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Happy birthday grandma is 91 years old. Birthday greetings to grandmother in verse

Today is a special day!
Certainly! Without a doubt!
At our dear grandmother's
Birthday today!

We hasten to congratulate grandma,
Wish you good health
And very, very affectionately
Hug grandma.

We wish you a lot of joy
And for very long years,
Live, dear grandmother,
At least a hundred years.

Grandma, I wish you
Strength, health, beauty.
Be young at heart
And take care of yourself.

Find joy everywhere
Smile and dream.
All the worries and fatigue
Let go of yourself.

Let this birthday
Will gather around relatives,
Their love and respect
The heart will be illuminated with happiness.

My dear grandmother! Congratulations, my dear, on your birthday! On this sunny and joyful day for all of us, I would like to wish you good health, vitality, a positive attitude and good mood. Be always as cheerful, kind and cheerful. May your heart, my granny, beat often only from joyful moments and pleasant meetings, may tears well up in your beautiful eyes only from happiness, and may your soul sing from delight and the miracles happening around you. I wish you, my dear, to always be surrounded by your family and loved ones, so that your care and work are appreciated and rewarded. Be happy, my dear grandmother, you deserve it!

You, grandma, are just class -
We have a super grandma!
Happy birthday
We would like to immediately wish:

Take care of yourself, dear!
Strength, health, beauty.
After all, you are young at heart,
So let your dreams come true!

Granny, don't count the years.
You don't know melancholy and boredom!
You will always be young
After all, the continuation of life is grandchildren!

Today is your birthday,
Congratulations to you!
Much health and love
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

And there is great love -
You love everyone and you are loved.
You are our pride, our honor,
We all need you so much!

I wish you a lot of sunshine
Peace, happiness and goodness
The best grandmother in the world.
Happy Birthday to You!

Mental strength and health,
Laughter, joy, love,
Respect, prosperity,
All the best in peace and beauty!

Let every moment be filled
It will be happiness, magic.
Warmth of loved ones and care
Keeps you warm day after day!

My dear grandmother,
There is no relative in the world like you.
Happy birthday,
I want to wish you soon
Longevity and happiness,
And health like granite.
And from all troubles and misfortunes
May the angel protect you.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
After all, not to congratulate is simply a sin.
Please note that these congratulations are
For the best grandma ever.

I want to say “thank you” to you
For everything you were able to give me.
You raised me from the cradle,
Words can't express everything...

You spent time with me.
You've been tired for years.
You fed me delicious food,
I read fairy tales sometimes.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Good health always
And many years of happy life,
So that you never get angry.

I wasn't worried, I wasn't sad...
And so that my grandfather doesn’t let me out.
Stay as sweet as you are.
I wish you happiness, blessings and strength!

Know that you are the best in the world,
We love you very much.
And today, on my birthday,
Let's say this without joking:

Grandma, you are just super,
Your pies are delicious
And also cheesecakes and buns
And, of course, pancakes.

Wish you good health,
We want peace and happiness.
For your love and affection
We thank you all.

Grandma's birthday
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Let health and mood
They will be forever good.

We wish you many clear years,
Various joys,
If you are young at heart,
You don't care about your age!

Happy birthday, Grandma,
Always be by my side,
Don't be sad, don't be sick,
Always receive guests.

Always be nice, cheerful,
And young at heart,
Long long life,
You will never know troubles.

Let them surround you
Children, grandchildren and friends.
You are an authority for us,
There is no such thing in the world anymore.

Thank you for adding holidays.ru to:

My dear grandmother,
God bless you!
I appreciate you, I love you with my soul,
I'm looking forward to visiting you soon!

I give tender congratulations,
In these wonderful words.
And thank you for everything!
And I want you to live forever...

I'll hug you, grandma!
I'll kiss you congratulations!
I wish you to be athletic
Actively drive away all ailments!

* * *

Grandma, my golden one!
I congratulate you today.
Let the years fly by, and okay,
The main thing is that we are nearby all the time!

Promise me to always be healthy
This is the basis of longevity!
There's nothing to worry about
May fate triple your luck!

Granny, all the years don’t count!
Smiling suits you!
Congratulations to you, dear,
I wish you to live without illness forever!

Congratulations to grandmother in verse

My grandmother is gray-haired
But he looks younger.
My grandmother is kind
But she looks stricter.

I love my grandmother because
That she is like a friend to me.
I love you for your affection and warmth,
Her magical hands.

