices of famous politicians and pop figures will amuse the birthday boy and guests.

Pavel, happy birthday!
We wish you
Happiness and health
For another hundred years!
To have everything you want
It worked out quickly
So that it shines in your eyes
Happy light of love.

Pavel has a holiday, his birthday,
Let's go to him without an invitation!
He even women's whims,
Sees them as surprises!
I will say without concealing that Pasha -
Male strength, our pride,
And I have no doubt even -
He will continue to be the same!

Happy birthday Pavel!

Happy birthday to Pavel!
And I want to wish you on this joyful day
So that the deer from the fairy tale brings you happiness.
So that joy can be given by two faithful wings.
May love always be with you.
So that there is more good in fate.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Like ours, Pasha’s
Birthday is coming
Of course, we don't dance,
But the soul almost sings

May you be cheerful and carefree
It will be Pasha's anniversary,
The wishes are endless
Just like a series of rubles.

We are happy to congratulate you, Pavel.
And we say with admiration:
Meeting you is like a reward,
We all adore you.
Don't bow to sadness
And don't be sad in the silence of the night.
Happy birthday,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

Cool birthday greetings to Pavel

Today is Paul's anniversary
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Pour him a full glass!
And I will read my creation!

Flowers, gifts, loud laughter
Friends of smiles and recognition.
May your success be speedy
And all your wishes come true!

Please accept my congratulations, Pavel.
Today is your special day!
We wish you joy and mood,
And the clear sun above your head!
May the road be easy and bright
It spreads out before you on the way!
We wish you without care and anxiety,
You have a long way to go along that road!

Happy birthday Pavel poems

You can trust Pavel with secrets,
He will never betray you;
Will come to the rescue at any time
Or he will give good advice.
Has a calm disposition,
Always responsible in his work;
He doesn't forget to rest
And also remembers things to do.
Let Pavel have more
Good loyal friends;
May fortune love you more often
Throughout your entire life!

Funny birthday greetings to Pavel

Pavel, Pasha, Pavlik -
Today is your holiday,
Happy crane
Flies above you
Rainbow kitten
Caresses your hands,
Bird with a ringing song
He's in a hurry to visit us today.
I am these congratulations
I came up with it, love,
So that even for a moment
To please you.

Many years have passed since you were born,
And a lot of how I became friends with you.
Since then we haven't been apart at all,
We remain true friends to each other.

I wish, Pasha, good friend,
So that every day is only fine.
Let your wife warm your heart,
Luck sends new plans diligently.

Congratulations to Pavel in verse

Your celebration of life is pleasant for everyone:
He is at the right time and on the right day,
Relatives, neighbors, friends are in a hurry -
They are not too lazy to congratulate you.
There is, of course, a lot to wish for.
But there is still a priority:
Always good weather
The desire to live, create, fly;
Well, a lot of health, Pasha,
To be able to live with all this.

Happy birthday greetings to the man Pavel

Birthday is not a sad holiday,
This, Pasha, I definitely decided
The table is rich and tasty,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.

And the gifts are generous and heartfelt,
And your business and you are successful,
Let this all last forever,
And may all your dreams come true.

Poems for Paul's name day

In addition to the glorious name days,
There are many different reasons
May everyone be friends today
Suddenly they congratulated you.
Pavel, you will captivate with goodness,
And at the festive table
We love you, just know that!

Today is Pavel's name day!
There is no kinder man!
It's nice to congratulate him -
He managed to create a world of good.
Calm and safe with Pasha.
It's very difficult to offend him,
And why bother?
The one who can give happiness?
But Pavel can. He is good!
He looks like Santa Claus:
Loves to give gifts to everyone,
Cheer everyone up and make them laugh.
Today it's our turn!
And we will come to you with gifts
Thank you for everything,
Praise on your birthday!

We are sure that you managed to choose the appropriate version of the poems. If you have not yet made your choice, take a look at other pages of the site that are suitable for the topic. Yes, there will no longer be personal congratulations to Pavel on his birthday, but more general ones. But such verses may be more acceptable in your case. We also recommend sending an audio surprise to Pavel in Putin’s voice. We are sure that this will be an unexpected and pleasant surprise phone call that will greatly amuse the “hero of the occasion” and will remain in the memory for a long time. Try it and see for yourself!

Pavlik! You are my best friend.
I sincerely congratulate you.
And fewer storms and blizzards in life
I wish you my best wishes.
Happy birthday, Pashka, dear!
Good Siberian health,
May success follow you
May you be enveloped in love.
Know: in any problem I am with you,
Together we will always find a solution.
All the best, my friend!
From the heart, from the heart: happy birthday!

Pavlik, dear, happy birthday!
I wish you luck
I sent jam every day
To the village to your dacha.
Become the richest of all
Every day and year after year.
Let them roar and cry
Bad luck and adversity.
Let the blue bird smile
Prophesies a sea of ​​happiness.
Anything can happen in life -
May you succeed in everything in it.

From a friend of old Paul
Congratulations await you today.
And good wishes,
Birthday gift.
Friends will take a sip one at a time
For childhood, true friendship.
And they will remember their youth,
Fate is a harmful woman.
What can you wish for a friend?
Of course happiness, joy,
So that you never lose heart
And live in love until old age.

Pavel means "small"
But it's not like that at all -
Calm and sociable
Responsive good-natured person.
Loves creativity at work
Beauty connoisseur
He strives for perfection
And to the shores of dreams.

Your celebration of life is pleasant for everyone:
He is at the right time and on the right day,
Relatives, neighbors, friends are in a hurry -
They are not too lazy to congratulate you.
There is, of course, a lot to wish for.
But there is still a priority:
Always good weather
The desire to live, create, fly;
Well, a lot of health, Pasha,
To be able to live with all this.

Today, on this birthday,
Accept you Pavel as a reward
Words of recognition and admiration:
We are always glad to see you.
You always give us tenderness,
And at every moment, and at every hour.
Your ideas and thoughts are boundless
It captivates us all the time.
Your disposition is cheerful, lively,
Excitement in everything, and youth in the heart!
We reached out to you with our souls,
Forgetting about age with you!

We are happy to congratulate you, Pavel.
And we say with admiration:
Meeting you is like a reward,
We all adore you.
Don't bow to sadness
And don't be sad in the silence of the night.
Happy birthday,
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

Happy birthday to Pavel!
And I want to wish you on this joyful day
So that the deer from the fairy tale brings you happiness.
So that joy can be given by two faithful wings.
May love always be with you.
So that there is more good in fate.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Happy birthday greetings to the name Pasha on the phone- funny personalized wishes with a sound card sent to the birthday person’s mobile or landline number. On our website prazdnikopen you can order and send voice and music audio happy birthday greetings for Pavel directly by phone. A cheerful and funny musical congratulation to Pavel with a song in honor of his birthday, as well as a kind and heartfelt voice congratulation with the name Pavel in verse or prose by name, these are beautiful and unforgettable personal audio wishes sent to the hero of the occasion on his phone. On our service, birthday greetings for men from President Putin named Pavel are very popular, and of course, song wishes and parting words in verse will be a nice, sweet gift. You can send all mobile audio congratulations to Pavel’s phone immediately or at the specified delivery time of your voice or music card. Congratulate Pasha in an original way and surprise him on his birthday with such unusual, funny personalized wishes right over the phone.

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