And man has no relatives,
What is my grandmother?
Today, on this anniversary,
I want to congratulate

My beloved, dear,
My grandma.
Caring and simple
I want to hug you soon.

And wish that never
From your clear eyes,
A tear came out of sadness.
Would be proud of us

Your grandchildren, your children.
And so that, as now,
On your centenary,
You made us happy.

It is very touching when a small child reads this poem.

Congratulations to grandma
Happy anniversary to us!
Who brought her slippers
Who brought the flowers?

Shine brightly and brightly
She has eyes!
It will finally come true
She has a dream!

We will, we will please
We always have it!
This day will be remembered
By us forever!

Here she is smart
Stands among all
Make you happy with your glances
We all have to!

Long life and health
We wish
Surprise with beauty
You are our soul!

I'll look at grandma
And I'll say no
It's more beautiful on earth
"Girls" are nowhere!

You live and make us happy
With your kindness,
And we will be happy
Together everything is with you!

Grandma, grandma
I love you!
And this gift
I'm giving it to you!

Be kind to you, beloved granny,
There is simply no man in the world.
My eyes sparkled again,
When I wrapped myself in your blanket.

You create only comfort around you,
And I wish from the bottom of my heart today.
Let them sing shimmeringly all around,
There are hundreds of birds of paradise and cheerful ones.

Beautiful congratulations to grandma

What should I tell you, grandma?
Thank you for your kindness and education.
I would like to sincerely wish you again,
To be surrounded by understanding.

Please live a hundred years
In love, smiles and prosperity.
Without old age diseases, troubles,
So that everything is in order in life.

Who has the most delicious jams?
The best pancakes, pancakes, pies?
Granny only has, without a doubt,
Take care of yourself, dear!

Don't be sick, live as long as possible,
Smile, don't argue with grandpa.
May there be more happy days,
They didn’t bother about where the sorrows and illness were.

You always understood better than anyone,
My quirks, different quirks.
Sent there, where there was success,
And she helped right away when things were bad.

She raised me, pampering her a little,
I didn't tell my mom what I did.
I kiss your gray hair,
I wish you joy and a lot of strength.

You spoiled me from an early age,
And she always forgave my pranks.
Treated diseases, all sorts of troubles,
Grandma, you never lost heart.

Grandma, I want you to know
How much you are dear to me,
And never disappeared
A smile from a kind face.

Today is your birthday,
Let only warm words sound,
And joyful congratulations
Many hearts will be given.

I want you to be healthy
Never lost heart
And may, under the warmth of your roof,
It will be warm and cozy as always.

Granny, my dear,
Today is your holiday!
I will congratulate you in the morning
And I’ll be ahead of everyone, hurray!

I wish you many years
Not knowing evil diseases and troubles.
It's a pleasure to spend leisure time
And visit us more often!

My grandmother, my most beloved,
How good it is that you are with me!
I need you in all matters,
You have a sea of ​​kindness in your heart...

You will never scold me
If I do anything wrong.
Because you love your granddaughter,
As I do for you, my dear...

Congratulations to grandma to grandma to tears

Your golden hands can do everything in the world:
They bake pies and cakes, knit and cook.
They salt, ferment, steam, fry and also sew,
Creating endless comfort around us...

My dear granny, I bow to you...
You are like the kindest angel in my destiny.
Let me congratulate you, wish you forever,
To keep you healthy, smile at me!

My dear grandmother, I wish you the fulfillment of all your wishes.
How much warmth you brought into my life, taught me perseverance
in achieving goals, the ability to withstand life’s difficulties.
I know that you are the most happy about my successes. Wishing you

health and longevity, it is so important for me to feel your shoulder next to me.
I promise to always be your support and support, I will do everything to
you were proud of me. Your age is called the golden years
and let each of them be filled with cheerful laughter and quiet joy.

Let your optimism not fade away and let your loved ones be nearby.
Among your peers, you are always the youngest and most energetic.
What a blessing that we have you, dear grandmother.

* * *

Happy anniversary to our beloved grandmother and mother!
These kind, gentle hands raised more than one generation of our family.
The children have long grown up and started their own families.
Now the grandchildren are growing up, who are hope and support for our birthday girl.

Each of us remembers your kind fairy tales and lullabies during long sleepless nights.
Despite daily heavy worries about the well-being of the family and home comfort,
you have always been and remain friendly, attentive and affectionate.
We wish you health, prosperity, long life and always stay with us!

We are in a hurry to celebrate
Grandma's anniversary
There is nothing closer in the world
Human and relatives.
Be healthy, be happy
We brought you flowers today.
Gathered at the table set
The family so that grandma knows how
She is needed as she is loved
How can we cut off our road?
A piece of pie please.
We wish you happiness and peace
Days you meet more often
Dear guests.
Don't worry dear and don't be sad
You don't need to have anything in the world
Good reward.
Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren
Everyone is loved by you
And you alone are all irreplaceable.

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother, No. 86

We wish you health and joy,
Mental strength in reserve,
Thank you, dear,
For everything she did for us,
For tireless worries,
For a world of family warmth,
God grant that in everything you
And from now on she was the same.

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother, No. 87

Your gray hair and wrinkles
They only talk about wisdom.
You advise us the old fashioned way
Wear a warm sweater.
You knit mittens for us skillfully,
Sheep wool socks.
Dear, you can’t tell about our love!
Smile and forgive us for everything!

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother, No. 88

Kinder, more affectionate than you, granny, no,
You always surround me with love and care,
You know your own special secret:
You turn every day into a wonderful holiday!
I wish you good health
And so that the mood is wonderful,
May your life be bright and joyful,
and let there be a lot of happiness ahead, dear!

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother, No. 89

I'm standing with a bouquet of scarlet roses:
Happy Birthday -
Happy brightest day -
Congratulations to my grandmother!

Happy birthday greetings to grandmother, No. 90

Today is your birthday
Accept these words and wishes.
We want to wish you a lot, lovingly,
For the best grandmother in the world!
You carried wisdom through the years,
You endowed us with love for people.
We wish you to be healthy
So that you always have enough strength for everything!

Our dear grandmother, Happy Birthday! I cordially congratulate you on this holiday! I often think that if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have been born into this world. But life is so wonderful! Thank you for leaving a mark, including us. I wish you a cheerful and spring mood, as well as a peaceful sky and tranquility!

On your birthday, grandma
I wish with all my heart
Only super moods
Stay young!

So that your health is strong,
In general, live and not bother!
We have always loved you
Let's love for 200 years!

My beloved, grandma! There are not enough words to express all the words of gratitude and appreciation for our joyful childhood! On this wonderful day of your birthday, I wish you first of all health, and only then prosperity, joys and pleasures in life! I want these years to become some of the most enjoyable for you! Happy birthday!

Grandma, you are the best!
Happy holiday, dear!
Hear your laughter more often
I always dream.

And I want to wish you
Strength, health, happiness!
I’ll keep silent about the problems -
Let the bad weather go away!

Grandma, congratulations! I sincerely wish you good spirits, vital energy, and good health for many years to come! Please us with your goodies, smile and good mood! Happy birthday!

Live, dear, until you are 100 years old,
And know that there is no one better than You.
So that you are next to us
Today, tomorrow and always,
We wish to live without old age,
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness - without grief.
We wish you earthly blessings,
We know that you are worthy of them.

Grandmothers are better, I’m sure not!
Your granddaughter will not forget you!
The main thing is long and joyful years,
And everything else will happen!

May your birthday give you
Strength and health, of course!
Less worries, troubles in fate,
To please us forever!

Happy birthday! Grandma, thank you for all the warmth you gave us as children! Thank you for the delicious pies and sweets, thank you for spoiling us when our parents forbade everything! I wish you good health, unexpected pleasures and spring skies! Years suit you! Congratulations!

Congratulations to grandma today,
Like grandchildren, we sincerely want
We will praise her care,
We stand up for grandma!

No one will dare to offend
We will always protect you.
We congratulate you on your birthday,
And we want to see you more often!

We have a wonderful family
And grandmother is the ancestor,
And everyone in our family is friends,
After all, a wise grandmother is the boss!

We sincerely want to wish
May you be healthy, dear,
And flourish for a very long time,
Without losing your enthusiasm for life!

You, grandmother, and your kindness are from God,
May you have a lot of health,
Always be cheerful and funny,
The years lived are cast in gold!

Grandma, thank you
The whole family wants to say
After all, they couldn’t do it any other way
Happy birthday wishes!

Relatives, grandchildren, children
Congratulations with all my heart,
To the best grandmother in the world
Let great success come!

Our dear grandmother, the closest person,
And we know there is no one else like you in the whole world.

It doesn’t matter that the years fly by if your loved ones are with you.
A birthday is a warm holiday, all words are spoken with soul.

We now wish you only a good journey,
Be happy, smile, don’t be sad for a minute!

Dear grandmother, congratulations! Please accept my sincere and kindest wishes for health, happiness, peace of mind, prosperity and good mood for the whole next year! Over the years you become wiser and it is impossible not to listen to your advice! Happy birthday!

Bow to grandma, happy birthday,
Bloom and live for many years,
Always be in the mood,
Like a sunny spring bouquet!

My precious grandmother, happy birthday! It’s great that I have such a wonderful grandmother, whom I can always turn to for advice. Let your family and friends give you a huge number of kind words, smiles, tenderness and care! And you take care of your health and always be calm for us!

Happy birthday
We wish you all the best
To be loved and to love
And live to be a hundred years old.
Don't lose your beauty and shape
Be young all the time
Charming and normal
Be cheerful, mischievous.

Live for the joy of us and our grandchildren,
And also to great-grandchildren always,
When grandchildren become grandfathers,
Let's celebrate 100 years then!

Happy birthday grandma, dear, beloved!
A housewife who is needed by everyone.
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
Congratulations again on your glorious anniversary!

Happiness and luck! Live another 100 years!
You are the best, you will find the answer to everything.
With love and respect the whole big family
Kisses you many times, dear grandmother!

Dear grandma! For as long as we can remember, you have always been there, you helped us, you raised us, we shared our secrets with you, and at times you were closer to us than our parents. Today we want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you all the very best - health for many years to come, joy, happiness. You are surrounded by loving children and grandchildren, family and friends. May all your most cherished wishes come true on this day, and may all sorrows and adversities be forgotten. Happy birthday, dear grandma.

Let the caravan run for years
It will never touch you,
May the camp be built forever,
A smile warms like the sun.

We want to tell grandma
On a wonderful holiday - birthday,
Don't be discouraged in life
Cast aside unnecessary doubts!

Granny, give us some strong tea
And noble cheesecakes,
I can’t congratulate you right away,
First we want to eat!

Granny, dear, dear,
Congratulations today!
The path of sorrows bypasses you,
And the world will give you warmth!

Let there be everything you want!
And on your birthday
I want to congratulate you with all my heart
Your huge family!

Dear grandmother, from your grandchildren
The most ardent, big hello!
Happy birthday to you, dear,
May the Lord grant you many years!

Let your angel of the storm take everything away,
Always lights your way!
On our anniversary, our grandmother became
Even better than it was!

Grandmother, beloved and priceless! You are so magical! First of all, I want to thank you for your care, love, warmth, pampering and affection! Thank you for your wise advice, for always understanding us, young people, and for never being offended by the fact that we don’t call you enough. Know that we love you very much! Be healthy, God bless you! Happy birthday!

Grandma, happy birthday, good health,
To dance at all the grandchildren's weddings,
We are your family, we are all of your blood,
Always with you, you are a second mother!

We are all children of Mother Earth,
But these ones are born to order,
Even the years have not erased your beauty,
Rays of goodness come from your eyes!

Everything that fate gives you
The heat of summer, or the cold of winter,
Always with an open heart, life is a flight!
Light in the snow, fire in the realms of darkness.

I remember your affection from childhood,
So I happily run into the kitchen,
Today you have fun reading fairy tales,
Well, then you invite me to the table!
And you lead me into first grade by the hand,
Well, where else can you find such a grandmother?
You are the only one in the world,
My dear granny!
I wish you a lot of health,
And I promise to visit more often!

Today is my beloved grandmother's birthday! Happy Birthday, grandma! You are always a role model for me: smart, modest, beautiful, noble and meek! I never cease to wonder how you manage to maintain a flexible mind and youth?! Always be the same as you are! Congratulations!

Dear and dear grandmother! With all my heart and soul, I congratulate you on your Birth Day! It’s great that you were once born, and then, thanks to you, we appeared. Thank you for being a great mom, thank you for your kindness, patience and care! I wish you clear skies above your head, a calm but interesting life, health, good friends and a warm holiday! With day!

All the years are like pebbles
on the seashore.
I congratulate grandma!
And the holiday comes into the house!
With gifts and songs,
with fun and warmth.
It's so good that we are together
at the table today!
How joyful and festive
We lit all the candles!
And you appeared, grandmother,
here in all its glory!
And our house is like a gingerbread house,
there is a long light of happiness in it.
Live, love, be happy,
to be young again!

Congratulations to grandmother from grandson

We are all children of Mother Earth,
But these ones are born to order,
Even the years have not erased your beauty,
Rays of goodness come from your eyes!

Everything that fate gives you
The heat of summer, or the cold of winter,
Always with an open heart, life is a flight!
Light in the snow, fire in the realms of darkness.

Congratulations to grandmother on her 90th birthday

So that old age does not succumb,
Remained just as wise
To always love you
So that there is less pain in the heart,

Granny, happiness without size,
You have both kindness and faith,
Accept our wishes,
Your soul is becoming more and more beautiful!

Congratulations to grandmother on her 90th birthday

May God's mercy not leave you,
You are famous for your eternal kindness,
From all grandchildren - health, peace,
Let the sun shine above the earth!

Congratulations to grandmother 85 years old

Of course, you have a candlelit dinner,
Or maybe a noisy, joyful banquet,
You, grandma, are so lucky to have friends,
They simply don’t get any more fun and better!

I also tenderly congratulate you,
I want to say that I love you
May an angel guard your soul,
Thank you for your kindness!

Children's congratulations to grandma

It's our grandmother's birthday today!
And our grandmother is no more beautiful in the world!
And her cheesecakes and jam are the best,
And her smile shines brightest for her grandchildren!
And these golden hands are the most tender of all,
That they knit mittens, socks and sweaters,
They will always help us place commas,
And they will find treasured lotions for the bruise,
After all, our grandmother is a great sorceress!
He knows three hundred songs, two hundred jokes,
And he almost reads a hundred fairy tales by heart,
And she always has work to do around the house, -
We want to finish our poem,
Don't judge us harshly for our rhymes.
Granny! Grandchildren congratulate you on your birthday!
Live a hundred years, and, of course, be healthy!

Children's congratulations to grandma

What can I wish for you, dear?
Wealth or beauty?
Wouldn't it be better if in life
Will you always be happy?
So that there is no place for trouble,
And so that no one guesses
Which year suits you?
Take everything you can from life
Everything that is simple and light
After all, life cannot be multiplied by life,
And you are not destined to live twice.

Children's congratulations to grandma

Dear grandmother (great-grandmother)!
Don't count the years in vain,
Don't be sad that your temples have turned grey.
This always happens in nature:
This trail is left by snowstorms.
May your life be difficult
There was still joy and happiness in her.
Stay strong, darling, hold on.
They will bypass bad weather.
After all, your wealth is WE:
Daughter, son, grandchildren, great-grandchildren even!
You will live for a long, long time,
To babysit my great-great-grandchildren too!!

Congratulations to grandparents

Grandma, happy birthday, good health,
To dance at all the grandchildren's weddings,
We are your family, we are all of your blood,
Always with you, you are a second mother!

Congratulations to grandmother on her 90th birthday

Grandma, it’s warm and cozy for you and me together.
Then we’ll read a fairy tale and sing a song.
I want to congratulate you and wish you happiness.
When I grow up, I will read books to you!

Congratulations to grandma to the tune of the song

Grandma, I want to hug you
Thank you for all the good things!
Very often people say
I'm just like you!

Let tomorrow be a new day,
Bringing happy events!
Be healthy, always happy,
On your birthday, expect a tea party!

Congratulations on your 75th birthday to your grandmother

Years fly by silently
Like a caravan of birds of heaven.
And time rushes by unnoticed -
Don't be sad over trifles.
Don't be sad when you notice the changes,
When you find an extra wrinkle.
New days come to replace days,
And every age is good in its own way.

Congratulations to your beloved grandmother

You, grandmother, and your kindness are from God,
May you have a lot of health,
Always be cheerful and funny,
The years lived are cast in gold!

Congratulations to grandmother on her 90th birthday

Our dear, beloved grandmother,
Grandmother is glorious, irreplaceable,
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best in your life.
We kiss your tender hands -
With love, your husband, children, granddaughters.

Congratulations to grandmother on her 90th birthday

You do everything slowly
But - great! Stay straight!..
Grandma, you are so good! –
Only your mother can compare with you.
Hello on your birthday
And here's a big request:
Make everyone happy for many more years
Health, starlight from the eyes!
You, as before, are younger than everyone else,
Softer, stronger and more expensive!

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